Config::Model::Dumper - Serialize data of config tree


version 2.020


use Config::Model ;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) ;

# define configuration tree object
my $model = Config::Model->new ;
$model ->create_config_class (
   name => "MyClass",
   element => [ 
       [qw/foo bar/] => { 
           type => 'leaf',
           value_type => 'string'
       baz => { 
           type => 'hash',
           index_type => 'string' ,
           cargo => {
               type => 'leaf',
               value_type => 'string',
) ;

my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyClass' );

my $root = $inst->config_root ;

# put some data in config tree the hard way
$root->fetch_element('foo')->store('yada') ;
$root->fetch_element('bar')->store('bla bla') ;
$root->fetch_element('baz')->fetch_with_id('en')->store('hello') ;

# put more data the easy way
my $step = 'baz:fr=bonjour baz:hr="dobar dan"';
$root->load( step => $step ) ;

# dump only customized data
print $root->dump_tree;


This module is used directly by Config::Model::Node to serialize configuration data in a compact (but readable) string.

The serialization can be done in standard mode where only customized values are dumped in the string. I.e. only data modified by the user are dumped.

The other mode is full_dump mode where all all data, including default values, are dumped.

The serialized string can be used by Config::Model::Walker to store the data back into a configuration tree.

Note that undefined values are skipped for list element. I.e. if a list element contains ('a',undef,'b'), the dump will contain 'a','b'.


new ( )

No parameter. The constructor should be used only by Config::Model::Node.



Return a string that contains a dump of the object tree with all the values. This string follows the convention defined by Config::Model::Walker.

The serialized string can be used by Config::Model::Walker to store the data back into a configuration tree.

Parameters are:

mode ( full | preset | custom )

full will dump all configuration data including default values.

preset will dump only value entered in preset mode.

By default, the dump contains only data modified by the user (i.e. custom data that differ from default or preset values).


Reference to the Config::Model::Node object that is dumped. All nodes and leaves attached to this node are also dumped.

skip_auto_write ( <backend_name> )

Skip node that have a write capability matching backend_name in their model. See Config::Model::AutoRead.


Scan and create data for nodes elements even if no actual data was stored in them. This may be useful to trap missing mandatory values. (default: 0)

experience ( ... )

Restrict dump to beginner or intermediate parameters. Default is to dump all parameters (master level)


Check value before dumping. Valid check are 'yes', 'no' and 'skip'.


Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

