Trac::RPC::Tools - some high level tools to work with trac



* Get: 1) scalar with path to the directory to store pages
* Return: -

Methods gets every wiki page from trac and save them as files in the specified directory.

Method will die if the specified directory does not exist.

Method will create subdirectories if wiki page names contain symbol "/". So, if there are pages "login/sql", "login/description" method will make files:

|-- description
`-- sql

But there is a problem with this mapping aproach. In trac it is possible to have pages "login", "login/sql", "login/description". But in file system it is not possible to have a directory and a file with the same name. Method will die in such a situation. I don't know good solution for this problem, if you have any ideas, please write me.


* Get: 1) scalar with path to the directory where pages are stored
* Return: -

Method finds every file in the specified directory and saves content of that files as wiki pages. The method does not merge page changes it just rewrites the content. The method does not not process wiki page deletions, if there is not file in the directory, but there is wiki page in trac the page will be unmodified.