DBIx::ResultSet::Cookbook - Common recipes for DBIx::ResultSet.



Joins are currently not supported. This is mostly because SQL::Abstract does not support them, and I've yet to have the time or impetus to try and dig in to how DBIx::Class::ResultSet does it. Also, in many cases a subselect is a better choice.

Another option is to use DBIx::ResultSet's where_sql() to produce the WHERE portion of the SQL while still being able to write the FROM/JOIN portion of the SQL with raw SQL. For example:

my ($where_sql, @bind) = $users_rs->search({ 'u.status' => 1});

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq[
    SELECT u.user_id, e.sent_date
    FROM users u
    JOIN emails e ON (e.user_id = u.user_id)

$sth->execute( @bind );


SQL::Abstract supports subselects natively, and DBIx::ResultSet provides a very elegant way to use them:

my $emailed_users_rs = $users_rs->search({
    user_id => {-in => \[ $emails_rs->select_sql(['user_id']) ]},

The above example build a SQL query like this:

FROM users
WHERE user_id IN (
    SELECT user_id FROM emails

The SQL::Abstract documentation gives a few more examples of this. Searching for a backslash and an opening square brace "\[" will give you the examples.


See bindtype in SQL::Abstract docs. A way to easly integrate this with DBIx::ResultSet has not yet been developed.

Auto PKs

Reading an automatically assigning PK after an INSERT is not currently supported and there really is no easy way to do this at this time. To support this we'll have to figure out a way to use DBIx::Class' method of doing this.


Aran Clary Deltac <>


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