WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert - A class to help with the "convertLead" in WWW::Salesforce method


WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert is a subclass of WWW::Salesforce::SObject. This is one of the complex types Salesforce requires for a method call.


use WWW::Salesforce;
use WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert;
my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce->new();
my $lc = WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert->new(
   leadId => 'D0000123anc00000CF',  #required
   convertedStatus => 'Closed - Converted', #required
   accountId => '',
   contactId => '',
   ownerId => '',
   opportunityName => ''
   doNotCreateOpportunity => 0,
   overwriteLeadSource => 0,
   sendNotificationEmail => 0,
#pass a list of LeadConverts to convertLead()
my $lcr = $sforce->convertLead( $lc );


new HASH

Creates a new WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert object.

my $lc = WWW::Salesforce::LeadConvert->new(
   leadId => 'D0000123anc00000CF',  #required

The following are the accepted input parameters:


REQUIRED - IDs are valid if: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$


REQUIRED - String status. See more details in the convertedStatus method below.


IDs are valid if: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$


IDs are valid if: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$


IDs are valid if: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$


String name


Boolean defaulted to false (0). 1 is true


Boolean defaulted to false (0). 1 is true


Boolean defaulted to false (0). 1 is true

leadId ID

ID of the Lead to convert. IDs are valid if they pass ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$

$lc->leadId( 'D0000123anc00000CF' );
print $lc->leadId();
ownerId ID

Specifies the ID of the person to own any newly created account, contact, and opportunity. If the client application does not specify this value, then the owner of the new object will be the owner of the lead. Not applicable when merging with existing objects—if an ownerId is specified, the API does not overwrite the ownerId field in an existing account or contact. IDs are valid if they pass ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$

$lc->ownerId( 'D0000000anc00000CF' );
print $lc->ownerId();
accountId ID

ID of the Account into which the lead will be merged. Required only when updating an existing account, including person accounts. If no accountID is specified, then the API creates a new account. To create a new account, the client application must be logged in with sufficient access rights. To merge a lead into an existing account, the client application must be logged in with read/write access to the specified account. The account name and other existing data are not overwritten. IDs are valid if they pass ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$

$lc->accountId( 'D0000002anc00000CF' );
print $lc->accountId();
contactId ID

ID of the Contact into which the lead will be merged (this contact must be associated with the specified accountId, and an accountId must be specified). Required only when updating an existing contact. Important! If you are converting a lead into a person account, do not specify the contactId or an error will result. Specify only the accountId of the person account. If no contactID is specified, then the API creates a new contact that is implicitly associated with the Account. To create a new contact, the client application must be logged in with sufficient access rights. To merge a lead into an existing contact, the client application must be logged in with read/write access to the specified contact. The contact name and other existing data are not overwritten (unless overwriteLeadSource is set to true, in which case only the LeadSource field is overwritten). IDs are valid if they pass ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,18}$

$lc->contactId( 'D0000002anc00000CF' );
print $lc->contactId();
opportunityName NAME

Name of the opportunity to create. If no name is specified, then this value defaults to the company name of the lead. The maximum length of this field is 80 characters. If doNotCreateOpportunity argument is true, then no Opportunity is created and this field must be left blank; otherwise, an error is returned.

$lc->opportunityName( 'Some opportunity name' );
print $lc->opportunityName();
convertedStatus STATUS

Valid LeadStatus value for a converted lead. Required. To obtain the list of possible values, the client application queries the LeadStatus object, as in:

Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true

A valid MasterLabel from that query should be used below:

$lc->convertedStatus( 'Closed - Converted' );
print $lc->convertedStatus();
doNotCreateOpportunity BOOLEAN

Specifies whether to create an Opportunity during lead conversion (0, the default) or not (1). Set this flag to true (1) only if you do not want to create an opportunity from the lead. An opportunity is created by default.

$lc->doNotCreateOpportunity( 1 );
print $lc->doNotCreateOpportunity();
overwriteLeadSource BOOLEAN

Specifies whether to overwrite the LeadSource field on the target Contact object with the contents of the LeadSource field in the source Lead object (1), or not (0, the default). To set this field to true (1), the client application must specify a contactId for the target contact.

$lc->overwriteLeadSource( 1 );
print $lc->overwriteLeadSource();
sendNotificationEmail BOOLEAN

Specifies whether to send a notification email to the owner specified in the ownerId (1) or not (0, the default).

$lc->sendNotificationEmail( 1 );
print $lc->sendNotificationEmail();


Please visit's user/developer forums online for assistance with this module. You are free to contact the author directly if you are unable to resolve your issue online.


WWW::Salesforce by Chase Whitener

DBD::Salesforce by Jun Shimizu

SOAP::Lite by Byrne Reese

Examples on Salesforce website:


Chase Whitener <cwhitener at gmail dot com>


Copyright 2003-2004 Chase Whitener. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 128:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'objects—if'. Assuming UTF-8