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Alzabo - A data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper
Cannot be summarized here.
What is Alzabo?
Alzabo is a program and a suite of modules, with two core functions. Its first use is as a data modelling tool. Through either a schema creation interface or a perl program, you can create a set of schema, table, column, etc. objects to represent your data model. Alzabo is also capable of reverse engineering your data model from an existing system.
Its second function is as an RDBMS to object mapping system. Once you have created a schema, you can use the Alzabo::Runtime::Table
and Alzabo::Runtime::Row
classes to access its data. These classes offer a high level interface to common operations such as SQL SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE commands.
A higher level interface can be created through the use of the Alzabo::MethodMaker
module. This module takes a schema object and auto-generates useful methods based on the tables, columns, and relationships it finds in the module. The code is generates can be integrated with your own code quite easily.
To take it a step further, you could then aggregate a set of rows from different tables into a larger container object which could understand the logical relationship between these tables.
The Alzabo::Runtime::Row
objects support the use of a caching system. Caching modules are included with the distribution. However, you may substitute any caching system you like provided it has the appropriate method interface.
What to Read?
Alzabo has a lot of documentation. If you are primarily interested in using Alzabo as an RDBMS-OO wrapper, much of the documentation can be skipped. This assumes that you will create your schema via the schema creation interface or via reverse engineering.
Here is the suggested reading order:
The section for your RDBMS:
The Alzabo::Runtime::Schema docs - The most important parts here are those related to loading a schema and connecting to a database. Also be sure to read about the join
The Alzabo::Runtime::Table docs - This contains most of the methods used to fetch rows from the database, as well as the insert
The Alzabo::Runtime::Row docs - The row objects contain the methods used to update, delete, and retrieve data from the database.
The Alzabo::Runtime::PotentialRow docs - Potential rows are objects that look like real rows but have yet been inserted into the database.
The Alzabo::Runtime::Cursor docs - The most important part of the documentation here is the HANDLING ERRORS section.
The Alzabo::Runtime::RowCursor docs - A cursor object that returns only a single row.
The Alzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor docs - A cursor object that returns multiple rows at once.
The Alzabo::MethodMaker docs - One of the most useful parts of Alzabo. This module can be used to auto-generate methods based on the structure of your schema.
The Alzabo::ObjectCache docs - This describes how to select the caching modules you want to use. It contains a number of scenarios and describes how they are affected by caching. If you plan on using Alzabo in a multi-process environment (such as mod_perl) this is very important.
The Alzabo::Exceptions docs - Describes the nature of all the exceptions used in Alzabo.
The quick reference - A quick reference for the various methods of the Alzabo objects.
Other areas of interest may include the Validating data, Using SQL functions, Referential integrity, and Changing the schema sections in this document.
Alzabo concepts
Every schema keeps track of whether it has been instantiated or not. A schema that is instantiated is one that exists in an RDBMS backend. This can be done explicitly by calling the schema's create
method. It is also implicitly set when a schema is created as the result of reverse engineering.
Instantiation has several effects. The most important part of this is to realize that once a schema is instantiated, the way it generates SQL for itself changes. Before it is instantiated, if you ask it to generate SQL via the make_sql
the method, it will generate the set of SQL statements that are needed to create the schema in the RDBMS.
After is instantiated, the schema will instead generate the SQL necessary to convert the version in the RDBMS backend to match the object's current state. This can be thought of as a SQL 'diff'.
While this feature is quite useful, it can be confusing too. The most surprising aspect of this is that if you create a schema via reverse engineering and then call the make_sql
method, you will not get any SQL. This is because the schema knows that it is instantiated and it also knows that it is the same as the version in the RDBMS, so no SQL is necessary.
The way to deal with this is to call the set_instantiated
method with a false value. Use this method with care.
Rows and cursors
In Alzabo, data is returned in the form of a row object. This object can be used to access the data for an individual row.
Unless you are retrieving a row via a unique identifier (usually its primary key), you will be given a cursor object. This is quite similar to how DBI
uses statement handles and is done for similar reasons.
How to use Alzabo
The first thing you'll want to do is create a schema. The easiest way to do this is via the included web based schema creation interface, which requires the HTML::Mason package from CPAN (www.cpan.org) to run.
This interface can be installed during the normal installation process, and you will be prompted as to whether or not you want to use it.
The other way to create a schema is via a perl script. Here's the beginning of such a script:
use Alzabo::Create::Schema;
my $s = Alzabo::Create::Schema->new( name => 'foo',
rdbms => 'MySQL' );
my $table = $s->make_table( name => 'some_table' );
my $a_col = $table->make_column( name => 'a_column',
type => 'int',
nullable => 0,
sequenced => 0,
attributes => [ 'unsigned' ] );
my $b_col = $table->make_column( name => 'b_column',
type => 'varchar',
length => 240,
nullable => 0 );
$table->make_index( columns => [ { column => $b_col,
prefix => 10 } ] );
if ($@) { handle exceptions }
Alzabo uses exceptions as its error reporting mechanism. This means that pretty much all calls to its methods should be wrapped in eval{}
. This is less onerous than it sounds. In general, there's no reason not to wrap all of your calls in one eval, rather than each one in a seperate eval. Then at the end of the block simply check the value of $@
. See the code of the included HTML::Mason
based interface for examples.
Also see the Alzabo::Exceptions
documentation, which lists all of the different exception used by Alzabo.
Its important to note that some metohds (such as the driver's rollback method) may use eval
internally. This means that if you intend to use them as part of the cleanup after an exception, you may need to store the original exception as $@
will be overwritten at the next eval
In addition, some methods you might use during cleanup can throw exceptions of their own.
This is the point where I start wishing Perl had a real exception handling mechanism built into the language.
Usage Examples
Alzabo is a powerful tool but as with many powerful tools it can also be a bit overwhelming at first. The easiest way to understand some of its basic capabilities is through some examples.. Let's first assume that you've created the following schema:
TABLE: Movie
movie_id tinyint -- primary key
title varchar(200)
release_year year
TABLE: Person
person_id tinyint -- primary key
name varchar(200)
birthdate date
birthplace_location_id tinyint -- foreign key to location
job_id tinyint -- primary key
job varchar(200) -- something like 'actor' or 'director'
TABLE: Credit
movie_id tinyint -- primary key part 1, foreign key to movie
person_id tinyint -- primary key part 2, foreign key to person
job_id tinyint -- primary key part 3, foreign key to job
TABLE: Location
location_id tinyint -- primary key
location varchar(200) -- 'New York City' or 'USA'
parent_location_id tinyint -- foreign key to location
This is a vastly scaled down version of the 90+ table database that Alzabo was written to support.
Fetching data
First of all, let's do something simple. Let's assume I have a person_id value and I want to find all the movies that they were in and print the title, year of release, and the job they did in the movie. Here's what it looks like:
my $schema = Alzabo::Runtime::Schema->load_from_file( name => 'movies' );
my $person_t = $schema->table('Person');
my $credit_t = $schema->table('Credit');
my $movie_t = $schema->table('Movie');
my $job_t = $schema->table('Job');
# returns a row representing this person.
my $person = $person_t->row_by_pk( pk => 42 );
# all the rows in the credit table that have the person_id of 42.
my $cursor = $person->rows_by_foreign_key( foreign_key =>
$person_t->foreign_keys_by_table($credit_t) );
print $person->select('name'), " was in the following films:\n\n";
while (my $credit = $cursor->next)
# rows_by_foreign_key returns a RowCursor object. We immediately
# call its next method, knowing it will only have one row (if
# it doesn't then our referential integrity is in trouble!)
my $movie =
$credit->rows_by_foreign_key( foreign_key =>
$credit_t->foreign_keys_by_table($movie_t) )->next;
my $job =
$credit->rows_by_foreign_key( foreign_key =>
$credit_t->foreign_keys_by_table($job_t) )->next;
print $movie->select('title'), " released in ", $movie->select('release_year'), "\n";
print ' ', $job->('job'), "\n";
A more sophisticated version of this code would take into account that a person can do more than one job in the same movie.
The method names are admittedly verbose but the end result code is significantly simpler to read than the equivalent using raw SQL and DBI calls.
Let's redo the example using Alzabo::MethodMaker
# I'm assuming that the pluralize_english subroutine pluralizes
# things as one would expect.
use Alzabo::MethodMaker( schema => 'movies',
all => 1,
name_maker => \&method_namer );
my $schema = Alzabo::Runtime::Schema->load_from_file( name => 'movies' );
# instantiates a row representing this person.
my $person = $schema->Person->row_by_pk( pk => 42 );
# all the rows in the credit table that have the person_id of 42.
my $cursor = $person->Credits;
print $person->name, " was in the following films:\n\n";
while (my $credit = $cursor->next)
my $movie = $credit->Movie;
my $job = $credit->Job;
print $movie->title, " released in ", $movie->release_year, "\n";
print ' ', $job->job, "\n";
Validating data
Let's assume that we've been passed a hash of values representing an update to the location table. Here's a way of making sure that that this update won't lead to a loop in terms of the parent/child relationships.
sub update_location
my $self = shift; # this is the row object
my %data = @_;
if ( $data{parent_location_id} )
my $parent_location_id = $data{parent_location_id};
my $location_t = $schema->table('Location');
while ( my $location = eval { $location_t->row_by_pk( pk => $parent_location_id ) } )
die "Insert into location would create loop"
if $location->select('parent_location_id') == $data{location_id};
$parent_location_id = $location->select('parent_location_id');
Once again, let's rewrite the code to use Alzabo::MethodMaker
sub update_location
my $self = shift; # this is the row object
my %data = @_;
if ( $data{parent_location_id} )
my $location = $self;
while ( my $location = eval { $location->parent } )
die "Insert into location would create loop"
if $location->parent_location_id == $data{location_id};
Using SQL functions
Each subclass of Alzabo::SQLMaker is capable of exporting functions that allow you to use all the SQL functions that your RDBMS provides. These functions are normal Perl functions. They take as argument normal scalars (strings and numbers), Alzabo::Column
objects, or the return value of another SQL function. They may be used to select data via the select
and function
methods in both the Alzabo::Runtime::Table
and Alzabo::Runtime::Schema
classes. They may also be used as part updates, inserts, and where clauses, any place that is appropriate.
use Alzabo::SQLMaker::MySQL qw(MAX NOW PI);
my $max = $table->function( function => MAX( $table->column('budget') ),
where => [ $table->column('country'), '=', 'USA' ] );
$table->insert( values => { create_date => NOW() } );
$row->update( pi => PI() );
my $cursor = $table->rows_where( where =>
[ $table->column('expire_date'), '<=', NOW() ] );
my $cursor = $table->rows_where( where =>
[ LENGTH( $table->column('password'), '<=', 5 ] );
The documentation for the Alzabo::SQLMaker subclass for your RDBMS will contain a detailed list of all exportable functions.
Changing the schema
In MySQL, there are a number of various types of integers. The type TINYINT can hold values from -128 to 127. But what if have more than 127 movies? And if that's the case we might have more than 127 people too.
For safety's sake, it might be best to make all of the primary key integer columns INT columns instead. And while we're at it we want to make them UNSIGNED as well, as we don't need to insert negative numbers into these columns.
You could break out the RDBMS manual (because you probably forgot the exact ALTER TABLE syntax you'll need). Or you could use Alzabo. Note that this time it is an Alzabo::Create::Schema
object, not Alzabo::Runtime::Schema
my $schema = Alzabo::Create::Schema->load_from_file( name => 'movies' );
foreach my $t ( $schema->tables )
foreach my $c ( $t->columns )
if ( $c->is_primary_key and lc $c->type eq 'tinyint' )
$schema->create( user => 'user', password => 'password' );
Alzabo uses transactions internally in order to guarantee consistency. Obviously, if you are using a database such as MySQL (without InnoDB) that does not support transactions, this is not possible.
If you would like to use transactions explicitly in your code, please make sure to use the Alzabo::Schema
class's begin_work
, commit
, and rollback
Backwards Compatibility
Because Alzabo saves the schema objects to disk as raw data structures using the Storable
module, it is possible for a new version of Alzabo to be incompatible with a saved schema.
As of Alzabo version 0.65, Alzabo can now detect older schemas and will attempt to update them if possible.
When you attempt to load a schema, whether of the Alzabo::Create::Schema
or Alzabo::Runtime::Schema
classes, Alzabo will determine what version of Alzabo created that schema.
If updates are necessary, Alzabo will first back up your existing files with the extension .bak.v{version}, where "{version}" is the version of Alzabo which created the schema.
Then it will alter the schema as necessary and save it to disk.
This will all happen transparently, as long as the process which initiated this process can write to the schema files and the directory they are in.
Alzabo will need the Alzabo::Create::*
classes to update the schema. If these have not been loaded already, Alzabo will do so and issue a warning to say that this has happened, in case you would like to restart the process without these classes loaded.
Multiple RDBMS Support
Alzabo aims to be as cross-platform as possible. To that end, RDBMS specific operations are contained in several module hierarchies. The goal here is to isolate RDBMS-specific behavior and try to provide generic wrappers around it, inasmuch as is possible.
The first, the Alzabo::Driver::*
hierarchy, is used to handle communication with the database. It uses DBI
and the appropriate DBD::*
module to handle communications. It provides a higher level of abstraction than DBI
, requiring that the RDBMS specific modules implement methods to do such things as create databases or return the next value in a sequence.
The second, the Alzabo::RDBMSRules::*
hierarchy, is used during schema creation in order to validate user input such as schema and table names. It also generates SQL to create the database or turn one schema into another (sort of a SQL diff). Finally, it also handles reverse engineering an existing database.
The this, the Alzabo::SQLMaker::*
hierarchy, is used to generate SQL and handle bound parameters for select, insert, update, and delete operations.
The RDBMS to be used is specified when creating the schema. Currently, there is no easy way to convert a schema from one RDBMS to another, though this is a future goal.
Referential integrity
By default, Alzabo will maintain referential integrity in your database based on the relationships you have defined. This can be turned off via the Alzabo::Runtime::Schema->set_referential_integrity
Alzabo enforces these referential integrity rules:
An attempt to insert a value into a table's foreign key column(s) will fail if the value does not exist in the foreign table.
If a table is dependent on another table, any columns from the dependent table involved in the relationship will be treated as not nullable.
If the relationship is one-to-one, all columns involved in the foreign key will be treated as if they had a unique constraint on them (as a group if there is more than one) unless any of the columns being inserted are NULL.
No attempt is made to enforce constraints on a table's primary key, as that could conceivably make it impossible to insert a row into the table.
Updates follow the same rules as inserts. Since Alzabo does not allow you to update a row's primary key, the last rule above does not apply.
When a row is deleted, foreign tables which are dependent on the one being deleted will have the relevant rows deleted. Otherwise, the foreign table's related column(s) will simply be set to NULL.
The general design of Alzabo is as follows.
There are objects representing the schema, which contains table objects. Table objects contain column, foreign key, and index objects. Column objects contain column definition objects. A single column definition may be shared by multiple columns, but has only one owner.
This is a diagram of these inheritance relationships:
Alzabo::* (::Schema, ::Table, ::Column, ::ColumnDefinition, ::ForeignKey, ::Index)
/ \
is parent to
/ \
Alzabo::Create::* Alzabo::Runtime::*
This a diagram of how objects contain other objects:
Schema - makes--Alzabo::SQLMaker subclass object (many)
/ \
contains contains--Alzabo::Driver subclass object (1)
| \
Table (0 or more) Alzabo::RDBMSRules subclass object (1)
/ \ (* Alzabo::Create::Schema only)
/ \
/ \ \
/ \ \
ForeignKey Column (0 or more) Index (0 or more)
(0 or more) |
ColumnDefinition (1)
Note that more than one column may share a single definition object (this is explained in the Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition
documentation). This is only relevant if you are writing a schema creation interface.
Other classes
These objects handle all the actual communication with the database, using a thin wrapper over DBI. The subclasses are used to implement functionality that must be handled uniquely for a given RDBMS, such as creating new values for sequenced columns.
These objects handle the generation of all SQL for runtime operations. The subclasses are used to implement functionality that varies between RDBMS's, such as outer joins.
These objects perform several funtions. First, they validate things such as schema or table names, column type and length, etc.
Second they are used to generate SQL for creating and updating the database and its tables.
And finally, they also handle the reverse engineering of an existing database.
These are object caching modules. The modules in the
hierarchy are used to store row objects persistently. The modules inAlzabo::ObjectCache::Sync
are used to make sure that multiple instances of the same row objects in different processes don't step on each other's toes.Alzabo::Runtime::Row
This object represents a row from a table. These objects are created by
, andAlzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor
objects. It is the sole interface by which actual data is retrieved, updated, or deleted in a table.Alzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor
This object is a cursor that returns row objects. Using a cursor saves a lot of memory for big selects.
This class is generated by Makefile.PL during installation and contains information such as what directory contains saved schemas and other configuration information.
This object provides a method for an object to register a series to backout from multiple changes. This is done by providing the ChangeTracker object with a callback after a change is succesfully made to an object or objects. If a future change in a set of operations fail, the tracker can be told to back the changes out. This is used primarily in
This module can auto-generate useful methods for you schema, table, and row objects based on the structure of your schema.
This object creates the exception subclasses used by Alzabo.
Why the subdivision between Alzabo::*, Alzabo::Create::*, and Alzabo::Runtime::*?
There are several reasons for doing this:
In some environments (mod_perl) we would like to optimize for memory. For an application that uses an existing schema, all we need is to be able read object information, rather than needing to change the schema's definition. This means there is no reason to have the overhead of compiling all the methods used when creating and modifying objects.
In other environments (for example, when running as a separately spawned CGI process) compile time is important.
For most people using Alzabo, they will use one of the existing schema creation interfaces and then write an application using that schema. At the simplest level, they would only need to learn how to instantiate Alzabo::Runtime::Row objects and how that class's methods work. For more sophisticated users, they can still avoid having to ever look at documentation on methods that alter the schema and its contained objects.
The Alzabo docs are conveniently located online at http://www.alzabo.org/docs/.
There is also a mailing list. You can sign up at http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/alzabo-general.
Please don't email me directly. Use the list instead so others can see your questions.
Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Dave Rolsky
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Dave Rolsky, <autarch@urth.org>