Template::Multilingual - Multilingual templates for Template Toolkit


This subclass of Template Toolkit supports multilingual templates: templates that contain text in several languages.

  <fr>Bonjour !</fr>

Then specify the language to use when processing a template:

use Template::Multilingual;

my $template = Template::Multilingual->new();

You can also provide the name of the template variable that will hold the language:

my $template = Template::Multilingual->new(LANGUAGE_VAR => 'foo');
$template->process('example.ttml', { foo => 'en' });



The new() constructor creates and returns a reference to a new template object. A reference to a hash may be supplied as a parameter to provide configuration values.

Configuration values are all valid Template superclass options, and one specific to this class:


The LANGUAGE_VAR option can be used to set the name of the template variable which contains the current language.

my $parser = Template::Multilingual::Parser->new({
   LANGUAGE_VAR => 'global.language',

If this option is set, you code is responsible for setting the variable's value to the current language when processing the template. Calling language() will have no effect.

If this option is not set, it defaults to language.


Specify the language to be used when processing the template. Any string that matches \w+ is fine, but we suggest sticking to ISO-639 which provides 2-letter codes for common languages and 3-letter codes for many others.


Eric Cholet, <>


Multilingual text sections cannot be used inside TT directives. The following is illegal and will trigger a TT syntax error:

[% title = "<t><fr>Bonjour</fr><en>Hello</en></t>" %]

Use this instead:

[% title = BLOCK %]<t><fr>Bonjour</fr><en>Hello</en></t>[% END %]

Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


ISO 639-2 Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages:


Copyright 2005 Eric Cholet, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.