Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::ExtPrivate - Bitcoin extended private keys


use Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::ExtPrivate;

# generate mnemonic words first
my $mnemonic = Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::ExtPrivate->generate_mnemonic;
print "Your mnemonic is: $mnemonic";

# create ExtPrivateKey from mnemonic (without password)
my $key = Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::ExtPrivate->from_mnemonic($mnemonic);
my $ser_key = $key->to_serialized_base58;
print "Your exported master key is: $ser_key";

# derive child private key
my $path = "m/0'";
my $child_key = $key->derive_key($path);
my $ser_child_key = $child_key->to_serialized_base58;
print "Your exported $path child key is: $ser_child_key";

# create basic keypair
my $basic_private = $child_key->get_basic_key;
my $basic_public = $child_key->get_public_key->get_basic_key;


This class allows you to create an extended private key instance.

You can use an extended private key to:

  • generate extended public keys

  • derive extended keys using a path

  • restore keys from mnemonic codes, seeds and base58 format

see Bitcoin::Crypto::Network if you want to work with other networks than Bitcoin Mainnet.



$mnemonic = $class->generate_mnemonic($len = 128, $lang = "en")

Generates a new mnemonic code using Bytes::Random::Secure. Default entropy is 128 bits. With $len this can be changed to up to 256 bits with 32 bit step.

Other languages than english require additional modules for Bitcoin::BIP39.

Returns newly generated BIP39 mnemonic string. Dies when $len is invalid (under 128, above 256 or not divisible by 32).

In some environments a problem may be encountered that causes the secure random bytes generator to block the program execution (See "BLOCKING ENTROPY SOURCE" in Bytes::Random::Secure). In this case you can use mnemonic_from_entropy and pass in entropy generated by Bytes::Random::Secure in non-blocking mode (via the OO interface).


$mnemonic = $class->mnemonic_from_entropy($bytes, $lang = "en")

Generates a new mnemonic code from custom entropy given in $bytes (a bytestring). This entropy should be of the same bit size as in "generate_mnemonic". Returns newly generated BIP39 mnemonic string.

This can be useful to avoid relying on the underlying implementation of Bitcoin::BIP39.

Another use would be implementing one's own entropy source that can be truly random, not just cryptographically-secure. A popular example would be capturing user's mouse movements.

Be aware that the method you use to generate a mnemonic will be a very important factor in your key's security. If possible, use real sources of randomness (not pseudo-random) or a cryptographically secure pseduo-random number generator like the one used by Bytes::Random::Secure.


$key_object = $class->from_mnemonic($mnemonic, $password = "", $lang = undef)

Creates a new key from given mnemonic and password.

Note that technically any password is correct and there's no way to tell if it was mistaken.

If you need to validate if $mnemonic is a valid mnemonic you should specify $lang, e.g. "en".

If no $lang is given then any string passed as $mnemonic will produce a valid key.

Returns a new instance of this class.

Important note about unicode: this function only accepts UTF8-decoded strings (both $mnemonic and $password), but can't detect whether it got it or not. This will only become a problem if you use non-ascii mnemonic and/or password. If there's a possibility of non-ascii, always use utf8 and set binmodes to get decoded (wide) characters to avoid problems recovering your wallet.


$key_object = $class->from_seed($seed)

Creates and returns a new key from seed, which can be any data of any length. $seed is expected to be a byte string.


$key_object = $class->from_hex_seed($seed)

Same as from_seed, but $seed is treated as hex string.


$serialized = $object->to_serialized()

Returns the key serialized in format specified in BIP32 as byte string.


$serialized_base58 = $object->to_serialized_base58()

Behaves the same as to_serialized, but performs Base58Check encoding on the resulting byte string.


$key_object = $class->from_serialized($serialized, $network = undef)

Tries to unserialize byte string $serialized with format specified in BIP32.

Dies on errors. If multiple networks match serialized data specify $network manually (id of the network) to avoid exception.


$key_object = $class->from_serialized_base58($base58, $network = undef)

Same as from_serialized, but performs Base58Check decoding on $base58 argument.


$key_object = $object->set_network($val)

Change key's network state to $val. It can be either network name present in Bitcoin::Crypto::Network package or an instance of this class.

Returns current key instance.


$public_key_object = $object->get_public_key()

Returns instance of Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::ExtPublic generated from the private key.


$basic_key_object = $object->get_basic_key()

Returns the key in basic format: Bitcoin::Crypto::Key::Private


$derived_key_object = $object->derive_key($path)

Performs extended key derivation as specified in BIP32 on the current key with $path. Dies on error.

See BIP32 document for details on derivation paths and methods.

Returns a new extended key instance - result of a derivation.


$derived_key_object = $object->derive_key_bip44(%data)

A helper that constructs a Bitcoin::Crypto::BIP44 path from %data and calls "derive_key" with it. Refer to "PROPERTIES" in Bitcoin::Crypto::BIP44 to see what you can include in %data.

Note: coin_type parameter will be ignored, and the current network configuration set in the extended key will be used.


$fingerprint = $object->get_fingerprint($len = 4)

Returns a fingerprint of the extended key of $len length (byte string)


This module throws an instance of Bitcoin::Crypto::Exception if it encounters an error. It can produce the following error types from the Bitcoin::Crypto::Exception namespace:

  • MnemonicGenerate - mnemonic couldn't be generated correctly

  • MnemonicCheck - mnemonic didn't pass the validity check

  • KeyDerive - key couldn't be derived correctly

  • KeyCreate - key couldn't be created correctly

  • NetworkConfig - incomplete or corrupted network configuration

