IRC::Toolkit::Modes - IRC mode parsing utilities


use IRC::Toolkit::Modes;
my $array = mode_to_array( $mode_string );
my $hash  = mode_to_hash( $mode_string );


Utility functions for parsing IRC mode strings.

Also see IRC::Mode::Set for an object-oriented approach to modes.


my $array = mode_to_array(
  ## Mode change string with or without params, e.g. '+kl-t'

  ## Modes that always have a param:
  param_always => ARRAY,

  ## Modes that only have a param when set:
  param_set    => ARRAY,

  ## Respective params for modes specified above
  ## (or can be specified as part of mode string)
  params       => ARRAY,

Given a mode string and some options, return an ARRAY of ARRAYs containing parsed mode changes.

The structure looks like:

  [ . . . ],

For example:

mode_to_array( '+kl-t',
  params => [ 'key', 10 ],
  param_always => [ split //, 'bkov' ],
  param_set    => [ 'l' ],

## Result:
  [ '+', 'k', 'key' ],
  [ '+', 'l', 10 ],
  [ '-', 't' ],

(If the mode string contains (space-delimited) parameters, they are given precedence ahead of the optional 'params' ARRAY.)


Takes an ARRAY such as that produced by "mode_to_array" and returns an IRC mode string.


Takes the same parameters as "mode_to_array" -- this is just a way to inflate the ARRAY to a hash.

Given a mode string and some options, return a HASH with the keys add and del.

add and del are HASHes mapping mode characters to either a simple boolean true value or an ARRAY whose only element is the mode's parameters, e.g.:

mode_to_hash( '+kl-t',
  params => [ 'key', 10 ],
  param_always => [ split //, 'bkov' ],
  param_set    => [ 'l' ],

## Result:
  add => {
    'l' => [ 10 ],
    'k' => [ 'key' ],

  del => {
    't' => 1,

This is a 'lossy' approach that won't deal well with multiple conflicting mode changes in a single line; "mode_to_array" should generally be preferred.


Jon Portnoy <>