Handel::Order - Module for maintaining order contents
use Handel::Order;
my $order = Handel::Order->new({
id => '12345678-9098-7654-322-345678909876'
my $iterator = $order->items;
while (my $item = $iterator->next) {
print $item->sku;
print $item->price;
print $item->total;
Handel::Order is a component for maintaining simple order records.
Creates a new order object containing the specified data.
If the cart key is passed, a new order record will be created from the specified carts contents. The cart key can be a cart id (uuid), a cart object, or a hash reference contain the search criteria to load matching carts.
By default, new will use Handel::Cart to load the specified cart, unless you have set cart_class
on in the local <storage> object to use another class.
my $order = Handel::Order->new({
shopper => '10020400-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5',
id => '111111111-2222-3333-4444-555566667777',
cart => $cartobject
my $order = Handel::Order->new({
shopper => '10020400-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5',
id => '111111111-2222-3333-4444-555566667777',
cart => '11112222-3333-4444-5555-666677778888'
my $order = Handel::Order->new({
shopper => '10020400-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5',
id => '111111111-2222-3333-4444-555566667777',
cart => {
id => '11112222-3333-4444-5555-666677778888',
Adds a new item to the current order and returns an instance of the item class specified in order object storage. You can either pass the item data as a hash reference:
my $item = $cart->add({
shopper => '10020400-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5',
sku => 'SKU1234',
quantity => 1,
price => 1.25
or pass an existing item:
When passing an existing cart/order item to add, all columns in the source item will be copied into the destination item if the column exists in both the destination and source, and the column isn't the primary key or the foreign key of the item relationship.
A Handel::Exception::Argument
exception is thrown if the first parameter isn't a hashref or an object that subclasses Handel::Cart::Item.
Gets/sets the name of the class to use when loading existing cart into the new order. By default, it loads carts using Handel::Cart. While you can set this directly in your application, it's best to set it in a custom subclass of Handel::Order.
package CustomOrder;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Order/;
Deletes all items from the current order.
Returns the number of items in the order object.
my $numitems = $order->count;
When creating a new order from an existing cart, copy_cart
will be called to copy the carts contents into the new order object. If you are using custom cart or order subclasses, the default copy_cart will only copy the fields declared in Handel::Cart, ignoring any custom fields you may add.
To fix this, simply subclass Handel::Order and override copy_cart
. As its parameters, it will receive the order and cart objects.
package CustomOrder;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Order/;
sub copy_cart {
my ($self, $order, $cart) = @_;
# copy stock fields
$self->SUPER::copy_cart($order, $cart);
# now catch the custom ones
When creating a new order from an existing cart, copy_cart_items
will be called to copy the cart items into the new order object. If you are using custom cart or order subclasses, the default copy_cart_item
will only copy the fields that in both the cart item and the order item schemas.
To fix this, simply subclass Handel::Order and override copy_cart
. As its parameters, it will receive the order and cart objects.
package CustomOrder;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Order/;
sub copy_cart_items {
my ($self, $order, $cart) = @_;
my $items = $cart->items(undef, RETURNAS_ITERATOR);
while (my $item = $items->next) {
my %copy;
foreach (CustomCart::Item->columns) {
next if $_ =~ /^(id|cart)$/i;
$copy{$_} = $item->$_;
$copy{'id'} = $self->uuid unless constraint_uuid($copy{'id'});
$copy{'orderid'} = $order->id;
$copy{'total'} = $copy{'quantity'}*$copy{'price'};
Deletes the item matching the supplied filter from the current order.
sku => 'ABC-123'
Deletes entire orders (and their items) from the database. When called as an object method, this will delete all items from the current order object and deletes the order object itself. filter
will be ignored.
When called as a class method, this will delete all orders matching filter
shopper => 'D597DEED-5B9F-11D1-8DD2-00AA004ABD5E'
A Handel::Exception::Argument exception will be thrown if filter
is not a HASH reference.
Loads the current orders items matching the specified filter and returns a Handel::Iterator in scalar context, or a list of items in list context.
my $iterator = $order->items;
while (my $item = $iterator->next) {
print $item->sku;
my @items = $order->items;
By default, the items returned as Handel::Order::Item objects. To return something different, set item_class
in the local storage
A Handel::Exception::Argument exception is thrown if parameter one isn't a hashref or undef.
Loads existing orders matching the specified filter and returns a Handel::Iterator in scalar context, or a list of orders in list context.
my $iterator = Handel::Order->load({
shopper => 'D597DEED-5B9F-11D1-8DD2-00AA004ABD5E',
while (my $order = $iterator->next) {
print $order->id;
my @orders = Handel::Orders->load();
A Handel::Exception::Argument exception is thrown if the first parameter is not a hashref.
This method copies the specified carts items into the order only if the item count or the subtotal differ.
The cart key can be a cart id (uuid), a cart object, or a hash reference contain the search criteria to load matching carts.
$order->reconcile({name => 'My Cart'});
my $cart = Handel::Cart->load({
id => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
By default, new will use Handel::Cart to load the specified cart, unless you have set cart_class
on in the local <storage> object to use another class.
The following methods are mapped to columns in the default order schema. These methods may or may not be available in any subclasses, or in situations where a custom schema is being used that has different column names.
Returns the id of the current order.
print $order->id;
See "id" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the id of the shopper the order should be associated with.
print $order->shopper;
See "shopper" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the type of the current order. Currently the two types allowed are:
The order is temporary and may be purged during any [external] cleanup process after the designated amount of inactivity.
The order should be left untouched by any cleanup process and is available to the shopper at any time.
print $order->type;
See "type" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the order number.
print $order->number;
See "number" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the date/time when the order was created. The date is returned as a stringified DateTime object.
print $order->created;
See "created" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the date/time when the order was last updated. The date is returned as a stringified DateTime object.
print $order->updated;
See "updated" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the comments for this order.
$order->comments('Handel with care');
print $order->comments;
See "comments" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the shipping method for this order.
$order->shipmethod('UPS 2nd Day');
print $order->shipmethod;
See "shipmethod" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the shipping cost for the order item. The price is returned as a stringified Handel::Currency object.
print $item->shipping;
print $item->shipping->format;
See "shipping" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the handling cost for the order item. The price is returned as a stringified Handel::Currency object.
print $item->handling;
print $item->handling->format;
See "handling" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the tax for the order item. The price is returned as a stringified Handel::Currency object.
print $item->tax;
print $item->tax->format;
See "tax" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the subtotal for the order item. The price is returned as a stringified Handel::Currency object.
print $item->subtotal;
print $item->subtotal->format;
See "subtotal" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the total for the order item. The price is returned as a stringified Handel::Currency object.
print $item->total;
print $item->total->format;
See "total" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to first name.
print $order->billtofirstname;
See "billtofirstname" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to last name
print $order->billtolastname;
See "billtolastname" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to address line 1
$order->billtoaddress1('1234 Main Street');
print $order->billtoaddress1;
See "billtoaddress1" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to address line 2
$order->billtoaddress2('Suite 34b');
print $order->billtoaddress2;
See "billtoaddress2" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to address line 3
$order->billtoaddress3('Floor 5');
print $order->billtoaddress3;
See "billtoaddress3" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to city
print $order->billtocity;
See "billtocity" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to state/province
print $order->billtostate;
See "billtostate" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to zip/postal code
print $order->billtozip;
See "billtozip" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to country
print $order->billtocountry;
See "billtocountry" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to day phone number
print $order->billtodayphone;
See "billtodayphone" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to night phone number
print $order->billtonightphone;
See "billtonightphone" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to fax number
print $order->billtofax;
See "billtofax" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the bill to email address
print $order->billtoemail;
See "billtoemail" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
When true, the ship address is the same as the bill to address.
print $order->shiptosameasbillto;
See "shiptosameasbillto" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to first name.
print $order->shiptofirstname;
See "shiptofirstname" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to last name
print $order->shiptolastname;
See "shiptolastname" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to address line 1
$order->shiptoaddress1('1234 Main Street');
print $order->shiptoaddress1;
See "shiptoaddress1" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to address line 2
$order->shiptoaddress2('Suite 34b');
print $order->shiptoaddress2;
See "shiptoaddress2" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to address line 3
$order->shiptoaddress3('Floor 5');
print $order->shiptoaddress3;
See "shiptoaddress3" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to city
print $order->shiptocity;
See "shiptocity" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to state/province
print $order->shiptostate;
See "shiptostate" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to zip/postal code
print $order->shiptozip;
See "shiptozip" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to country
print $order->shiptocountry;
See "shiptocountry" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to day phone number
print $order->shiptodayphone;
See "shiptodayphone" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to night phone number
print $order->shiptonightphone;
See "shiptonightphone" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to fax number
print $order->shiptofax;
See "shiptofax" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
Gets/sets the ship to email address
print $order->shiptoemail;
See "shiptoemail" in Handel::Schema::Order for more information about this column.
The following columns are really just methods to hold sensitive order data that we don't want to actually store in the database.
Gets/sets the credit cart number.
print $order->ccn;
Gets/sets the credit cart type.
print $order->cctype;
Gets/sets the credit cart expiration month.
print $order->ccm;
Gets/sets the credit cart expiration year.
print $order->ccyear;
Gets/sets the credit cart verification number.
print $order->cvvn;
Gets/sets the credit cart holders name as it appears on the card.
$order->ccname('CHRISTOPHER H. LACO');
print $order->ccname;
Gets/sets the credit cart issue number.
print $order->ccissuenumber;
Gets/sets the credit cart start date.
print $order->ccstartdate;
Gets/sets the credit cart end date.
print $order->ccenddate;
Handel::Order::Item, Handel::Schema::Order, Handel::Constants
Christopher H. Laco