Catalyst::Response - stores output responding to the current client request
This is the Catalyst Response class, which provides methods for responding to the current client request. The appropriate Catalyst::Engine for your environment will turn the Catalyst::Response into a HTTP Response and return it to the client.
$res->body( $text | $fh | $iohandle_object )
'Catalyst rocks!'
Sets or returns the output (text or binary data). If you are returning a large body, you might want to use a IO::Handle type of object (Something that implements the read method in the same fashion), or a filehandle GLOB. Catalyst will write it piece by piece into the response.
Predicate which returns true when a body has been set.
Alias for $res->status.
Shortcut for $res->headers->content_encoding.
Shortcut for $res->headers->content_length.
Shortcut for $res->headers->content_type.
This value is typically set by your view or plugin. For example, Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple will guess the mime type based on the file it found, while Catalyst::View::TT defaults to text/html
Returns a reference to a hash containing cookies to be set. The keys of the hash are the cookies' names, and their corresponding values are hash references used to construct a CGI::Simple::Cookie object.
->response->cookies->{foo} = {
The keys of the hash reference on the right correspond to the CGI::Simple::Cookie parameters of the same name, except they are used without a leading dash. Possible parameters are:
Shortcut for $res->headers->header.
Returns an HTTP::Headers object, which can be used to set headers.
Alias for $res->body.
$res->redirect( $url, $status )
Causes the response to redirect to the specified URL. The default status is 302
This is a convenience method that sets the Location header to the redirect destination, and then sets the response status. You will want to return;
or $c-
detach() > to interrupt the normal processing flow if you want the redirect to occur straight away.
Sets or returns the HTTP 'Location'.
Sets or returns the HTTP status.
$res->code is an alias for this, to match HTTP::Response->code.
$res->write( $data )
Writes $data to the output stream.
Provided by Moose
$res->print( @data )
Prints @data to the output stream, separated by $,. This lets you pass the response object to functions that want to write to an IO::Handle.
Catalyst Contributors, see
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.