SQL::Interpolate::Macro - Macros and SQL filters for SQL::Interpolate


use SQL::Interpolate qw(:all);
use SQL::Interpolate::Macro qw(:all);

# Macros that assist in SQL building
    q[SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE],
    sql_and( sql_if($blue,  q[color = "blue"]),
             sql_if($shape, sql_fragment(q[shape =], \$shape)) ),
    q[LIMIT 10]

# Macros that perform automatic table joining
# first specify database layout
my $interp = new SQL::Interpolate(
        sales_order      => {name => qr/([S-T])/, key => ['so_nbr']},
        part             => {name => qr/([p-r])/, key => ['part_nbr']},
        sales_order_line => {name => qr/([S-T])([p-r])/,
                             key => ['so_nbr', 'part_nbr']}
# then do queries
($sql, @bind) = $interp->(q[
    WHERE LINK(S,Sp,p) AND S = 123
# Generates SQL
#   SELECT *
#   FROM  sales_order as S, sales_order_line as Sp, part as p
#   WHERE S.so_nbr = Sp.so_nbr AND Sp.part_nbr = p.part_nbr AND
#         S.so_nbr = 123


This module provides an assortment of macros and SQL filters for SQL::Interpolate. These allow you to write simpler, more robust, and possibly more portable queries. You can also write your own macros and filters.

Macros are objects derived from SQL::Interpolate::Macro. They can be inserted into the interpolation list passed to sql_interp(). sql_interp() internally calls sql_flatten(), which expands any macros to ordinary strings and variable references, which can then be interpolated directly. Strings may even contain stringified macros (e.g. "WHERE LINK(AB,BC) AND x=y"), which will be broken down as well (e.g. "WHERE ", link('AB','BC'), " AND x=y") and then flattened recursively.

An SQL filter is an object derived from SQL::Interpolate::SQLFilter. SQL filters can be used by sql_interp() and sql_flatten() to assist in macro expansion and/or filtering of SQL text. The filtering on SQL text can occur before and/or after the SQL fragments are interpolated into a single string.


Though a minor point, say you didn't match the parenthesis correctly in your interpolation list:

"WHERE thid IN", \@thids,
"AND ( action IN", \@admin_aids,
       "OR action IN", ['post', 'reply', 'edit']

This error would be caught at runtime rather than (earlier) at compile time as follows:

"WHERE thid IN", \@thids,
"AND", sql_fragment("action IN", \@admin_aids,
                    "OR action IN", ['post', 'reply', 'edit']
                    # -- syntax error by compiler

Another example may be to handle trivial cases simply, similar to how SQL::Interpolate handle the special case where the list after an IN is of size zero. For example,

my @conditions;  # list of SQL conditional statements.
sql_interp "x=2 AND", sql_and(@conditions);

Normally, this would be expanded to

"(", "x=2 AND", $conditions[0], 'AND', $conditions[1], 'AND', ...., ")"

Now, what if @condition == 0? If we define

sql_and()  -->  "1"         # analogous to x0 = 1
sql_or()   -->  "0"         # analogous to x*0 = 0

then proper SQL is generated in the above case:

"x=2 AND", "1"
# equivalent to "x=2"

Built-in Macros and Filters

This module comes with various macros and SQL filters already implemented. See the sections below.

Writing your own macros

Here is a simple example of writing your own macro. It is based on the sql_paren() macro provided by this module.

sub myparen
    return '(', @_, ')';

Example usage:

my($sql, @bind) = sql_interp "WHERE", my_paren("x=", \$x);
# Sets
#   $sql = "WHERE (x=?)";
#   @bind = $x;

This simple expansion is not always sufficient though. In the following cases, macro expansion should not occur at the time Perl calls the macro function but rather later during the execution of sql_interp().

(1) if the macro expansion needs data that is available only to an instance of SQL::Interpolate (e.g. a database handle that is interrogated to generate database-dependent SQL) or

(2) to support recursive macros properly, e.g.

sql_interp sql_and(sql_or('x=y', 'y=z'), 'z=w')
# don't expand to
#   sql_interp sql_and('(', 'x=y', 'y=z', ')', 'z=w')
# which would expand to
#   sql_interp '(', 'AND', 'x=y', 'AND', 'y=z', 'AND', ')', 'AND', 'z=w'
# but rather to
#   sql_interp '(', sql_or('x=y', 'y=z'), 'AND', 'z=w', ')'
# which would expand to
#   sql_interp '(', '(', 'x=y', 'OR', 'y=z', ')', 'AND', 'z=w', ')'

Notice how the expansion in the last example must be done outside-to-in rather inside-to-out.

The following more complicated design pattern can be used in such cases.

# helper function for simpler syntax
sub myparen
    return MyParen->new(@_);

# Macro class
package MyParen;
our @ISA = qw(SQL::Interpolate::Macro);

sub new
    my($class, @elements) = @_;

    my $self = bless [
    ], $class;
    return $self;

sub expand
    my($self, $interp, $filter) = @_;
    my $dbh = $interp->{dbh};
    if(defined($dbh) && $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'funnydatabase') {
        return ('leftparen', @$self, 'rightparen');
    else {
        return ('(', @$self, ')');

Here, myparen returns a macro object, which can be placed onto an interpolation list. During the flattening phase, sql_interp() will call the expand() method on the macro object, and this method must return the interpolation list that the macro will expand to. If the interpolation list macro contains macros itself, an sql_interp will further expand these. See also "macros" in SQL::Interpolate.

Writing your own SQL filters

The following is an example that expands on the previous example but supporting a stringified version of the macro in the SQL literals.

# example usage:
my $interp = new SQL::Interpolate(myparen_filter())->make_closure();
($sql, @bind) = $interp->("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE MYPAREN(x=y)");
# Equivalent to:
#   sql_interp "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ", 

# helper function for simpler syntax
sub myparen_filter
    return MyParenFilter->new(@_);

# SQL Filter class
package MyParenFilter;
our @ISA = qw(SQL::Interpolate::SQLFilter);

# Filter a single SQL string fragment (during expansion)
sub filter_text_fragment
    my($self, $sql, $changing_ref) = @_;
    my @out;
    pos($sql) = 0;
    my $pos0 = pos($sql);
    until($sql =~ /\G$/gc) {
        my $pos1 = pos($sql);
        if($sql =~ m{\G \b MYPAREN \( (.*?) \)}xsgc) {
            push @out, substr($sql, $pos0, $pos1 - $pos0) if $pos1 != $pos0;
            $pos0 = pos($sql);
            push @out, SQL::Interpolate::Rel->new($1);
            $$changing_ref = 1;
        else {
            $sql =~ m{\G.}xsgc; # more efficient: \G.[^P]*
    my $pos1 = pos($sql);
    push @out, substr($sql, $pos0, $pos1 - $pos0) if $pos1 != $pos0;
    return @out;

Your SQL filter may optionally have a few other methods that will be called by sql_interp if they exist. See "SQL::Interpolate::Macro Methods" for details.

Automatic table linking

The macro processor can simplify table joins by aliasing your tables and keys using special naming conventions and by writing the SQL expressions that link tables together via keys. It can be particularly useful to represent recursive data structures in a relational database, where the table join requirements are complicated.

This allows one to write

my $dbx = new DBIx::Interpolate(
        sales_order      => {name => qr/([S-T])/, key => ['so_nbr']},
        part             => {name => qr/([p-r])/, key => ['part_nbr']},
        sales_order_line => {name => qr/([S-T])([p-r])/,
                         key => ['so_nbr', 'part_nbr']}

    WHERE LINK(S,Sp,p) AND S = 123

instead of

    SELECT *
    FROM  sales_order        as S,
          sales_order_line   as Sp,
          part               as p
    WHERE S.so_nbr = Sp.so_nbr AND Sp.part_nbr = p.part_nbr AND
          S.so_nbr = 123


    SELECT *
    FROM  sales_order      as S  JOIN
          sales_order_line as Sp USING (so_nbr) JOIN
          part             as p  USING (part_nbr)

The above example prints part information for all the line items on sales order #123.

The table naming convention is that the names resemble the entities related by the tables, and this is a natural way to write queries. In the above example the entities are sales order (S) and part (p), which are related by the table represented by the juxtaposition "Sp". The LINK(S,Sp,p) macro expands by equating the keys in the given relations that identity the same entities according to the naming convention:

"S" and "Sp" share S --> "S.so_nbr = Sp.so_nbr"
"Sp" and "p" share p --> "Sp.part_nbr = p.part_nbr"

Also, any entity written alone in an expression (e.g. "S" in "S = 123" above) is considered to be shorthand for primary key in a relation representing that entity:

"S = 123" --> "S.so_nbr = 123"

The relations() function used above generates an object that describes how the naming conventions map to your database schema. The meaning in this example is as follows. sales order entities can be represented by the names "S" and "T". Part entities can be represented by the names "p", "q", and "r". The juxtaposition of one of each entity name represents a row in the sales_order_line relation that relates these two entities. The entity names in the matches must be surrounded by capturing parenthesis (). The names in the key list correspond respectively to the entities captured in the match, and these names are the names of the primary or foreign keys (in the current relation) that identify the entities. For example, "Sp" represents a row in the sales_order_line table, with represents a relationship between a sales order entity (S) and part entity (p). The key for S is given by Sp.so_nbr, and the key for p is given by Sp.part_nbr.

It is possible to use two entities in the same class:


Also, say the product structure is represented in the database, where parts can contain (subcomponent) parts, which can in turn contain other (subcomponent) parts.

    part_part => {
        name => qr/([p-r])([p-r])/, key => ['part_nbr1', 'part_nbr2']}

Now, it is possible to use two entities in the same class in the same relation:


Table linking is not limited to SELECT statements either:

SET p.color = 'blue'
WHERE LINK(Sp,p) AND S = $sonbr

The utility of automatic table linking is probably best shown by a real-world example. See Meset::MessageBoard in the "SEE ALSO" section.

Future Changes

REL(AB,BC) could be expanded into an "x as AB JOIN y as BC on condition" or "x as AB JOIN y as BC USING(...)" Do all major databases support this syntax? The juxtaposition of the JOIN and the linking condition could eliminate the need for the separate LINK(...) macro:


Functions that create SQL filter objects


Creates an SQL filter for performing automatic table linking. This creates an SQL::Interpolate::RelProcessor object derived from SQL::Interpolate::SQLFilter.

Sets information on relations (tables) for this objects.

   messageset => {name => qr/[A-Z]/, key => 'msid'},
   message    => {name => qr/[m-p]/, key => 'mid'},
   messageset_message => {foreign => {
      msid => 'messageset',
      mid  => 'message'
   messageset_messageset => {foreign => {
      msid_1 => 'messageset',
      msid_2 => 'messageset'

Expands simplified SQL such as

WHERE  A = ? AND LINK(Am, m)

into standard SQL:

SELECT * FROM messageset_message as Am, message as m
WHERE  Am.msid = ? AND Am.mid = m.mid

The SQL may contain these macros:

 REL(...) - identify relation and entities on it.
    This is converted into an SQL::Interpolate::Rel object.

 LINK(X,Y,Z,...) forms a Boolean expression linking the provided
   relations.  There must be at least one parameter (typically two).
    This is converted into an SQL::Interpolate::Link object.

$sql_in : string - input string

$sql_out : string - output string

Possible improvements:

- support multi-part keys?
- support optional automatic inclusion of LINK(...).

See the "Automatic table linking" section above.

Functions that create macro objects

$macro = sql_and(@predicates);

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::And) representing a Boolean AND over a list of predicates.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp sql_and(
    'x=y', 'y=z or z=w', sql_fragment('z=', \3))


('((x=y) AND (y=z or z=w) AND (z=?))', 3)

If the @predicates list is empty, a '1' is returned.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'x=y AND', sql_and(@predicates);
# Result: $sql = 'x=y AND 1';

Predicates are surrounded by parenthesis if possibly needed.

$macro = sql_or(@predicates);

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::Or) representing a Boolean OR over a list of predicates.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp sql_or('x=y', 'y=z', sql_paren('z=', \3))


('(x=y OR y=z OR 'z=?)', 3)

If the @predicates list is empty, a '0' is returned.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp 'x=y OR', sql_or(@predicates);
# Generates $sql = 'x=y OR 0';

Predicates are surrounded by parenthesis if possibly needed.

$macro = sql_fragment(@objs)

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::SQL) that is container for a list of interpolation objects.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp sql_fragment('x=y AND z=', \3)
# Generates ($sql, @bind) = ('x=y and z=?', 3);
$macro = sql_paren(@objs)

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::Paren) representing a list of interpolation objects to be surrounded by parenthesis.

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp sql_paren('x=y AND z=', \3)
# Generates ($sql, @bind) = ('(x=y and z=?)', 3);

Typically, the size of the interpolation list should not be zero.

$macro = sql_if($condition, $value_if_true)

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::If) that expands to the given value if the condition is true, else if expands to the empty list ().

($sql, @bind) = sql_interp
        sql_if($blue,  q[color = "blue"]),
        sql_if($shape, sql_paren(q[shape =], \$shape)) )
# Generates one of
#   q[(color = "blue" AND shape = ?)], $shape
#   q[(color = "blue")]
#   q[(shape = ?)], $shape
#   1

sql_if is similar to

$condition ? $value_if_true : ()

except that it is a macro and therefore is evaluated at the time that sql_interp is processed.

$macro = sql_rel($alias)

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::Rel) that expands to a table and alias definition based on the database description given in relations(...). See the "Automatic table linking" section above.

$macro = sql_link(@aliases)

Creates a macro object (SQL::Interpolate::Link) that expands to a table join condition definition based on the database description given in relations(...).

See the "Automatic table linking" section above.

SQL::Interpolate::SQL::Filter Methods

The following methods are implemented by SQL filter objects (i.e. objects derived from SQL::Interpolate::SQLFilter). Many of these methods are called by sql_interp during interpolation, and many of these methods are optional.


Initializes (or reinitializes) the macro object. This is called by sql_interp each time sql_interp begins processing. This method is optional.

sub init
    my($self) = @_;
    ... reinitialize self

You may use this to reset any state.


Returns a list of macro types for macros that the filter object should be passed to upon macro expansion. This method is optional.

sub init
    my($self) = @_;
    return ('SQL::Interpolate::Rel', 'SQL::Interpolate::Link');
# now sql_interp will pass the filter object to
# SQL::Interpolate::Rel->expand() and
# SQL::Intrpolate::Link->expand().

This can be useful if the macro needs to read or write state in the filter.


Filter a single SQL string fragment (during expansion). This method is optional.

sub filter_text_fragment
    my($self, $sql, $changing_ref) = @_;
    if($sql =~ /.../) { # match
        $$changing_ref = 1;
        ... expand and return new list of interpolation entities
        return (...);
    else {
        return $sql; # return original string (unmodified)

One use of filter_text_fragment is to expand any macros embedded inside strings.


expands to

"SELECT ", rel('AB'), ', ', rel('BC'), ' ...'

Filter SQL string (after it has been expanded and joined into a single string). This method is optional.

sub filter_text
    my($self, $sql) = @_;
    ...transform $sql...
    return $sql;

Compare this to filter_text_fragment, which is processed earlier.

SQL::Interpolate::Macro Methods

The following methods are implemented by macro objects (i.e. objects derived from SQL::Interpolate::Macro). Many of these methods are called by sql_interp during interpolation.


Expands macro to an expanded interpolation list.

sub expand {
    my($self, $interp, $filter) = @_;
    ...expand self to interpolation list @list, possibly
       referring to $interp and $filter...
    return @list;

This is called by sql_interp to expand the given macro object.

Exports and Use Parameters

use SQL::Interpolate::Macro qw(:all);

':all' exports these functions: relations, sql_and, sql_fragment, sql_if, sql_link, sql_or, sql_paren, sql_rel .


This macro facilities are still under development, so interfaces could change and may particularly affect you if you are writing your own macros.

The utility of macros over just plain SQL has been questioned. A healthy balance can probably be made: use macros only when they are elucidate rather than obscure and when they improve robustness and simplicity of the syntax.


David Manura (

Feedback incorporated from Mark Stosberg on table linking, SQL LIMIT, and things.


Copyright (c) 2004-2005, David Manura. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. See


Other modules in this distribution: SQL::Interpolate, SQL::Interpolate::Filter, DBIx::Interpolate.

Full example code of automatic table linking - Meset::MessageBoard in Meset (

Dependencies: DBI.

Related: SQL::Abstract, DBIx::Abstract, Class::DBI.