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Antsy - Streaming ANSI escape sequences


use Antsy qw(:all);
print bold, underline, text_red, "Hello", reset;


Subroutines to deal with ANSI terminal sequences. You can emit these without knowing what's coming up.

Yet another module?

There are several modules that come close to this, but so far everything is incomplete or requires you to know all of the upcoming text ahead of time so you can use of it as an argument to a function. I want to emit the sequence in a stream without knowing what's coming up.


  • bg_256( N )

  • bg_rgb

  • bg_black

  • bg_blue

  • bg_cyan

  • bg_green

  • bg_magenta

  • bg_red

  • bg_white

  • bg_yellow

    Make the background the named color

  • bg_bright_black

  • bg_bright_blue

  • bg_bright_cyan

  • bg_bright_green

  • bg_bright_magenta

  • bg_bright_red

  • bg_bright_white

  • bg_bright_yellow

    Make the background the named color and bright (however your terminal does that).

  • blink

    Make the text blink (however your terminal does that).

  • bold

    Turn on bold

  • clear_line

  • clear_screen

  • clear_to_line_end

  • clear_to_line_start

  • clear_to_screen_end

  • clear_to_screen_start

    Clear the part of the screen as indicated. Each of these start at the current cursor position.

  • conceal

    Make the text invisible (if your terminal handles that).

  • cursor_back( N )

    Move the cursor back N positions.

  • cursor_column( N )

    Move the cursor to column N.

  • cursor_down( N )

    Move the cursor down N positions.

  • cursor_forward( N )

    Move the cursor forward N positions.

  • cursor_next_line( N )

    Move the cursor down N lines, to the start of the line

  • cursor_previous_line( N )

    Move the cursor up N lines, to the start of the line

  • cursor_row_column( N, M )

    Move the cursor to row N and column M.

  • cursor_up

    TK: Fill in details

  • dark

    Make the text dark (however your terminal does that).

  • erase_in_display( [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] )

    TK: Fill in details

  • erase_in_line( [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] )

    TK: Fill in details

  • hide_cursor

    Hide the cursor. See also show_cursor.

  • italic

    Turn on italic.

  • reset

    Turn off all attributes

  • restore_cursor

    Put the cursor back to where you saved it. See also save_cursor.

  • reverse

    Use the background color for the text color, and the text color for the background.

  • save_cursor

    Save the current location of the cursor. See also save_cursor.

  • scroll_down( N )

    Scroll down N lines.

  • scroll_up( N )

    Scroll up N lines.

  • show_cursor

    Show the cursor. See also hide_cursor.

  • text_256( N )

    Make the foreground the color N in the xterm 256 color chart.

    This dies if N is not a positive number between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

  • text_black

  • text_blue

  • text_cyan

  • text_green

  • text_magenta

  • text_red

  • text_rgb

  • text_white

  • text_yellow

    Make foreground text the named color.

  • text_blink

    Make the text blink.

  • text_bright_black

  • text_bright_blue

  • text_bright_cyan

  • text_bright_green

  • text_bright_magenta

  • text_bright_red

  • text_bright_white

  • text_bright_yellow

    Make foreground text the named color and bright (however your terminal does that).

  • text_concealed

    Conceal the text.

  • underline

    Turn on underlining.

Character shortcuts

  • BELL - \007

  • CSI - ESC [

  • ESC - \x1b

  • OSC - ESC ]

  • ST - BELL or ESC \

  • SP - literal space

Editor-specific codes


iTerm2 supports proprietary

  • iterm_bg_color()

  • iterm_fg_color() OSC 4 ; -1; ? ST

    Returns an array reference of the decimal values for the Red, Green and Blue components of the background or foreground. These triplets may be 2 or 4 digits in each component.

  • iterm_start_link( URL [, ID] )

  • iterm_end_link()

    Mark some text as a clickable URL. OSC 8 ; [params] ; [url] ST id is only param

  • iterm_linked_text( TEXT, URL, [, ID] )

  • set_cursor_shape( N )

    • 0 Block

    • 1 Vertical bar

    • 2 Underline

  • iterm_set_block_cursor

  • iterm_set_bar_cursor

  • iterm_set_underline_cursor

  • set_mark

    Same as Command-Shift-M. Mark the current location and jump back to it with Command-Shift-J.

  • steal_focus

    Bring the window to the foreground.

  • clear_scrollback_history

    Erase the scrollback history.

  • post_notification

  • set_current_directory

  • change_profile

  • start_copy_to_clipboard

  • end_copy_to_clipboard

  • change_color_palette

    [key] gives the color to change. The accepted values are: fg bg bold link selbg selfg curbg curfg underline tab" black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white br_black br_red br_green br_yellow br_blue br_magenta br_cyan br_white

    [value] gives the new color. The following formats are accepted:

    RGB (three hex digits, like fff) RRGGBB (six hex digits, like f0f0f0) cs:RGB (like RGB but cs gives a color space) cs:RRGGBB (like RRGGBB but cs gives a color space) If a color space is given, it should be one of:

    srgb (the standard sRGB color space) rgb (the device-specific color space) p3 (the standard P3 color space, whose gamut is supported on some newer hardware)

  • add_annotation

    OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[message] ST OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[length] | [message] ST OSC 1337 ; AddAnnotation=[message] | [length] | [x-coord] | [y-coord] ST OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[message] ST OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[length] | [message] ST OSC 1337 ; AddHiddenAnnotation=[message] | [length] | [x-coord] | [y-coord] ST `[message]`: The message to attach to the annotation. `[length]`: The number of cells to annotate. Defaults to the rest of the line beginning at the start of the annotation. `[x-coord]` and `[y-coord]`: The starting coordinate for the annotation. Defaults to the cursor's coordinate.

  • hide_cursor_guide

  • show_cursor_guide

  • iterm_attention

    Play with the dock icon.

    • fireworks - animation at the cursor

    • no - stop bouncing the dock icon

    • once - bounce the dock icon once

    • yes - bounce the dock indefinitely

  • iterm_bounce_dock_icon

    Bounce the Dock icon, continuously

  • iterm_bounce_dock_icon_once

    Bounce the Dock icon, only once

  • iterm_unbounce_dock_icon

    Stop bouncing the Dock icon

  • iterm_fireworks

    Show animated fireworks.

  • background_image_file

    OSC 1337 ; SetBackgroundImageFile=[base64] ST The value of [base64] is a base64-encoded filename to display as a background image. If it is an empty string then the background image will be removed. User confirmation is required as a security measure.

  • report_cell_cell

    OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize ST The terminal responds with either:

    OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=[height];[width] ST Or, in newer versions:

    OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=[height];[width];[scale] ST [scale] gives the number of pixels (physical units) to points (logical units). 1.0 means non-retina, 2.0 means retina. It could take other values in the future.

    [height] and [width] are floating point values giving the size in points of a single character cell. For example:

    OSC 1337 ; ReportCellSize=17.50;8.00;2.0 ST

  • copy_to_pasteboard

    You can place a string in the system's pasteboard with this sequence:

    OSC 1337 ; Copy=:[base64] ST Where [base64] is the base64-encoded string to copy to the pasteboard.

  • report_variable

    Each iTerm2 session has internal variables (as described in Scripting Fundamentals). This escape sequence reports a variable's value:

    OSC 1337 ; ReportVariable=[base64] ST Where [base64] is a base64-encoded variable name, like session.name. It responds with:

    OSC 1337 ; ReportVariable=[base64] ST Where [base64] is a base64-encoded value.


  • badge

    The badge may be set with the following control sequence:


    OSC 1337 ; SetBadgeFormat=Base-64 encoded badge format ST Here's an example that works in bash:

    # Set badge to show the current session name and git branch, if any is set. printf "\e]1337;SetBadgeFormat=%s\a" \ $(echo -n "\(session.name) \(user.gitBranch)" | base64)

  • downloads


    The width and height are given as a number followed by a unit, or the word "auto".

    iTerm2 extends the xterm protocol with a set of proprietary escape sequences. In general, the pattern is:

    ESC ] 1337 ; key = value ^G Whitespace is shown here for ease of reading: in practice, no spaces should be used.

    For file transfer and inline images, the code is:

    ESC ] 1337 ; File = [arguments] : base-64 encoded file contents ^G The arguments are formatted as key=value with a semicolon between each key-value pair. They are described below:

    Key Description of value name base-64 encoded filename. Defaults to "Unnamed file". size File size in bytes. The file transfer will be canceled if this size is exceeded. width Optional. Width to render. See notes below. height Optional. Height to render. See notes below. preserveAspectRatio Optional. If set to 0, then the image's inherent aspect ratio will not be respected; otherwise, it will fill the specified width and height as much as possible without stretching. Defaults to 1. inline Optional. If set to 1, the file will be displayed inline. Otherwise, it will be downloaded with no visual representation in the terminal session. Defaults to 0. N: N character cells. Npx: N pixels. N%: N percent of the session's width or height. auto: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension. More on File Transfers By omitting the inline argument (or setting its value to 0), files will be downloaded and saved in the Downloads folder instead of being displayed inline. Any kind of file may be downloaded, but only images will display inline. Any image format that macOS supports will display inline, including PDF, PICT, EPS, or any number of bitmap data formats (PNG, GIF, etc.). A new menu item titled Downloads will be added to the menu bar after a download begins, where progress can be monitored and the file can be located, opened, or removed.

    If the file's size exceeds the declared size, the transfer may be canceled. This is a security measure to prevent a download gone wrong from using unbounded memory.

  • uploads

    To request the user select one or more files to upload, send:

    OSC 1337 ; RequestUpload=format=[type] ST In the future the [type] may be configurable, but for now it must always be tgz, which is a tar and gzipped file.

    When iTerm2 receives this it will respond with a status of ok or abort followed by a newline. If the status is ok then it will be followed by a base-64 encoded tar.gz file.

    If the user selects multiple files they will be placed in a directory within the tar file.

  • set_touchbar_key_levels

    You can configure touch bar key labels for function keys and for the "status" button. The code used is:

    OSC 1337 ; SetKeyLabel=[key]=[value] ST Where [key] is one of F1, F2, ..., F24, to adjust a function key label; or it can be status to adjust the touch bar status button. You can also save and restore sets of key labels using a stack. To push the current key labels on the stack use:

    OSC 1337 ; PushKeyLabels ST To pop them:

    OSC 1337 ; PopKeyLabels ST You can optionally label the entry in the stack when you push so that pop will pop multiple sets of key labels if needed. This is useful if a program crashes or an ssh session exits unexpectedly. The corresponding codes with labels are:

    OSC 1337 ; PushKeyLabels=[label] ST OSC 1337 ; PopKeyLabels=[label] ST Where [label] is an ASCII string that works best if it is unique in the stack.

  • unicode_version

    iTerm2 by default uses Unicode 9's width tables. The user can opt to use Unicode 8's tables with a preference (for backward compatibility with older locale databases). Since not all apps will be updated at the same time, you can tell iTerm2 to use a particular set of width tables with:

    OSC 1337 ; UnicodeVersion=[n] ST Where [n] is 8 or 9

    You can push the current value on a stack and pop it off to return to the previous value by setting n to push or pop. Optionally, you may affix a label after push by setting n to something like push mylabel. This attaches a label to that stack entry. When you pop the same label, entries will be popped until that one is found. Set n to pop mylabel to effect this. This is useful if a program crashes or an ssh session ends unexpectedly.


  • Everything you never wanted to know about ANSI escape codes https://notes.burke.libbey.me/ansi-escape-codes/

  • https://gist.github.com/fnky/458719343aabd01cfb17a3a4f7296797

  • iTerm2 ANSI codes https://iterm2.com/documentation-escape-codes.html


This source is in Github:


brian d foy, <briandfoy@pobox.com>


Copyright © 2021-2025, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.

You may redistribute this under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.