List::Objects::WithUtils - Object interfaces to lists with useful methods
use List::Objects::WithUtils;
my $array = array(qw/ aa Ab bb Bc bc /);
my @upper = $array->grep(
sub { $_[0] =~ /^b/i }
sub { uc $_[0] }
)->uniq->all; # @upper = ( 'BB', 'BC' )
my $hash = hash( foo => 'bar', snacks => 'cake' );
$hash->set( foobar => 'baz', pie => 'tasty' );
my @matching = $hash->keys->grep(sub { $_[0] =~ /foo/ })->all;
if ( $hash->keys->any_items eq 'snacks' ) {
A small set of roles and classes defining an object-oriented interface to Perl hashes and arrays. Originally derived from Data::Perl.
Some commonly used functions from List::Util, List::MoreUtils, and List::UtilsBy are conveniently provided as methods.
array is imported from List::Objects::WithUtils::Array and creates a new ARRAY-type object. Behavior is defined by List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array; look there for documentation on available methods.
hash is imported from List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash; see List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash for documentation.
Why another object-oriented list module?
There are a fair few object-oriented approaches to lists on CPAN, none of which were quite what I needed. Data::Perl comes the closest -- but is primarily targetting MooX::HandlesVia and cannot guarantee a stable API at the time this was written (plus, I don't need the other data types).
This module aims to provide a consistent, natural interface to hashes and arrays exclusively, with convenient access to common tools. The interface is expected to remain stable; methods may be added but are not expected to be removed (or experience incompatible interface changes, barring serious bugs).
Jon Portnoy <>
Significant portions of this code are derived from Data::Perl by Matthew Phillips (CPAN: MATTP), haarg, and others.
Licensed under the same terms as Perl.