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Dist::Surveyor::MakeCpan - Create a Mini-CPAN for the surveyed modules
version 0.016
use Dist::Surveyor::MakeCpan;
my $cpan = Dist::Surveyor::MakeCpan->new(
$cpan_dir, $progname, $irregularities);
foreach my $rel (@releases) {
say "There where ", $cpan->errors(), " errors";
Create a mini-CPAN for the surveyed modules, so you will be able to re-install the same setup in a new computer.
my $cpan = Dist::Surveyor::MakeCpan->new(
$cpan_dir, $progname, $irregularities, $verbose);
- $cpan_dir
The directory where the mini-cpan will be created
- $progname
The name of the running program - will be used to create a subdirectory inside $cpan_dir, that will contain debug information.
- $irregularities
A hashref with a list of irregular named releases. i.e. 'libwww-perl' => 'LWP'.
Add one release to the mini-cpan. the $rel should be a hashref, and contain the following fields:
$rel = {
download_url => 'http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SE/SEMUELF/Dist-Surveyor-0.009.tar.gz',
url => 'authors/id/S/SE/SEMUELF/Dist-Surveyor-0.009.tar.gz',
author => 'SEMUELF',
name => 'Dist-Surveyor-0.009',
distribution => 'Dist-Surveyor',
Close the mini-CPAN, and close all the debug data dump files.
License, Copyright
Please see Dist::Surveyor for details