Validation::Class::Plugins - Basic Instructions for Writing Plugins
This documentation serves as a brief overview on writing plugins for Validation::Class. Here are the key points:
When creating official Validation::Class plugins you should use the namespace Validation::Class::Plugin::YourPluginName. This will allow users of your plugin to simply pass YourPluginName to the load_plugins() method. Otherwise you will need to pass the fully-qualified plugin package name prefixed with a "+" symbol. The following is an example of including a plugin.
package MyApp::Validation;
use Validation::Class;
load {
plugins => [
# a validation rule
field 'login' => {
label => 'User Login',
error => 'Login invalid.',
required => 1,
validation => sub {
my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
return $this_field->{value} eq 'admin' ? 1 : 0;
# a validation rule
field 'password' => {
label => 'User Password',
error => 'Password invalid.',
required => 1,
validation => sub {
my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
return $this_field->{value} eq 'pass' ? 1 : 0;
Your plugin is loaded at runtime and can manipulate the Validation::Class object by declaring a new method. The following is an example of a fictitious plugin for formatting telephone numbers:
package Validation::Class::Plugin::TelephoneFormatting;
# hook into the instantiation process
# of the calling class at runtime
sub new {
my ($plugin, $caller) = @_;
# US Telephones
$caller->filters->{telephone_usa} = sub {
my $phone = shift;
$phone =~ s/\D//g;
my ($area, $prefix, $xchng) = $phone =~ m/1?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4});
return "+1 ($area) $prefix-$xchng";
Once we create, test and deploy our plugin, we can use it in our code as follows:
package MyApp::Validation;
use Validation::Class;
load {
plugins => ['TelephoneFormatting']
# a validation rule
field 'phone' => {
label => 'Telephone Number',
error => 'Phone number invalid.',
required => 1,
filters => 'telephone_usa',
filtering => 'post',
pattern => '+1 (###) ###-####'
package main ;
my $rules = MyApp::Validation->new(...);
# ...
Al Newkirk <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by awncorp.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.