Data::Record::Serialize - Flexible serialization of a record


version 0.08


    use Data::Record::Serialize;

    # simple output to json
    $s = Data::Record::Serialize->new( encode => 'json', \%attr );
    $s->send( \%record );

    # cleanup record before sending
    $s = Data::Record::Serialize->new( encode => 'json',
	fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
        format => 1,
	format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
	format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },
	rename_fields => { chip_id => 'CHIP' },
	types => { obsid => 'I', chip_id => 'S',
                   phi => 'N', theta => 'N' },
    $s->send( \%record );

    # send to an SQLite database
    $s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
	encode => 'dbi',
	dsn => [ 'SQLite', [ dbname => $dbname ] ],
	table => 'stuff',
        format => 1,
	fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
	format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
	format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },
	rename_fields => { chip_id => 'CHIP' },
	types => { obsid => 'I', chip_id => 'S',
                   phi => 'N', theta => 'N' },
    $s->send( \%record );


Data::Record::Serialize encodes data records and sends them somewhere. This module is primarily useful for output of sets of uniformly structured data records. It provides a uniform, thin, interface to various serializers and output sinks. Its raison d'etre is its ability to manipulate the records prior to encoding and output.

  • A record is a collection of fields, i.e. keys and scalar values.

  • All records are assumed to have the same structure.

  • Fields may have simple types which may be determined automatically. Some encoders use this information during encoding.

  • Fields may be renamed upon output

  • A subset of the fields may be selected for output.

  • Fields may be formatted via sprintf prior to output


The available encoders and their respective documentation are:


Sinks are where encoded data are sent.

The available sinks and their documentation are:


Some output encoders care about the type of a field. Data::Record::Serialize recognizes three types:

  • N - Numeric

  • I - Integral

  • S - String

Not all encoders support a separate integral type; in those cases integer fields are treated as general numeric fields.

Output field and type determination

The selection of output fields and determination of their types depends upon the fields, types, and default_type attributes.

  • fields specified, types not specified

    The fields in fields are output. Types are derived from the values in the first record.

  • fields not specified, types specified

    The fields by types are output and are given the specified types.

  • fields specified, types specified

    The fields specified by the fields array are output with the types specified by types. For fields not specified in types, the default_type attribute value is used.

  • fields not specified, types not specified

    The first record determines the fields and types (by examination).



$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new( <attributes> );

Construct a new object. attributes may either be a hashref or a list of key-value pairs.

The available attributes are:


Required. The encoding format. Specific encoders may provide additional, or require specific, attributes. See "Encoders" for more information.


Where the encoded data will be sent. Specific sinks may provide additional, or require specific attributes. See "Sinks" for more information.

The default output sink is stream, unless the encoder is also a sink.

It is an error to specify a sink if the encoder already acts as one.


If the types attribute was specified, this type is assigned to fields given in the fields attributes which were not specified via the types attribute.


A hash or array mapping input field names to types (N, I, S). If an array, the fields will be output in the specified order, provided the encoder permits it (see below, however). For example,

# use order if possible
types => [ c => 'N', a => 'N', b => 'N' ]

# order doesn't matter
types => { c => 'N', a => 'N', b => 'N' }

If fields is specified, then its order will override that specified here. If no type is specified for elements in fields, they will default to having the type specified by the default_type attribute. For example,

types => [ c => 'N', a => 'N' ],
fields => [ qw( a b c ) ],
default_type => 'I',

will result in fields being output in the order

a b c

with types

a => 'N',
b => 'I',
c => 'N',

An array containing the input names of the fields to be output. The fields will be output in the specified order, provided the encoder permits it.

If this attribute is not specified, the fields specified by the types attribute will be output. If that is not specified, the fields as found in the first data record will be output.

If a field name is specifed in fields but no type is defined in types, it defaults to what is specified via default_type.


A hash mapping input to output field names. By default the input field names are used unaltered.


A hash mapping the input field names to a sprintf style format. This will be applied prior to encoding the record, but only if the format attribute is also set. Formats specified here override those specified in format_types.


A hash mapping a field type (N, I, S) to a sprintf style format. This will be applied prior to encoding the record, but only if the format attribute is also set. Formats specified here may be overriden for specific fields using the format_fields attribute.


If true, format the output fields using the formats specified in the format_fields and/or format_types options. The default is false.


$s->send( \%record );

Encode and send the record to the associated sink.

WARNING: the passed hash is modified. If you need the original contents, pass in a copy.


$array_ref = $s->fields;

The names of the transformed output fields, in order of output (not obeyed by all encoders);


$hash_ref = $s->output_types;

The mapping between output field name and output field type. If the encoder has specified a type map, the output types are the result of that mapping.


$array_ref = $s->numeric_fields;

The input field names for those fields deemed to be numeric.


Generate a JSON stream to the standard output stream

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new( encode => 'json' );

Only output select fields

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'json',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],

Format numeric fields

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'json',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
  format => 1,
  format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },

Override formats for specific fields

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'json',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
  format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
  format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },

Rename fields

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'json',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
  format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
  format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },
  rename_fields => { chip_id => 'CHIP' },

Specify field types

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'json',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
  format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
  format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },
  rename_fields => { chip_id => 'CHIP' },
  types => { obsid => 'N', chip_id => 'S', phi => 'N', theta => 'N' }'

Switch to an SQLite database in $dbname

$s = Data::Record::Serialize->new(
  encode => 'dbi',
  dsn => [ 'SQLite', [ dbname => $dbname ] ],
  table => 'stuff',
  fields => [ qw( obsid chip_id phi theta ) ],
  format_types => { N => '%0.4f' },
  format_fields => { obsid => '%05d' },
  rename_fields => { chip_id => 'CHIP' },
  types => { obsid => 'N', chip_id => 'S', phi => 'N', theta => 'N' }'


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Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007