Zonemaster::Config - configuration access module for Zonemaster


my $value = Zonemaster::Config->get->{key}{subkey};



Returns a reference to a hash with configuration values. As of this writing, this is simply seeded from static values hardcoded into the module. This is intended to change.


Returns a reference to the current policy data. The format of that data is yet to be decided on.


Load policy information from the given file and merge it into the pre-loaded policy. Information from the loaded file overrides the pre-loaded information when the same keys exist in both places.


Load configuration information from the given file and merge it into the pre-loaded config. Information from the loaded file overrides the pre-loaded information when the same keys exist in both places.


The configuration data is stored internally in a nested hash (possibly with arrays as values in places). As of this writing, the file format used is JSON.

The interesting keys are as follows.



These are the default flag and timing values used for the resolver objects used to actually send DNS queries.


If set, only use TCP. Default not set.


The number of seconds between retries. Default 3.


If set, sets the DO flag in queries. Default not set.


If set, sets the RD flag in queries. Default not set (and almost certainly should remain that way).


The number of times a query is sent before we give up. Can be set to zero, although that's not very useful (since no queries will be sent at all). Defaults to 2.


If set, queries that get truncated UDP responses will be automatically retried over TCP. Default not set.



If set, resolver objects are allowed to send queries over IPv4. Default set.


If set, resolver objects are allowed to send queries over IPv6. Default set.


If set to a true value, network traffic is forbidden. Use when you want to be sure that any data is only taken from a preloaded cache.


By using this key, the log level of messages can be set in a much more fine-grained way than by the policy file. The intended use is to remove known erroneous results. If you, for example, know that a certain name server is recursive and for some reason should be, you can use this functionality to lower the severity of the complaint about it to a lower level than normal.

The the data under the logfilter key should be structured like this:

         Hash with conditions
         Level to set if all conditions match

The hash with conditions should have keys matching the attributes of the log entry that's being filtered (check the translation files to see what they are). The values for the keys should be either a single value that the attribute should be, or an array of values any one of which the attribute should be.

A complete entry might could look like this:

    "FILTER_THIS": {
        "when": {
            "count": 1,
            "type": ["this", "or"]
        "set": "INFO"

This would set the level to INFO for any SYSTEM:FILTER_THIS messages that had a count attribute set to 1 and a type attribute set to either this or or.