Tk::Chart::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Tk::Chart.
This is the Frequently Asked Questions list for Tk::Chart.
How to scrolled Tk::Chart Widget ?
Tk::Chart is an extension of Canvas widget. That is an idea to scrolled your widget if you use Tk::Chart::Lines :
my $LineGraph = $mw->Scrolled('Lines')->pack;
You can also use Scrollbar method or use scrolled frame as Pane widget like this example :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Chart::Mixed;
use Tk::Pane;
my $mw = new MainWindow(
-title => 'Scrolled Graph',
-background => 'white',
my $pane = $mw->Scrolled(
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-sticky => 'nswe',
-width => 300,
-height => 300,
$pane->pack(qw / -fill both -expand 1 /);
my @types = qw/ areas bars lines points bars linespoints/;
my $Chart = $pane->Mixed(
-title => 'My graph title',
-xlabel => 'X Label',
-ylabel => 'Y Label',
-background => '#D0D0FF',
-linewidth => 2,
-width => 600,
-height => 600,
-spacingbar => 0,
-typemixed => \@types,
-markers => [ 3, 5, 6 ],
)->pack(qw / -fill both -expand 1 /);
my @data = (
[ '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th' ],
[ 90, 29, 25, 6, -20, 1, 1, 3, 4 ],
[ 15, 10, 5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 ],
[ 1, 2, 12, 6, 3, 5, 1, 23, 5 ],
[ 15, 12, 24, 33, 19, 8, 6, 15, 21 ],
[ 15, 2, 52, 6, 3, 17.5, 1, 43, 10 ],
[ 30, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1.5, 1, 3, 4 ],
[ 24, 12, 35, 20, 13, 31.5, 41, 6, 25 ],
# Add a legend to the graph
my @Legends = @types;
-title => "Title legend",
-data => [ 'legend 1', 'legend 2', 'legend 3', 'legend 4', 'legend 5', 'legend 6', 'legend 7', ],
-titlecolors => "blue",
# Add help identification
# Create the graph
$Chart->plot( \@data );
NB: The graph have a minimum size (by default 400x400). Then if you want to reduce this size, configure -width and -height option at the creation of the graph.
How to save graph in postscript, jpeg, png, gif format file ?
You can use the postscript method canvas (see Tk::Canvas) to create postscript file of your image.
$Chart->postscript( -file => "");
If you want to convert it in gif, jpeg format file for example, you can install Image::Magick module and Ghostscript (
Example code for postscript file conversion:
use Image::Magick;
my $Magick = new Image::Magick;
How to zoom the graph in canvas widget ?
To zoom your graph, use zoom, zoomx or zoomy methods. You can create a menu zoom on the canvas. You have an example code in "EXAMPLES" in Tk::Chart::Lines
Warning or fatal error messages
You must have at least 2 arrays
my @data = (
[ '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th' ],
# => you will get warning message
You must have 2 arrays in data array
You will have this warning if you use Tk::Chart::Pie and if you use plot method with bad data.
my @data = (
[ '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th' ],
[ 1, 2, 52, 6, 3, 17.5, 1, 43, 10 ],
[ 11, 20, 2, 5, 3, 1, 12, 3, 0 ],
# => you will get warning message
my @data = (
[ '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th' ],
[ 1, 2, 52, 6, 3, 17.5, 1, 43, 10 ],
# OK
Make sure that every array has the same size in plot data method
my @data = (
[ 'Europe', 'Asia', 'Africa', 'Oceania', 'Americas' ], # <= 5 data
[ 97, 33, 3, 6, 61, 1100 ], # <= 6 data , wrong
Data not defined
$PieChart->plot(); # wrong
Can't set -data in set_legend method. May be you forgot to set the value
-data => undef, # wrong
$Chart->set_legend(); # wrong
-data => \@Legends, # OK
Legend and array size data are different
my @data = (
[ '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th' ],
[ 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1, 1, 3, 4 ], # legend 1
[ 4, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 ], # legend 2
[ 1, 2, 12, 6, 3, 5, 1, 23, 5 ] # legend 3
my @Legends = ( 'legend 1', 'legend 2', 'legend 3', 'legend 4' ); # Wrong,
# too much legend
my @Legends = ( 'legend 1', 'legend 2' ); # Wrong, not enough legend
my @Legends = ( 'legend 1', 'legend 2', 'legend 3' ); # OK
When I draw a chart with high values with short interval, the Y axe does not take the minimum value of data but always 0, how to change it ?
You have to use the version 1.14 or higher of Tk::Chart and use -interval or -yminvalue and -ymaxvalue options.
You can see examples in demo directory.
Copyright 2010 Djibril Ousmanou, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.