Handel::Manual::Intro - A quick introduction to the framework and its structure.
The 1.x version of Handel is a major refactor from earlier versions. This refactor had two main goals:
Remove the load/items RETURN_AS API silliness
Allow interchangeable schemas to work with as many diverse cart/order schemas as possible.
To facilitate the latter goal, the various cart/order/item classes are built using three distinct layers (from the bottom up): the Schema layer, the Storage layer, and the Interface (public API) layer.
| Handel::Cart |
| Handel::Storage |
| Handel::Schema |
The Schema layer is nothing more than a DBIx::Class::Schema. It contains all of the table and column definitions for the various carts/orders/items and does the raw database reading/writing.
The Storage layer is the glue between the schema and the interface. Its job is to examine the current schema and provide a consistent API for the interface layer to work with. This is the magic that allows Handel to work with schemas other than the default schema.
The Interface layer is of course the top level Cart/Order/Item API that most classes and subclasses will use.
When one of the Cart/Order/Item classes are loaded for the first time, the storage layer is called upon to remember details about the schema specified and configure a copy of it for future use. This is roughly:
package Handel::Cart;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Handel::Constants qw/:cart/;
use base qw/Handel::Base/;
schema_class => 'Handel::Cart::Schema',
schema_source => 'Carts',
item_class => 'Handel::Cart::Item',
constraints => {
id => {'Check Id' => \&constraint_uuid},
shopper => {'Check Shopper' => \&constraint_uuid},
type => {'Check Type' => \&constraint_cart_type},
name => {'Check Name' => \&constraint_cart_name}
default_values => {
id => \&Handel::Storage::new_uuid,
The first time the database needs to be accessed, storage will create a new schema instance, and return the appropriate schema result. This is roughly:
package Handel::Cart;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless{ result => $class-storage->create(shift) }, $class;
package Handel::Storage;
sub create {
my $self = shift;
return $self->schema_instance->resultset($self->schema_source)->create(shift);
From that point on, the schema is connected to the database and remains alive for the life of the Interface layer. Each subclass gets its own storage container to share among all of its instances, and each instance can even have its own unique storage layer.
Handel::Manual::Schema, Handel::Manual::Storage, Handel::Manual::Schema
Christopher H. Laco