WWW::eNom::Role::Command::Domain::PrivateNameServer - Domain Private Nameserver Operations




Needed in order to keep private nameservers synced with the authoritative ones.


Implemented private name server operations with eNom's API.


eNom's API does not offer a method to retrieve a list of registered nameservers. As a workaround, and so that we do not lose track of Private Nameservers, private nameservers are always added to the authoritative nameservers. In the same vein, if a private nameserver is removed then it is also removed from the authoritative nameservers.



my $domain = WWW::eNom::Domain->new( ... );
my $private_nameserver = WWW::eNom::PrivateNameServer->new(
    name => 'ns1.' . $domain->name,
    ip   => '',

my $updated_domain = $api->create_private_nameserver(
    domain_name        => $domain->name,
    private_nameserver => $private_nameserver,

Abstraction of the RegisterNameServer eNom API call. Given a FQDN and a WWW::eNom::PrivateNameServer (or a HashRef that can be coerced into one), creates the private nameserver and adds it to the list of authoritative nameservers for the domain. Keep in mind, the name of private nameserver must be a root of the domain. So if the domain is, you can have as a private nameserver but you can not have as a private nameserver.

This method will croak if the domain is owned by someone else, if it's not registered, or if the private nameserver name or ip are invalid.


my $private_nameserver = $api->retrieve_private_nameserver_by_name( 'ns1.' . $domain->name );

Abstraction of the CheckNSStatus eNom API Call. Given a FQDN that is the hostname of a private nameserver, returns an instance of WWW::eNom::PrivateNameServer that describes the registered nameserver.

This method will croak if the domain is owned by someone else, if it's not registered, or if private nameserver does not exist.


    domain_name             => $domain->name,
    private_nameserver_name => 'ns1.' . $domain->name,

Abstraction of the DeleteNameServer eNom API Call. Given a FQDN and a the FQDN of the private nameserver you wish to delete, deletes the private nameserver and removes it from the authoritative nameservers.

If deleting this private nameserver would leave the domain with no authoritative nameservers this method will croak with 'Blocked deletion - Deleting this would leave this domain with no nameservers!' This is a safety that is part of the workaround needed in order to implement private nameservers.

This method will also croak if the domain is owned by someone else, if it's not registered, or if private nameserver does not exist.