
A deeper explanation how Seq->from_sub() works.


You could write the following in Perl

Seq->wrap(1 .. 10_000_000)

but it would be a bad idea. Perls range operator is non-lazy. When you call the above code. Perl will create an array with 10 Mio numbers and then pass that 10 Mio numbers to wrap().

This is not only time-consuming, it will also use a lot of memory. Maybe with a biger number your program or your computer could even crash with out of memory.

This is the reason why you should use

Seq->range(1, 10_000_000)

instead. It returns a sequence but nothing is computed yet. It only starts computing values when the sequence is request for values. And even then it will still only compute as much as needed, or keep those values in memory that are needed.

Seq->range() is already provided by this module. But what would be the case if not?

Then you could create your own range function using Seq->from_sub()


Here is how to implement your own range() function.

sub range($start, $stop) {
    ###-- -- -- -- -- IMPORTANT -- -- -- -- --###
    #          NO CODE SHOULD BE HERE           #
    #    Otherwise it will be CAUSE of BUGS.    #
    # You also should never manipulate function #
    # arguments not even assign a new value to  #
    # it. Do an explicit new assignment in the  #
    #          INITIALIZATION STAGE             #
    ###-- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- --###
    return Seq->from_sub(sub {
        my $current = $start;

        # The iterator returning one element when asked
        return sub {
            # As long $current is equal or smaller
            if ( $current <= $stop ) {
                # return $current and increase by 1
                return $current++;
            # otherwise return undef to indicate end of sequence
            else {
                return undef;

The pattern you do with from_sub() is always the same. It is.

my $sequence = Seq->from_sub(sub {

    return sub {

You can use it directly to create a special sequence as needed, or return it from a function. So you have a reusable CONSTRUCTOR for creating your own sequences.

Maybe the most simple sequence would be an infinity sequence always returning the same value forever.

my $always = Seq->from_sub(sub {
    return sub {
        return 1;

You could do


to just get an array [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]. Don't forget the take(10) otherwise the sequence will run forever until all your computer memory is exhausted and your program or computer crashes.