Zucchini::Template - process templates and output static files


# create a new templater object
$templater = Zucchini::Template->new(
  { config => $self->get_config }
# process the site


This module handles the processing of the template files into the website source files.

The solution uses Template::Toolkit and tries to Be Smart - only process that which has changed.

An exception to this is when a globally included file, for example, has been modified. To apply this change to the site, one must either "touch" all the templates, or use the 'force' option.

# force all html files to be regenerated
$ find . -name \*html -exec touch {} \;
$ zucchini

# brute force approach to regenerate all files
$ zucchini --force



Creates a new instance of the top-level Zucchini object:

# create a new templater object
$templater = Zucchini::Template->new(
      config => $zucchini->get_config,


Gets appropriate site-config, and initiates the template-processing.

# start the templating...

get_config / set_config

Returns/sets an object representing the current configuration.

# get the current configuration

# get the source_dir from the configuration object
$directory = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig->{source_dir};

get_ttobject / set_ttobject

Returns/sets the Template Toolkit object:

# process the current item


Perform the appropriate action for each item in the given directory: template or copy files; recurse directories. Ignore anything that should be ignored, as per the site-config.

# set off a cascading processing of the templates
$templater->process_directory( $template_root_directory );


Get a list of everything (except . and ..) in the given directory.

# get items in the site root
@list = $templater->directory_contents( $template_root_directory );


Calculate an MD5 checksum for a given file.

# get a checksum
$checksum = $templater->file_checksum( $file );


Given two files - a template file and its templated output - determine if the template has been modified since the output was last generated.

# do something with a changed template
if ($self->file_modified($template, $output)) {
  # do stuff


Given a directory, determine if it should be ignored; useful for CVS/ and .svn/ directories. Uses 'ignored_dirs' from site-config.

# don't do anything with ignored directories
if ($self->ignore_directory($dir)) {
  # next


Given a file, determine if it should be ignored; useful for editor swap files. Uses 'ignore_files' from site-config.

# don't do anything with ignored files
if ($self->ignore_file($file)) {
  # next


Returns a filename, optionally formatted to include the full (destination) path if 'showpath' option is active.

# tell the user where we're putting something
print   "Writing: "
      . $self->item_name($dir, $file)
      . "\n";


Given a file take one of the following actions: template it, copy it, ignore it.

# process the current file
$self->process_file($dir, $file)


This catchily named function returns the relative path to a directory, from the template source dir; 'source_dir' in the site-config.

# get the relative path ...
$relpath = $self->relative_path_from_full( $dir );


Determine if two files are the same. Primarily used to avoid copying unchanged files.

if(not $self->same_file($file1, $file2)) {
  # do stuff


If the 'showdest' option is active, output where we are writing a file to.

# let user know where we're putting the item
$self->show_destination($directory, $item);


Detemine if the file should be treated as a template. Template files are specified by the 'template_files' variable in the site-config.

if ($self->template_file($item)) {
  # do some templating magic


Zucchini, Zucchini::Config


Chisel Wright <>


Copyright 2008 by Chisel Wright

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See <>