HTML::Mason::Interp - Mason Component Interpreter


my $i = new HTML::Mason::Interp (data_dir=>'/usr/local/mason',
                                 ...other params...);


Interp is the Mason workhorse, executing components and routing their output and errors to all the right places. In a mod_perl environment, Interp objects are handed off immediately to an ApacheHandler object which internally calls the Interp implementation methods. In that case the only user method is the new() constructor.



File name used for autohandlers. Default is "autohandler".


This parameter indicates whether or not requests created by this interpreter should have autoflush turned on or off by default.


Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the in-memory code cache where components are stored. e.g.

code_cache_max_size => 20*1024*1024
code_cache_max_size => 20_000_000

Default is 10 MB. See the Code Cache section in the Admin Guide for further details.


The Compiler object to associate with this Interpreter. If none is provided a default compiler using the HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject and HTML::Mason::Lexer classes will be created.


The Mason data directory. Mason's various data directories (obj, cache, etc), live within the data_dir.

If this parameter is not given then there are several results. First, Mason will not use object files, since it has no place to put them. Second, the default caching class for the request object will be Cache::MemoryCache instead of Cache::FileCache.


A hash reference of default options to use for the $m->cache command. For example, to use the Cache::MemoryCache implementation by default,

data_cache_defaults => {cache_class => 'MemoryCache'}

These settings are overriden by options given to particular $m->cache calls.


True or false, default is false. When false, Mason checks the timestamp of the component source file each time the component is used to see if it has changed. This provides the instant feedback for source changes that is expected for development. However it does entail a file stat for each component executed.

When true, Mason assumes that the component source tree is unchanging: it will not check component source files to determine if the memory cache or object file has expired. This can save many file stats per request. However, in order to get Mason to recognize a component source change, you must remove object files and restart the server (so as to clear the memory cache).

Use this feature for live sites where performance is crucial and where updates are infrequent and well-controlled.


Regular expression indicating which warnings to ignore when loading components. Any warning that is not ignored will prevent the component from being loaded and executed. For example:

ignore_warnings_expr =>
    'Global symbol.*requires explicit package'

If undef, all warnings are heeded; if '.', all warnings are ignored.

By default, this is set to 'Subroutine .* redefined'. This allows you to declare global subroutines inside <%once> sections and not receive an error when the component is reloaded.


A list of component paths, optionally with glob wildcards, to load when the interpreter initializes. e.g.

preloads => ['/foo/index.html','/bar/*.pl']

Default is the empty list. For maximum performance, this should only be used for components that are frequently viewed and rarely updated. See the preloading section in the Admin Guide for further details.

As mentioned in the developer's guide, a component's <%once> section is executed when it is loaded. For preloaded components, this means that this section will be executed before a Mason or Apache request exist, so preloading a component that uses $m or $r in a <%once> section will fail.


The Resolver object to associate with this Interpreter. If none is provided, a default Resolver will be created.


True or false, default is true. Specifies whether Mason creates object files to save the results of component parsing. You may want to turn off object files for disk space reasons, but otherwise this should be left alone.


All of the above properties have standard accessor methods of the same name. In general, no arguments retrieves the value, and one argument sets and returns the value. For example:

my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp (...);
my $c = $interp->compiler;

The following properties can be queried but not modified: data_dir, preloads.



HTML::Mason, HTML::Mason::Admin, HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 856:

You can't have =items (as at line 860) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item