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Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins::Dist - Packaging Cobalt plugins
Packaging Bot::Cobalt plugins is just like packaging any other Perl module.
Typically, the easiest way to do so quickly is via Module::Build. (For more involved distributions you may want to look at ExtUtils::MakeMaker).
(This guide only covers packaging plugins; See Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins for more on writing plugins and Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins::Tutorial for a walk-through.)
Create a dist dir for your module:
$ mkdir Bot-Cobalt-Plugin-MyPlugin
$ cd Bot-Cobalt-Plugin-MyPlugin
# create this dist's libdir:
$ mkdir -p lib/Bot/Cobalt/Plugin/
$ cd lib/Bot/Cobalt/Plugin/
# create your plugin:
$ $EDITOR MyPlugin.pm
Module::Build requires a Build.PL
Here's a simple one based around one centralized plugin; your plugin will need to declare a proper $VERSION:
## Simple example Build.PL
my $build = Module::Build->new(
module_name => "Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::User::MyPlugin",
dist_abstract => "My Bot::Cobalt plugin",
dist_author => "Me <myself@example.ext>",
license => 'perl',
create_makefile_pl => 'small',
requires => {
'Bot::Cobalt::Core' => '0.200',
Create a dist tarball: $ ./Build dist
Users of your plugin can install the distribution (and dependencies) via cpan
by unpacking your plugin dist and specifying the local directory:
$ cd Bot-Cobalt-Plugin-MyPlugin
$ cpan .
...or via Module::Build directly:
$ perl Build.PL
$ ./Build
# may need root access (or perhaps L<local::lib>):
$ ./Build install
App::cpanminus makes this even easier:
# Easy install via cpanm:
$ cpanm ./Bot-Cobalt-Plugin-MyPlugin-0.001.tar.gz
When your plugin is release-ready, please consider posting it to CPAN.
Configuration files
Bot::Cobalt comes with the cobalt2-plugin-installcf tool, allowing for easy installation of plugin-specific configuration files to user configuration directories.
In order to provide a configuration file installable via the installcf tool, your plugin needs a Conf.pm module providing a 'conf' class method.
Here's an example demonstrating using the DATA filehandle to provide an example configuration:
## In lib/Bot/Cobalt/Plugin/MyPlugin/Conf.pm
package Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::MyPlugin::Conf;
sub conf { local $/; my $cf = <DATA>; return $cf }
## MyPlugin example configuration.
- pie
- cake
Do_Stuff: 1
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>