Astro::FITS::HdrTrans - Translate FITS headers to standardised form
use Astro::FITS::HdrTrans qw/ translate_from_FITS
translate_to_FITS /;
%generic_headers = translate_from_FITS(\%FITS_headers);
%FITS_headers = translate_to_FITS(\%generic_headers);
@headers = Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->generic_headers();
@classes = Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->translation_classes();
Converts information contained in instrument-specific FITS headers to and from generic headers. A list of generic headers are given at the end of the module documentation.
Some class methods are available
- generic_headers
Returns a list of all the generic headers that can in principal be used for header translation. Note that not all the instruments support all the headers.
@hdrs = Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->generic_headers();
- translation_classes
Return the names of all the translation classes that will be tried when translating a FITS header.
@classes = Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->translation_classes();
If arguments are supplied, the list of translation classes is set to the supplied values.
Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->translation_classes( @new );
- reset_translation_classes
Revert back to the reference list of translation classes.
Useful if the list has been modified for a specific translation.
- push_class
Allows additional classes to be pushed on the list of valid translation classes.
Astro::FITS::HdrTrans->push_class( $class );
The class[es] can be specified either as a list or a reference to an array.
The following functions are available. They can be exported but are not exported by default.
- translate_from_FITS
Converts a hash containing instrument-specific FITS headers into a hash containing generic headers.
%generic_headers = translate_from_FITS(\%FITS_headers, class => \@classes, prefix => 'ORAC_', );
This method takes a reference to a hash containing untranslated headers, and a hash reference containing the following optional keys:
class - A reference to a list of subclasses to try to use for header translations. This list overrides the default list. If left blank, the default list will be used, as returned by the
method. This is sometimes required to break degeneracy when you know you have a limited set of valid instruments.prefix - A string prefix to add to the front of every translated header name. For example, if this prefix is set to 'ORAC_', then the translated header for the instrument value, whose key is normally 'INSTRUMENT', will have a key named 'ORAC_INSTRUMENT'. The original keys will not be in the returned hash. If left blank, no prefix will be added.
This method returns a hash of generic headers. This function dies if the header translation fails in any way.
- translate_to_FITS
Converts a hash containing generic headers into one containing instrument-specific FITS headers.
%FITS_headers = translate_to_FITS(\%generic_headers, class => \@classes, );
This method takes a reference to a hash containing untranslated headers, and a hash reference containing the following optional keys:
class - A reference to a list of subclasses to try to use for header translations. This list overrides the default list. If left blank, the default list will be used.
prefix - A string prefix to remove from the generic header key before doing header translation. Why you would want to do this is if you've used a prefix in the
call, and want to translate back from the generic headers returned from that method. If left blank, no prefix will be removed.
This method returns a hash of instrument-specific headers. This function dies if the header translation fails in any way.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 487:
=end __PRIVATE_FUNTCTIONS__ doesn't match =begin __PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS__. (Stack: =begin __PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS__)