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MasonX::Maypole - use Mason as the frontend and view for Maypole version 2
Version 0.02
package BeerDB;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Class::DBI::Loader::Relationship;
use MasonX::Maypole 0.2;
use base 'MasonX::Maypole';
BeerDB->setup( 'dbi:mysql:beerdb' );
BeerDB->config->{view} = 'MasonX::Maypole::View';
BeerDB->config->{template_root} = '/var/www/beerdb';
BeerDB->config->{uri_base} = '/beerdb';
BeerDB->config->{rows_per_page} = 10;
BeerDB->config->{display_tables} = [ qw( beer brewery pub style ) ];
BeerDB->config->masonx->{comp_root} = [ factory => '/var/www/maypole/factory' ];
BeerDB->config->masonx->{data_dir} = '/path/to/mason/data_dir';
BeerDB->config->masonx->{in_package} = 'My::Mason::App';
BeerDB::Brewery->untaint_columns( printable => [qw/name notes url/] );
BeerDB::Style->untaint_columns( printable => [qw/name notes/] );
printable => [qw/abv name price notes/],
integer => [qw/style brewery score/],
date => [ qw/date/],
BeerDB->config->{loader}->relationship($_) for (
"a brewery produces beers",
"a style defines beers",
"a pub has beers on handpumps");
This release is fundamentally different from previous MasonX::Maypole releases, and will break sites that are using them. Previous releases did not work with Maypole 2. This and future releases will not work with Maypole 1.
A frontend and view for Maypole 2, using Mason.
Set any parameters for the Mason ApacheHandler in My::Maypole::App-
config->{masonx}>. This is where to tell Maypole/Mason where the factory templates are stored.
This distribution includes Masonized versions of the standard Maypole templates, plus a dhandler and autohandler. The autohandler simply takes care of adding a header and footer to every page.
The dhandler is responsible for implementing part of the Maypole template lookup behaviour. It first looks for a template specific to the table being queried by the request. If no such template is found, it defers the lookup to Mason's component search path. This is set in init
. The result is that the lookup follows the same sequence as described in the Maypole documentation (table > site > factory). You can add extra component roots if you need them.
So if you set the factory comp_root to point at the Maypole factory templates, the thing should Just Work right out of the box.
- init
This method is called by Maypole during startup. Sets up the Mason ApacheHandler.
- parse_args
Uses Mason to extract the request arguments from the request.
- send_output
Template variables have already been exported to Mason components namespace in
. This method now runs the Mason Cexec> phase to generate and send output.
David Baird, <cpan@riverside-cms.co.uk>
Currently hard-coded to use Apache/mod_perl. Shouldn't be too hard to use CGI instead.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-masonx-maypole2@rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
There are none. The module loads Mason::ApacheHandler, which causes compile time errors unless loaded within mod_perl.
Copyright 2004 David Baird, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.