paper-wallet - Script to generate a paper wallet file


paper-wallet [OPTIONS]


-a, --auto

Generate entropy automatically using cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator.

-o, --stdout

Do not print to file, use standard output instead. The script will not behave interactively and instead will wait for data on standard input without prompting anything. Best used with --auto and a single standard input line for password, or two lines: one for entropy, one for password

-f [FILE], --file [FILE]

Specify filename to print to - default is wallet.txt. Has no effect if --stdout is passed.

-h, --help

Show this help message.


This script will generate a file in your current working directory that contains Bitcoin wallet details ready to be printed or stored on a flash drive. This file must not exist already or the script will fail (to ensure that you don't override your previously generated wallet that you might have already used).

This is intended to be used as cold storage (Bitcoin wallet which does not have active connection to the Internet). The generation should best take place while being offline.

The script will interactively ask for wallet password and entropy (random data that secures your funds). If you don't have any means to generate random data, like rolling dice, or you don't know how to properly do so (to ensure large enough entropy), it is recommended to use the --auto flag, which will use secure random generators to do it for you. Password can be skipped by hitting enter, but it is not recommended to do so. Remember that there is no way to restore your password, so make sure you won't lose it.

After printing, you can cut off the top section (mnemonic seed) and store it apart from the addresses for safety.