midgen - generate the requires and test requires sections for Makefile.PL


This document describes midgen version: 0.10


Change to root of package and run


Now with a Getopt --help or -?

midgen -?


midgen [options]


--help or -h

Print a brief help message and exits.

  --help           brief help message
  --output         change format
  --core           show perl core modules
  --verbose        take a little peek as to what is going on
  --parent         don't check for base|parent includes
  --mojo           don't be Mojo friendly
  --noisy_children show them as we find them
  --twins          show twins
  --debug          lot's of stuff
--output or -o

By default we output to screen in 'dsl' format, so you can check, copy and paste or select an alternative as shown below.

midgen -o dsl		# Module::Include::DSL
midgen -o mi		# Module::Include
midgen -o build	# Build
midgen -o dzil		# Dist::Zilla
midgen -o dist		# dist.ini
--core or -c
* Shows modules that are in Perl core
* some modules have a version number eg; constant, Carp
* some have a version of 0 eg; strict, English 
--verbose or -v

Show file that are being checked

also show contents of base|parent check

--parent or -p

alternative --base or -b

Turn Off - try to include the contents of base|parent modules as well

--mojo or -m

Turn Off - the /Mojo/ to Mojolicious catch

--noisy_children or -n
* Show a required modules noisy children, as we find them
--twins or -t
* Show a modules that are twins as we find them, and ajust for there parient instead
--debug or -d

equivalent of -cv and some :))

uses Data::Printer


This started out as a way of generating the core for a Module::Install::DSL Makefile.PL, why DSL because it's nice and clean, so now I can generate the contents when I want, rather than as I add new use and require statements, and because Adam kicked me :)


Kevin Dawson <>


none at present


Copyright © 2012-2013 AUTHOR and CONTRIBUTORS as listed above.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.