OpenInteract2::Package - Perform actions on individual packages


# Programmatically install a package you've downloaded (for the real
# world, see C<oi2_manage> and/or
# L<OpenInteract2::Manage::Website::InstallPackage|OpenInteract2::Manage::Website::InstallPackage).
# You get back a reference to the installed package.
my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->install({
    package_file => '/home/perlguy/',
    website_dir  => '/home/httpd/mysite'
# Create a new skeleton package for development (for the real world,
# see C<oi2_manage>). You get back a reference to the newly created
# package.

my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->create_skeleton({
    name => 'mynewpackage',

# Export package in the given directory for distribution

my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->new({
                   directory => '/home/cwinters/pkg/mynewpackage' });
my $export_filename = eval { $package->export };
if ( $@ ) {
    print "Export failed: $@";
else {
    print "Exported successfully to file '$export_filename'";

# Read information about a package distribution

my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->new({
    package_file => '/home/cwinters/pkg/'
my $config = $package->config;
print "Package ", $package->name, " ", $package->version, "\n",
      "Author ", join( ", ", @{ $config->author } ), "\n";
my $files = $package->get_files;
foreach my $filename ( @{ $files } ) {
    print "   File - $filename\n";

# Check validity of a package

my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->new({
    directory => '/home/cwinters/pkg/mynewpackage'
my @status = $package->check;
foreach my $status ( @status ) {
   print "Action: $status->{action}   OK? $status->{is_ok}\n";

# Remove package

my $package = OpenInteract2::Package->new({
    directory => '/home/httpd/mysite/pkg/mynewpackage-1.13',

# Get an object representing the changelog of a package and print out
# the last version, date and message

my $changes = $package->get_changes;
my ( $latest_change ) = $changes->latest(1);
print "$latest_change->{version}  on  $latest_change->{date}\n",


This module defines actions to be performed on individual packages. The first argument for many of the methods that


Class Methods

new( \%params )

Create a new package object. You can specify an archived package (using package_file) and be able to find out information about the package, or you can specify a directory (using directory) of an opened package.

If package_file, directory or a valid package_config are passed in we read the package information immediately.


  • package_file: Specify the package file to explore. An example is, although it's smart to specify the full path with the file.

    If the specified file does not exist we throw an exception.

  • directory: A package directory to explore. It's smart to specify the full path with the directory.

    If the specified directory does not exist we throw an exception.

  • package_config: A OpenInteract2::Config::Package object. We pull the package directory (package_dir property) from it.

  • repository: The OpenInteract2::Repository that this package belongs to.

install( \%params )

Installs the file specified in the parameter filename to the website specified in the parameter website_dir or retrieved from the OpenInteract2::Repository object specified in repository.

If the package already exists in the website repository we first remove its entry (leaving the old directory). We then unpack the given package file into the website, copy over any global files (those in html/ and widget/), and then create an entry in the website repository for the new package.


  • filename: A valid package file.

  • website_dir: Full path to a website we will install the package to.

  • repository: A OpenInteract2::Repository from which we can take the website directory.

Returns: package created from the new directory. Any failures throw an exception.

create_skeleton( \%params )

Creates a new package skeleton in the current directory. This is the recommended way to start developing a new OI2 package, similar to creating a new perl module using h2xs.


  • name: Name of your package. It should be all alphanumberic lower-case with no spaces. If not an exception is thrown.

Returns: package created from the new directory. Any failures throw an exception.

generate_distribution_digest( $package_file )

Creates an MD5 digest of the contents in $package_file. (See Digest::MD5 for what this means.)

parse_full_name( $full_name )

Returns a two-item list of the package name and version found in $full_name.

Object Methods


Returns a string with the package name and version:

$package->name( 'foo' );
$package->version( '1.52' );
print "Name: ", $package->full_name;
# Name: foo-1.52


Displays the package name as suitable for a class: leading uppercase with camel-case internally replacing all underscores. For instance:

$package->name( 'foo' );
print "Class name: ", $package->name_as_class;
# Class name: Foo

$package->name( 'music_listener' );
print "Class name: ", $package->name_as_class;
# Class name: MusicListener

get_files( [ $force_read ] )

Reads list of files from package MANIFEST file. These results are cached in the object -- if you want to force a read pass a true value for $force_read.

Returns: arrayref of files in MANIFEST.

export( \%params )

Exports a package to a package distribution file. The name of the file is always:


If a file already exists with that name in the current directory, the process will throw an exception. Similarly, if a directory of the name:


already exists in the current directory an exception will be thrown.

Returns: the full path to the distribution file created.

See also: OpenInteract2::Manage::Package::CreateCPAN for creating a CPAN distribution from your package.

copy_contents_to( $destination_dir )

Copies all files from this package (those identified in 'MANIFEST') to $destination_dir. If $destination_dir does not exist we create it; if it does exist we overwrite any different files that match the paths from the source package. ('Different' means the files must be of a different size and have a different MD5 digest.)

You typically want to use this for copying a package installed to a website to another package -- for syncing up a directory it would probably be faster to just use Archive::Zip.

Returns: hashref with two keys, 'copied' and 'same', each pointing to an arrayref of relative files appropriate to the key. ('Relative' means the path from MANIFEST, e.g. 'OpenInteract2/Action/').

check( \%params )

Checks the validity of a package. We perform the following checks:

  • Does the changelog exist? (This is not a fatal error, but you will get a virtual raspberry if you do not have one.)

  • Are all the files in MANIFEST in the package directory?

  • Are there any extra files in the package directory that are not in MANIFEST?

  • Are all the configuration INI files (action.ini, spops.ini) parseable?

  • Are all the perl modules includable? (A "perl module" includes any file ending in .pm.)

  • Are all the data files valid Perl data structures? (This includes all files in data/ ending in .dat.)

  • Are the Template Toolkit templates parseable? (This includes all files ending in .tmpl in template/ and all files in widget/.) The implementation of parseability can probably be improved, since we have to ignore certain errors caused by commonly available templates not being available since the template is not deployed in the full OI2 environment.

Returns a list of hashrefs indicating the status of the various package elements. Each hashref includes (at a minimum): 'is_ok', 'message' and 'action'. Some also include 'filename' where appropriate.

remove( [ $repository ] )

Removes a package from its repository. This may fail if you do not have a repository set in the package object or if you do not pass $repository into the method. It may also fail for reasons given in OpenInteract2::Repository.

Returns: array of status hashrefs, with a single member.


Retrieves SPOPS configuration files used by this package. If the package object has an assigned repository you'll get the files from $WEBSITE_DIR/conf/$PACKAGE, otherwise they'll be from $PACKAGE_DIR/conf. You can either specify the files yourself in the package configuration (see OpenInteract2::Config::Package), or this routine will pick up all files that match ^conf/spops.*\.ini$.

Returns: arrayref of fully-qualified SPOPS configuration files.


Retrieves action configuration files from the package. If the package object has an assigned repository you'll get the files from $WEBSITE_DIR/conf/$PACKAGE, otherwise they'll be from $PACKAGE_DIR/conf. You can either specify the files yourself in the package configuration (see OpenInteract2::Config::Package), or this routine will pick up all files that match ^conf/action.*\.ini$.

Returns: arrayref of fully-qualified configuration files.


Retrieves message files from the package -- each one specifies i18n keys and values for use in templates and elsewhere. You can either specify the files yourself in the package configuration (see OpenInteract2::Config::Package), or this routine will pick up all files that match ^msg/.*\.(mo|po|msg)$.

Returns: arrayref of fully-qualified message files.


Returns the OpenInteract2::Config::PackageChanges object associated with this package.

find_file( @relative_files )

Finds the a file from the list @relative_files.

Returns: the full path to the first existing filename; if no file is found, undef.

NOTE: If you're looking for a configuration file use the get_spops_files() or get_action_files() instead as you'll get the most current version from the website with those.

read_file( $relative_file )

Slurps the contents of $relative_file into a variable and returns it. Finds full path to $relative_file using find_file().

Returns: contents of $relative_file; if $relative_file does not exist, returns undef. If there is an error reading $relative_file, throws exception.


name: Name of this package.

version: Version of this package.

package_file: The distribution (zip) file this package was read from.

directory: The directory this package was read from. Hopefully fully-qualified... (TODO: shouldn't it always be?)

repository: The OpenInteract2::Repository associated with this package.

installed_date: Date the package was installed. This is typically stored in the repository associated with the package.

config: The OpenInteract2::Config::Package object associated with this package.






Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <>