Net::SMS::Genie - a module to send SMS messages using the Genie web2sms gateway (
my $sms = Net::SMS::Genie->new(
autotruncate => 1,
username => 'yourname',
password => 'yourpassword',
recipient => 07713123456,
subject => 'a test',
message => 'a test message',
$sms->verbose( 1 );
$sms->message( 'a different message' );
print "sending message to mobile number ", $sms->recipient();
my $quota = $sms->quota();
A perl module to send SMS messages, using the Genie web2sms gateway. This module will only work with mobile phone numbers that have been registered with Genie ( and uses form submission to a URL that may be subject to change. The Genie service is currently only available to UK mobile phone users.
There is a maximum length for SMS subject + message (123 for Genie). If the sum of subject and message lengths exceed this, the behaviour of the Net::SMS::Genie objects depends on the value of the 'autotruncate' argument to the constructor. If this is a true value, then the subject / message will be truncated to 123 characters. If false, the object will throw an exception (croak).
The constructor for Net::SMS::Genie takes the following arguments as hash values (see SYNOPSIS):
autotruncate (OPTIONAL)
Genie has a upper limit on the length of the subject + message (123). If autotruncate is true, subject and message are truncated to 123 if the sum of their lengths exceeds 123. The heuristic for this is simply to treat subject and message as a string and truncate it (i.e. if length(subject) >= 123 then message is truncated to 0. Thanks to Mark Zealey <> for this suggestion. The default for this is false.
username (REQUIRED)
The Genie username for the user (assuming that the user is already registered at
password (REQUIRED)
The Genie password for the user (assuming that the user is already registered at
recipient (REQUIRED)
Mobile number for the intended SMS recipient.
subject (REQUIRED)
SMS message subject.
message (REQUIRED)
SMS message body.
verbose (OPTIONAL)
If true, various soothing messages are sent to STDERR. Defaults to false.
All of the constructor arguments can be got / set using accessor methods. E.g.:
$old_message = $self->message;
$self->message( $new_message );
This method is invoked to actually send the SMS message that corresponds to the constructor arguments.
This method returns the number of messages remaining in your months quota. Only works after send_sms has be called successfully.
Ave Wrigley <>
Copyright (c) 2001 Ave Wrigley. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.