Moose has a lot of features, and there's definitely more than one way to do it. However, we think that picking a subset of these features and using them consistently makes everyone's life easier.

Of course, as with any list of "best practices", these are really just opinions. Feel free to ignore us.

"No Moose" and Immutabilize

We recommend that you end your Moose class definitions by removing the Moose sugar and making your class immutable.

package Person;

use Moose;

# extends, roles, attributes, etc.

# methods

no Moose;



The "no Moose" bit is simply good code hygiene, and making classes immutable speeds up a lot of things, most notably object construction.


If you override the BUILDARGS method in your class, make sure to play nice and call SUPER::BUILDARGS to handle cases you're not checking for explicitly.q

The default BUILDARGS method in Moose::Object handles both a list and hashref of named parameters correctly, and also checks for a non-hashref single argument.

Don't Use the initializer Feature

Don't know what we're talking about? That's fine.

Use builder Instead of default Most of the Time.

Builders can be inherited, they have explicit names, and they're just plain cleaner.

However, do use a default when the default is a non-reference, or when the default is simply an empty reference of some sort.

Also, keep your builder methods private.

Use lazy_build

Lazy is good, and often solves initialization ordering problems. It's also good for deferring work that may never have to be done. If you're going to be lazy, use lazy_build to save yourself some typing and standardize names.

Consider Keeping clearers & predicates Private

Does everyone really need to be able to clear an attribute? Probably not. Don't expose this functionality outside your class by default.

Predicates are less problematic, but there's no reason to make your public API bigger than it has to be.

Default to read-only, and Consider Keeping writers Private

Making attributes mutable just means more complexity to account for in your program. The alternative to mutable state is to encourage users of your class to simply make new objects as needed.

If you must make an attribute read-write, consider making the writer a separate private method. Narrower APIs are easy to maintain, and mutable state is trouble.

Think Twice Before Changing an Attribute's Type in a Subclass

Down this path lies great confusion. If the attribute is an object itself, at least make sure that it has the same interface as the type of object in the parent class.

Use MooseX::AttributeHelpers Instead of auto_deref

The auto_deref feature is a big troublesome. Directly exposing a complex attribute is ugly. Instead, consider using MooseX::AttributeHelpers to define an API that exposes those pieces of functionality that need exposing. Then you can expose just the functionality that you want.

Namespace Your Types

Use some sort of namespacing convention for type names. We recommend something like "MyApp.Type.Foo". Never use "::" as the namespace separator, since that overlaps with actual class names.

Coercion Instead of Unions

Consider using a type coercion instead of a type union. This was covered at length in Moose::Manual::Types.

Define All Your Types in One Module

Define all your types and coercions in one module. This was also covered in Moose::Manual::Types.


Dave Rolsky <>


Copyright 2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.