SQL::Routine::NodeTypes - What Node types are part of SQL::Routine's language or grammar


This POD file contains most of the details about the Node types that are part of SQL::Routine's language or grammar, including what attributes they have and what constraints or relationships they can be involved in. You should read the summary introduction in SQL::Routine::Language before this document.


This document details the Node types that SQL::Routine knows about; each one corresponds to a SQL::Routine concept. A Node Ref attribute of a certain type will reference another Node of that Node Type.

Each Node Type description below includes the attributes that are valid for Nodes of that type. For each attribute, it says what the attribute means, what major+minor type it is, and what kind of value constraints it must obey, including both independent and dependent constraints. Some attribute value constraints are constantly applied, while many of them are deferrable.

Each pseudo-Node also has a section that looks like one for a normal Node type; these sections are where certain details about Nodes that have pseudo-Node parents go, because those details are explained in terms of "child Nodes".

For each Node Type, there are several detail lists: Attribute List, Exclusive Attribute Groups List, Local Attribute Dependencies List, Ancestor Attribute Correlation List, Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List, Remotely Addressable Types List, Child Quantity List, Distinct Child Groups List, Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List.

Attribute List

The Attribute List says what all of the attributes are, in order, along with each one's major+minor type, an indicator of whether it is a primary parent node candidate, and a description. Each list element is in this format:

<attr> ::= <id-attr>|<pp-attr>|<si-attr>|<wrap-attr>|<detail-attr> - <description>
<id-attr> ::= id - NODE_ID
<pp-attr> ::= pp - N.<node-type-list>
<si-attr> ::= <attr-name> - <literal-attr>|<enum-attr>|<nref-attr> - <surrogate-id-flag>
<wrap-attr> ::= <attr-name> - <nref-attr> - <wrapper-flag>[ - <mandatory-flag>]
<detail-attr> ::= <attr-name> - <literal-attr>|<enum-attr>|<nref-attr>[ - <mandatory-flag>]
<literal-attr> ::= <attr-name> - L.<literal-type>
<enum-attr> ::= <attr-name> - E.<enumerated-type>
<nref-attr> ::= <attr-name> - N.<node-type-list>
<node-type-list> ::= *|(<node-type>(,<node-type>){0,})
<surrogate-id-flag> ::= SI
<wrapper-flag> ::= WR
<mandatory-flag> ::= MA

Every Node type's "id"/"NODE_ID" attribute is implicitly always-mandatory; moreover, that attribute is implicitly always-distinct between all Nodes in a Container. There is usually just one node-type per nref-attr, but if there are several, then either there is an explicit comma-separated list, or an asterisk ("*") appears to indicate that any Node type may be used.

Every Node type has either a "pp" attribute or a pseudo-Node parent; the former is used to link the current Node to a "primary parent" Node. When a Container (or subset of its Nodes) is converted to a tree-like representation (such as XML), each Node will be output beneath its primary parent. Every Node type's "pp" attribute is implicitly always-mandatory.

While there is no special code to draw attention to it, note that some primary-parent Node ref attributes are special in that they can be directly-recursive; they facilitate the construction of N-depth Node trees where all Nodes in the tree have the same Node type. You can spot one of these by the fact that the "pp" attribute has the same minor type candidate as the Node type the attribute belongs to. The most common such trees are made from "[view|routine]_expr" Nodes, but others are also possible.

The surrogate-id-flag indicates that the attribute holds the surrogate identifier for the Node; this attribute's value is guaranteed to be distinct for all Nodes that have the same primary-parent Node, or that have a pseudo-Node parent, though the values for two Nodes with two different primary-parent Nodes can be the same. Every Node type's surrogate id attribute is always implicitly mandatory. For most Node types, the surrogate id attribute is called 'si_name' and is an "L.cstr" data type; their values correspond to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard's impression of a SQL "identifier", specifically an un-qualified SQL identifier. (Eg, a table's "si_name" is the table's "identifier".) For a few Node types (eg, 'view_expr'), there is no distinct surrogate-id attribute; in situations where you want to use a "surrogate id" for all Node types, it is safe to use the normal Node id for that purpose in its place.

The wrapper-flag indicates that the Node type containing this attribute is implemented mainly as a wrapper or alias for another Node type, where the Node in question is linked through this Node-ref attribute. Certain activities that want to examine child Nodes of the linking Node can consider the children of the linked Node to be the linking Node's children.

The mandatory-flag indicates that the attribute is always-mandatory, meaning the attribute must always be populated (not be null); in some cases, it means you explicitly provide a 'default' value such as zero.

The "Attribute List" contains all details that pertain to constantly applied attribute value constraints. One of these is that you can never set values of the wrong major+minor type to an attribute, guaranteeing they are type-correct at all times. Another of these is that a Node's NODE_ID attribute must always be set, and have a distinct value relative to all other Nodes in the same Container. Another of these is that any Node ref attributes (including the primary-parent) can only point to Nodes that are simultaneously in the same container. As another, you can never set a primary parent for a Node which is a direct or indirect descendant of that Node (including the linking Node itself), so circular references are guaranteed to never exist.

The "Attribute List" also contains a few details that pertain to deferrable constraints. One deferrable constraint is that a Node's primary-parent attribute must be set, if the Node has one. Another deferrable constraint is that any "SI" and "MA" attributes are populated. Another deferrable constraint is that all Nodes sharing a common primary-parent have a distinct surrogate id value; moreover, if a given primary-parent Node is a "wrapper" for another Node, then the combined set of child Nodes between all of them must have distinct surrogate id values.

Exclusive Attribute Groups List

The Exclusive Attribute Groups List says what groups of mutually exclusive attributes there are for a Node type; no more than one member of a group may have a set value at any given time. Each list element is in this format:

<mutex-name> - <attr-name>(,<attr-name>){1,}[ - <mandatory-flag>]

For each mutex-name group, there are 2 or more attr-name which are members of the group; if mandatory-flag is present, which looks like "MA", then one member of the group must always be set; if mandatory-flag is not present, then it is fine for all group members to not be set. All "Exclusive Attribute Groups List" constraints are deferrable.

Local Attribute Dependencies List

The Local Attribute Dependencies List says what Node type attributes have dependencies in other attributes of the same Node they are in, such that the dependent attributes can not be set unless the depended-on attributes are valued and/or have specific determined values. Each list element is in this format:

    <dep-attr-name>(,<dep-attr-name>){0,}[ - <dep-on-attr-val>(,<dep-on-attr-val>){0,}][ - <mandatory-flag>]

For each distinct depended-on attribute, there can be one or more dependent attributes; the latter can be of any attribute type. A dependent attribute may never be set unless its dependency is set, and, in the case of the depended-on attribute being an enumerated type, the depended-on attribute has the appropriate value; if mandatory-flag is present, then the dependent attribute must always be set when it may be set. It is possible that more than one distinct depended-on attribute value will satisfy the same dependent attribute, though in most cases only one value will do. If there are multiple dependent attributes shown on the same line (comma-delimited), then they are a mutual-exclusion group; only one of those may be set when the conditions say that any may be set. All "Local Attribute Dependencies List" constraints are deferrable.

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List

The Ancestor Attribute Correlation List says what Node ref attributes in a Node must correlate with what other Node ref attributes in one of its primary-ancestor Nodes, such that the Node referenced by the current Node's attribute must be a child of the Node referenced by said ancestor's attribute. For example, the si_row_field attribute of a table_field Node must point to a child Node of what the latter's parent "table" Node's row_data_type or row_domain attribute points to. Each list element is in this format:

<correlation> ::= <dep-attr-name> - <step>(.<step>){0,} - <description>
<step> ::= <self>|<primary-parent>|<root-of-type>|<primary-child>|<nref-attr>|<nref-attr-pick>
<self> ::= S
<primary-parent> ::= P
<root-of-type> ::= R
<primary-child> ::= C
<nref-attr-pick> ::= <node-type>=<nref-attr>(,<node-type>=<nref-attr>){0,}

For each correlated Node ref attribute (dep-attr-name), there is an ordered list of one or more movement steps that must be followed in order, where the result of one step sets up the context for the following step, such that the path starts at the Node containing the dependent attribute, and the path ends at a candidate Node that the dependent attribute should point to. When there are no more steps in the path, then we should have matched the dependent attribute value, or there is a failure condition. Each step is one of several movement types. The nref-attr movement type means to examine the specified Node-ref attribute in the Node we are standing on and move to stand on the Node it points to. The nref-attr-pick movement type is similar but that it may qualify a different attribute name (nref-attr) to move to depending on what the Node type (node-type) is of the Node we are standing on; moreover, if the standing Node's type is not mentioned in this list at all, we have an explicit failure condition. The 'self' movement type is a no-op and is displayed only for easier documentation reading. The primary-parent movement type means to stand on the primary-parent Node of the current one. The root-of-type means to move to the current Node's primary-parent, recursively, if that Node is the same Node type as the current Node. The primary-child movement is iterative and the subsequent steps will be followed for each child Node of the current Node, which is stepped on to, until one matches. If a Node at the end of the above process has a WR field, it is implicitly followed in the same way as an nref-attr movement. If 'C' is used, search text must be array of degree N+1 where N is the number of 'C', if the search text is to be un-ambiguous/fully-qualified under all circumstances; if the search text is a scalar value, then it only works if all cousin Nodes are distinct. If 'C' is not used, search text is not an array / has one scalar value. All "Ancestor Attribute Correlation List" constraints are deferrable.

Remotely Addressable Types List

The Remotely Addressable Types List isn't actually a list per se, as it will only have a single line per Node type, if it is used. This descriptor says whether or when a Node type can be visible to other Nodes for linking when it is not a sibling of one of their primary-parent Nodes (scope is implicit), and when it is not the child part of a correlation pair (scope defined by "Ancestor Attribute Correlation List"). The list element is in this format:


Nodes of any Node type that specifies a primary-ancestor-type may be remotely addressed if they are primary-descendants of a Node whose type is specified by primary-ancestor-type. One further constraint is that the Node being addressed may not have any primary-ancestor Nodes that are the same Node type as it is. All "Remotely Addressable Types List" constraints are deferrable.

The Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List says what enumerated attributes in a Node must be related to what other enumerated attributes in its primary-primary Node, such that the current Node's attribute value must be a conceptual child of said parent's attribute value. For example, the call_sroutine_arg attribute of a routine_expr Node must be a conceptual child of its parent routine_expr's valf_call_sroutine attribute. Each list element is in this format:

    <parent-node-type> - <parent-attr-name>

The dependent child Node enumerated attribute, child-attr-name, must be related to the depended-on parent Node enumerated attribute, parent-attr-name; moreover, when the child attribute is valued, it is mandatory for parent attribute to be valued (the child does not necessarily have to be valued when the parent is, however). Given that the same child Node type may have more than one valid parent Node type (parent-node-type), whose relevant attribute name is distinct for the type, the parent-attr-name is specified separately for each. All "Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List" constraints are deferrable.

Child Quantity List

The Child Quantity List says when a Node must have a specific number of primary-child Nodes of a particular Node type (usually >= 1). Each list element is in this format:

<child-node-type> - <range-min>[ - <range-max>]

For each child-node-type, there can be a limit on how few or how many primary-child Nodes of that Node type are allowed. A common range-min is 1, but if it is 0 then range-max will be valued. All "Child Quantity List" constraints are deferrable.

Distinct Child Groups List

The Distinct Child Groups List says what groups of mutually distinct primary-child Nodes there are for Nodes of a Node type; each member Node of a group must have distinct/unique values for particular attributes (usually "name") or attribute combinations. Each list element is in this format:

    <child-node-type> - <child-attr-name>(,<child-attr-name>){0,}

For each mudi-name group there can be one or more Node attributes where the attribute value combination must be distinct, besides the constantly applied distinct NODE_ID/id constraint, and the deferrable distinct surrogate id constraint; a single child-attr-name on a line means only that one attribute is distinct within itself, where multiple child-attr-name indicate a combination to check. If there are multiple lines under a mudi-name, then each one will have a different child-node-type; the attributes that line up vertically between different Node types are meant to correspond, and would be of the same major+minor attribute type; each corresponding line would also have the same number of child-attr-name. For all comparisons, an undefined attribute value always counts as a distinct value; multiple undefined corresponding values will not violate the constraint (other constraints eliminate undefined values when they are a problem). The implicit distinct-id constraints all have a mudi-name of 'primary'. All "Distinct Child Groups List" constraints are deferrable.

The Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List is concerned with the same enumerated Node attribute pairs that the "Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List" does. Operating from the point of view of the parent Node, it says which related child Node enumerated attribute values might be mandatory (depending on the exact values), such that the current Node must have a child Node for each of those values; moreover, no child Node may exist where the related attribute is empty, when the related parent/current Node attribute is set. For example, when the call_sroutine attribute of a routine_stmt Node is 'SELECT', there must be two child routine_expr Nodes whose call_sroutine_arg attributes are 'SELECT_DEFN' and 'INTO' respectively. Each list element is in this format:

    <child-node-type> - <child-attr-name>(,<child-attr-name>){0,}

The depended-on parent Node enumerated attribute, parent-attr-name, requires that a dependent child-node-type child Node exists whose enumerated attribute, child-attr-name, is set. If there are more than 1 child-attr-name, then they are mutually exclusive and exactly 1 of them must be set. All "Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List" constraints are deferrable.



This pseudo-Node is the root of a SQL::Routine and has as its children the other 5 pseudo-Nodes: elements, blueprints, tools, sites, circumventions.


This pseudo-Node has three child Node-types: scalar_data_type, row_data_type, external_cursor.


This pseudo-Node has two child Node-types: catalog, application.

Child Quantity List:

application - 1


This pseudo-Node has two child Node-types: data_storage_product, data_link_product.

Distinct Child Groups List:

    data_storage_product - product_code
    data_link_product - product_code


This pseudo-Node has two child Node-types: catalog_instance, application_instance.

Child Quantity List:

application_instance - 1


This pseudo-Node has one child Node-type: sql_fragment.



This type of Node describes a user-defined customization of a base simple_scalar_type, the latter of which SQL::Routine recognizes in code. This customization encompases several things: 1. The scalar_data_type can be referenced by entities such as domain definitions, table column definitions, view column definitions, and routine variables, as their "data type"; 2. The scalar_data_type can impose restrictions within the base data type as to what values can be stored (eg: a STR_CHAR may only be 30 characters long, or a NUM_EXA may only be 5 digits wide with 2 digits on the right of the radix point); 3. The scalar_data_type can define simple pre or post processing of values, such as trimming of bounding whitespace or uppercasing its contents.

For example, the user may decide to create a custom data type called "currency", which is a decimal number of precision 15 and a scale of 2. Or, they may want to have an "ip address" type, which is a string that can hold 15 characters (how ips are normally displayed to humans). Or, they may want a custom SIN or telephone-no or person-name type. They can then refer to these custom types everywhere as if they were types built-in to the database.

Note that SQL::Routine does not support the antiquated notion of having separate fixed-width and variable-width character strings as being distinct base data types. That is an implementation detail which database products should not expose in the user interface, or if they do, it should be demoted to an "optimization" feature used with a single character string type. When you make a scalar_data_type using the STR_CHAR base_type, it will have the semantics of SQL's "VARCHAR" by default; you can make it like "CHAR" by setting the store_fixed attribute to true.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this scalar data type is identified by
base_type - E.simple_scalar_type - MA - name of the base data type this data_type is customized from
num_precision - L.uint - max length in digits for exact number, or count of significant digits for inexact
num_scale - L.uint - for non-integral numbers, how many digits can be on the right of the radix point
num_octets - L.uint - for integral or inexact (floating point) numbers, fixed storage size in octets
num_unsigned - L.bool - for numbers, true means only values >= 0 may be stored
max_octets - L.uint - maximum size in octets for a binary/bit string
max_chars - L.uint - maximum size in characters for a character string
store_fixed - L.bool - when true then try to reserve max size on disk even if not all used
char_enc - E.char_enc_type - which character encoding to use
trim_white - L.bool - when true then trim lead/trailing whitespace on save into STR_CHAR field/var
uc_latin - L.bool - do we uppercase latin chars in STR_CHAR before writing (no change on reading)
lc_latin - L.bool - do we lowercase latin chars in STR_CHAR before writing (no change on reading)
pad_char - L.cstr - when store_fixed is true then pad actual value with this to max size on save
trim_pad - L.bool - when store_fixed is true then trim padding on read from STR_CHAR field/var
calendar - E.calendar - what calendar the date and time (or date only) is in
with_zone - L.sint - if timestamp/time to include a 'with time zone', this says what time zone
range_min - L.misc - when applicable, what the allowed minimum value is (for bounds/check constraint)
range_max - L.misc - when applicable, what the allowed maximum value is (for bounds/check constraint)

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

num_size - num_precision,num_octets

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    num_precision - NUM_INT,NUM_EXA,NUM_APR
    num_scale - NUM_EXA,NUM_APR
    num_octets - NUM_INT,NUM_APR
    num_unsigned - NUM_INT,NUM_EXA,NUM_APR
    max_octets - STR_BIT - MA
    max_chars - STR_CHAR - MA
    char_enc - STR_CHAR - MA
    trim_white - STR_CHAR
    uc_latin,lc_latin - STR_CHAR
    pad_char - STR_CHAR
    trim_pad - STR_CHAR
    calendar - DATM_FULL,DATM_DATE - MA


When a "scalar_data_type" Node is meant to impose an enumerated list restriction, meaning that only a specific set of values may be stored, then you use a "scalar_data_type_opt" Node to define each enumerated value that is allowed. Keep in mind that the SQL NULL (undefined) value is always distinct from anything in this option list.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.scalar_data_type - what "scalar_data_type" Node this option is associated with
si_value - L.misc - SI - this is the actual enumerated value that the scalar_data_type_opt Node represents


This type of Node describes the core of a row composite data type, one of which contains a list of named and typed scalar fields. Each 'table' (base table) and 'view' (viewed table or query definition) Node has a single associated 'row' Node that defines its "interface"; each 'table' and 'view' is composed of a set of rows (usually unordered) that all have the same type. Any routine variable with a container type of 'ROW' is defined by an associated 'row' Node, as is any 'RW_ARY' variable, which is an ordered set (array) of rows of the same type. Some database actions can act on a generic row as a single unit, rather than having to specify each component field separately.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this row data type is identified by

Child Quantity List:

row_data_type_field - 1


This type of Node describes a single field in a row data type, and has details that are specific to that field, primarily a name and data type.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.row_data_type - what row this field is a part of
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique identifier for this field within the row
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type - MA - the user-customized scalar data type for this field


This type of Node is used as a common reference point for multiple routines that share the use of a single cursor handle and/or any routine which will return a cursor handle and/or any routine that will take one as an argument (context or normal). Any of those routines can discover the main cursor-defining view definition by iterating this Node's link-child list until a routine_var Node is found that also links to the view in question; said Node would be in the routine that declares the cursor handle. No useful details are stored inside this Node.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this row data type is identified by



This type of Node describes a distinct unrealized "database" or "catalog" which contains everything else, both schema and users. Often you will have just one "catalog" Node; however, the rationale for being able to describe multiple databases in the same SQL::Routine is, for example, when one database wants to talk directly to another, or an application wants to use several. This Node type does not describe an instance of a database; rather, it contains all the details that are common to a set of databases having identical schema; it is their template. See also the "catalog_instance" Node type. Note that while "user" Nodes can be children of this, you should only define users here that either own a schema which is shared with multiple users or are otherwise universal in all instances of this blueprint; no 'normal' users should be here.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the blueprint if you want; this isn't used when making SQL
single_schema - L.bool - true, catalog lim to 1 schema, rendered in 1-sch prod w no nm prefix


This type of Node collects information that is specific to a database-using application but is not stored in a database. Those details mainly are the unrealized catalog links that it uses and the SQL (all in routine form) that it executes. Often you will have just one "application" Node; however, the rationale for being able to describe multiple applications in the same SQL::Routine is, for example, when you have several different applications that use the same database or database set. This Node type does not describe an instance or installation of an application. See also the "application_instance" Node type.

Relating this to the SQL standard, an application is essentially a SQL:1999 Call-Level Interface (CLI) client; each 'routine' it runs is a set of one or more SQL statements pushed over the command line, and even the 'attach' / 'connect' is done this way.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the blueprint if you want


This type of Node represents an unrealized user which owns a database catalog. It is here for "schema" Nodes to reference as their owner. A separate "user" Node will be matched with this "owner" Node on a per-catalog-instance basis; this allows each site to have different usernames or passwords for the schema owner.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog - the catalog that this user is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this owner is identified by

This type of Node represents a distinct "catalog link" or "data source" local name which SQL under a 'catalog' or 'application' Node refers to when it wants to talk to an external database catalog. This Node is particularly necessary when either two instances of the same catalog want to communicate or an application wants to talk to two instances of the same catalog; SQL::Routine has no way to know which instance regular SQL is referring to except by referencing these catalog link Nodes. The 'catalog_link' Node just says what the remote 'catalog' is so local SQL knows what it can refer to; the 'catalog_link_instance' Node is required to say which specific catalog instance to talk to.

Note that SQL does not have to mention a link if it either is referring to its own catalog instance or there is only one instance of a blueprint in the system; if all catalog instances are based on different blueprints, then no SQL has to reference the links; the schema objects to reference are un-ambiguous.

According to the SQL:1999 standard, a fully qualified schema object name has 3 main parts: the catalog name (provided by this Node), the schema name, and the object's unqalified name; when leaving the catalog name out but using the schema name, one is using a partially qualified name.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog,application - the schema|app objects in this blueprint may use the unrealized catalog link
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the "catalog link" that is the front of the fully qualified remote schema object name
target - N.catalog - MA - this is what the link connects to


This type of Node describes a "schema" or "name space" into which your schema objects can be collected. Some database products support multiple schemas per catalogue (and some don't); such support is specified by the SQL:1999 standard, which also says that each schema is owned by a single database user. Often you will have just one "schema" Node, under which all of your schema objects are grouped.

According to the SQL:1999 standard, a fully qualified schema object name has 3 main parts: the catalog name, the schema name (provided by this Node), and the object's unqalified name; when leaving the catalog name out but using the schema name, one is using a partially qualified name.

SQL::Routine will let you define your schema objects (tables, views, routines, etc) as if multiple schemas were supported natively, and if you are deploying to a database product that doesn't, then SQL::Routine can put a common name prefix in front of all the schema objects (the schema/namespace name), to simulate the lacking functionality. That said, it is better for you to design your schemas so different namespaces don't contain same-named objects anyway, if practical.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog - the catalog that this schema/namespace is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this schema/namespace is identified by
owner - N.owner - MA - the user that owns this schema


This type of Node describes a database role, which is a named collection of user privileges.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog - the catalog that this role is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this role is identified by


This type of Node associates a role with some entity (usually a schema or schema object) on which it has some kind of privileges; privilege_on Nodes are children of role Nodes. All users given that role will have these privileges. Exactly what privileges on the entity the role has are defined by child privilege_for Nodes, which are children of the privilege_on Node.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.role - the role that this privilege is granted to
si_priv_on - N.schema,scalar_domain,row_domain,sequence,table,view,routine - SI - what object this privilege is on


This type of Node details one privilege that a role has on some other entity that is defined by this Node's privilege_on parent Node.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.privilege_on - what "privilege_on" Node this option is associated with
si_priv_type - E.privilege_type - SI - what manner of privilege this is


This type of Node allows you to store a 'scalar_data_type' definition as a named database schema object, and reference it by its own identifier as the "data type" of such entities as table column definitions, view column definitions, and routine variables.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.schema,application - the schema|app-space that this domain is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this domain is identified by
data_type - N.scalar_data_type - MA - the core defining details of this domain

Remotely Addressable Types List:



This type of Node allows you to store a 'row_data_type' definition as a named database schema object, and reference it by its own identifier as the "data type" of such entities as routine variables.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.schema,application - the schema|app-space that this domain is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this domain is identified by
data_type - N.row_data_type - WR - MA - the core defining details of this domain

Remotely Addressable Types List:



This type of Node describes a simple named sequence number generator, which will produce integers (normal purpose) but not fractional numbers. Sequence generators are part of the SQL:2003 standard (see "4.21 Sequence generators"), and many database products have them; apparently they are not part of older SQL standards. The standard says that only integers can be produced by sequences.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.schema,application - the schema|app-space that this sequence generator is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this sequence generator is identified by
increment - L.sint - the interval between sequence numbers; defaults to 1 if not set
min_val - L.sint - the minimum value that the sequence can generate; no minimum if not set
max_val - L.sint - the maximum value that the sequence can generate; no maximum if not set
start_val - L.sint - specify first value; def min_val if asc seq, max if desc, 1 if min/max not set
cycle - L.bool - if true, sequence continues after reaching bound, at other end; defaults to false
order - L.bool - if true, seq guaranteed to ret numbers in order; def false, will just be unique

Remotely Addressable Types List:



This type of Node describes the core of a database table, which is the single core concept of any database; it is where the "data" that the database exists to store is kept. Each table has one or more columns, which define its "interface", and one or more indexes or constraints for data integrity. SQL:2003,1999 calls this a "base table".

SQL::Routine supports the concept of temporary tables such that you say a table is temporary by putting it in the application space rather than the catalog-schema space. This makes the most sense, since temporary tables only persist during an active database connection, and they do not exist in the same name-space of any database schema.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.schema,application - the schema|app-space that this base table is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this table is identified by
row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - WR - MA - defines the names and types of this table's column set

Remotely Addressable Types List:



This type of Node describes a single table column, and has details that are specific to that column.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.table - what table this column is a part of
si_row_field - N.row_data_type_field - SI - defines the name and type of this column
mandatory - L.bool - the col's "nullability characteristic; true, "known not nullable"; else, "possibly nullable"
default_val - L.misc - an optional default value for the column, or starting val for auto_inc
auto_inc - L.bool - when true, col val defaults from a special auto-incrementing sequence
default_seq - N.sequence - when set, the column defaults to a value from this named sequence

Note: See SQL:2003 Foundation 4.13 "Columns, fields, and attributes" (p49).

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

default - default_val,default_seq

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

si_row_field - S.P - match child of S.P(table).row_data_type(row_data_type)


This type of Node describes a single table index, and has details that are specific to that index.

Note that the primary key for a table is defined to be the first (by sequence) index_type=UNIQUE/UFOREIGN index where all of the index columns are required. If no table indexes qualify then the table has no primary key.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.table - unique identifier for this table
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique identifier for index within table
index_type - E.table_index_type - MA - what type of index this is (eg: UNIQUE, FOREIGN)
f_table - N.table - foreign key constraining table

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    f_table - FOREIGN,UFOREIGN - MA

Child Quantity List:

table_index_field - 1

Distinct Child Groups List:

    table_index_field - f_field


This type of Node intersects between a table_index and a table field/col; it says which table columns are involved in each table index.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.table_index - unique identifier for index within table
si_field - N.row_data_type_field - SI - unique identifier for column within table
f_field - N.row_data_type_field - when the index type is a foreign key, this is the constraining column

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

si_field - S.P.P - match child of S.P(table_index).P(table).row_data_type(row_data_type)
f_field - S.P.f_table - match child of S.P(table_index).f_table(table).row_data_type(row_data_type)


This type of Node describes the core (single cardinality) description of a database view or a SQL query; SQL::Routine uses the same set of Node Types to describe both as they are almost identical in structure. The main way they differ is that stored views have a name and live as their own object in a database schema; SQL queries only exist either inside a routine or an application context, and usually don't have names. Both types can have named or un-named sub-queries inside them which are the same format as the main view/query. Views/queries are interfaces to one or more tables that are related in a specific way. Each view looks outwardly like a table, in that it has rows or columns, but it does not describe how data is stored, but mainly just how it is retrieved. Each view has a set of "columns", which is its public interface by which rows are retrieved like from a table. You can also insert, update, or delete rows through some views/queries as with a table.

Views are often fully defined using a set of multiple linked Nodes of varying Node Types, which makes them fully customizable. However, a short-cut is available which allows a view to be defined entirely with as few as two Nodes, one "view" having type of ALIAS and one "view_src". This short cut is mainly for use when we want to simulate full direct table access, which is needed for mass back-ups or restores of tables, or when implementing a utility that lets users make direct changes to a table. Other part-way short cuts are available too.

The view_join[/_field] Nodes that belong to a "view" ("viewed table") Node, together with the view_src[/_field] Nodes that the former reference, define the single (recursive) "joined table" (see SQL:2003 Foundations 7.7, p312) that is the basis for the "viewed table". In the joined table, every field value matches exactly a (or several identical) value in a source table or view. Given that SQL::Routine does not directly support the concept of a "natural join" (but it is indirectly supported), the number of columns in the joined table is always the sum of the number of columns in all the joined source table/views. Also, the number of joined table rows is at most equal to the product of the number of rows in each source (and as few as zero). The other parts of a query build on the joined table. The where/group/having/window clauses can reduce (but never increase) the number of result rows. The select-list clause can change (to more or fewer) the number of result columns.

Since the ability to change database records is more complicated than simply viewing records, and usually requires more information to be available (such as primary keys for rows being updated), SQL::Routine allows you to store a hint with a view, called "may_write", that says whether or not you will even try to make updates against a view, so we will know in advance and save ourselves unnecessary work or complexity. The flag defaults to false.

SQL::Routine also uses "views" to describe editing DML operations, such as Insert, Update, Delete operations. The view definition says what the conditions for each DML operation is, namely what rows they will affect. With Update and Delete operations, all rows that would be returned by the view will be correspondingly updated or deleted. An Insert (single or multiple row) won't affect the existing rows, but will add to what the view sees after the Insert happens. The frequent case in such situations, though, is that said view is only matching one row, since a user typically just edits or deletes or inserts one row at a time. However, in such situation where your conceptual view is selecting more rows than you intend to edit the same way afterwards, you would want to make a second view which uses the first as its source, and the second/outer view would have a more restrictive 'where' clause that limits to the rows being changed.

You can "create temporary view" by storing the view in an application space.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view,routine_var,routine_stmt,schema,application - parent view|routine_[var|stmt] of this one, or the schema|app-space that this view is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this view is identified by, if any
view_type - E.view_type - MA - what kind of view this is; eg: alias, joined, grouped, compound, IUD
row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - WR - defines the names and types of this view's column set
recursive - L.bool - if true, this view is a recursive correlated subquery
compound_op - E.compound_operator - how to merge any child rowsets/views of this one together, if any
distinct_rows - L.bool - (set quantifier) true, select|compound returns distinct rows; false, return all rows
may_write - L.bool - true when we should at least try allowing updates through the selecting view
ins_p_routine_item - N.routine_arg,routine_var - the ROW/RW_ARY routine arg|var we are inserting into the table/view

Note: if pp is a routine_var, then that var declares a cursor defined by this view;
if pp is a routine_stmt, then stmt is a SELECT or DML statement defined by this view.

Note: setting distinct_rows to true results in "[SELECT|UNION|...] DISTINCT";
a false or undefined value results in "[SELECT|UNION|...] ALL".

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    compound_op - COMPOUND - MA
    distinct_rows - JOINED,GROUPED,COMPOUND
    ins_p_routine_item - INSERT - MA

Note: Not expressable yet; recursive can be set only when pp is a view (unless main can be correlated).
Note: Not expressable yet; view_type can be [INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE] only when pp is a routine_stmt.

Remotely Addressable Types List:


Distinct Child Groups List:

    view_join - lhs_src,rhs_src
    view_join - rhs_src
    view_expr - set_result_field
    view_expr - set_src_field
    view_expr - call_src_arg


When this view is a correlated query (either a subquery of any view or a main query that is correlated, such as a cursor), then it takes one or more arguments to define its operating context; each "view_arg" Node you attach to a "view" Node names an argument declaration. This Node type is not used for anything else; it is not like a routine arg that doubles for an app host param.

The presence or absense of arguments in a view (assuming they are not 'constant') determines whether the view is correlated or uncorrelated when used as a subquery (named or embedded) in another query. Uncorrelated subqueries, having no arguments, are simpler and can fire exactly once, fully prior to the outer query; this kind can be implemented easily, or emulated simply with temporary tables and multiple queries. Correlated subqueries, having 1 or more arguments, are more complicated and can fire multiple (or zero) times for each execution of the outer query; it executes during the outer query (after it starts and before it ends) because it uses one or more values generated by the outer query (for example, it may fire once per each row either examined or returned by the outer query); this kind is more complicated to implement or emulate. The term "correlated" is the standard term for this differentiation. The difference between correlated vs un- is analogous to a routine that takes or does not take any arguments.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view - what named sub-query view this is an argument for
si_name - L.cstr - SI - name of the argument
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the argument is
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - user customized data type of SCALAR/SC_ARY argument
row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - WR - user customized data type of ROW/RW_ARY argument

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

data_type - scalar_data_type,row_data_type - MA

Notes: This helps force cont_type to be one of [SCALAR,ROW,SC_ARY,RW_ARY].

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    scalar_data_type - SCALAR,SC_ARY - MA
    row_data_type - ROW,RW_ARY - MA


This type of Node describes a source table or view that is used by this view. Specifically it applies only to the "from" clause in the generated SQL, where applicable. A table or view may be used for multiple sources, each of which would be a unique alias for it.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view - unique identifier for view
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique "alias" identifier for source within view
match - N.table,view,view_arg,routine_arg,routine_var - MA - use value of a named table or view, or ROW/RW_ARY arg or var
catalog_link - N.catalog_link - if match_[table|view] in another catalog, say via which catalog link
may_write - L.bool - alternately to the same 'view' attribute, say here which exact sources we want to 'select for update'

Note: The 'match' attribute can be either a named table or view that is nearby,
or a ROW/RW_ARY arg to the parent view, or a ROW/RW_ARY arg or var of the parent routine.


When a view_src matches a named correlated subquery (has arguments), a view_src_arg Node is used to correlate a subquery view_arg for the view that uses the view_src. This allows such named subqueries to be passed argument values when used in a "from" clause.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view_src - which view source this column is associated with
si_match_view_arg - N.view_arg - SI - which argument in the source view is represented


This type of Node describes a column in a source table or view that is used by this view, as specified in the view_src table.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view_src - which view source this column is associated with
si_match_field - N.row_data_type_field - SI - which field from the source table/view/var is represented

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

si_match_field - S.P.match - match child of S.P(view_src).match(table|*).row_data_type(row_data_type)


This type of Node describes a single view column public interface, and has details that are specific to that column; the view column implementation (where the data comes from or goes to) is not described here.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view - what view this column is a result/interface for
si_row_field - N.row_data_type_field - SI - defines the name and type of this column
src_field - N.view_src_field - simply match this src col rather than defining with a view_expr

is_writeable - L.bool - true when enough info is known to write changes to this column
mandatory - L.bool - true when corresponding value must always be populated
is_key - L.bool - true when this column is a part of unique id for source table or for view row

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

si_row_field - S.P - match child of S.P(view).row_data_type(row_data_type)
src_field - S.P.C - match child of S.P(view).C(view_src)


This type of Node describes a join operation being done between two sources (each a table or a view), both in the same view. There are usually just two types of joins used, "equal" and "left". Note that there can only be one join between the same two sources. Also the same source can never be on the right side of more than one join (?). A "right" join may be discouraged as it would help prevent the same source from being outer joined to more than one other source, which in many databases is illegal.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view - unique identifier for this view
lhs_src - N.view_src - MA - which view source is on the left side of the join
rhs_src - N.view_src - MA - which view source is on the right side of the join
join_op - E.join_operator - MA - what kind of table/view join is being done

Child Quantity List:

view_join_field - 1

Distinct Child Groups List:

    view_join_field - lhs_src_field
    view_join_field - rhs_src_field


This type of Node intersects between a view_src and a table/view/var field/col; it says which table or view columns are involved in each view join. Each Node of this Node Type uniquely corresponds to part of a join operation being done between two sources in the same view. There is one Node for each pair of source columns (one from each source) that are being matched.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view_join - which view join this column is associated with
lhs_src_field - N.view_src_field - MA - which column from the left source is being matched on
rhs_src_field - N.view_src_field - MA - which column from the right source is being matched on

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

lhs_src_field - S.P.lhs_src - match child of S.P(view_join).lhs_src(view_src)
rhs_src_field - S.P.rhs_src - match child of S.P(view_join).rhs_src(view_src)


This type of Node specifies a source that is an operand in a compound view.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view - this is the resulting compound view
operand - N.view_src - MA - this is an operand in the compound view


This type of Node is intended to describe most of the parts of a SQL "select" which is the basis for a view definition. The parts described here correspond to these SQL terms: "result list", "where", "group by", "having", "order by". All of these parts are optional, and often mutually exclusive. However, "having" can only be used with "group by".

The main parts that are not described here are the joined table definitions, most related parts of the "from" clause (except for invoked 'with' subquery arguments), compound operations (such as "union"), and any hierarchical operations. See the other view_* tables for those.

This type of Node describes a sub-expression that is part of one of several optional main/root expressions in a view definition. All of these sub-expressions form a hierarchy where children are "arguments" to their parent expressions. There can only be one root expression for a "where" and a "having" part, and that is expected to return a boolean value. The "group by" and "order by" parts can each have multiple root expressions, each of which is part of an ordered list of "columns" arranged in the priority that they are applied.

This type of Node also describes details that would only be used in Inserts or Updates, where applicable; this allows you to set values based on expressions or function calls, and not just literal values.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.view_expr,view - parent expression of this one, or what view this expression has a part in defining
view_part - E.view_part - what "part" of a view definition this is defining
set_result_field - N.row_data_type_field - the view interface/result column we are defining the value of
set_src_field - N.view_src_field - this is the column we are setting the value of in insert or update op
call_src_arg - N.view_src_arg - arg of named subquery used in "from" we are passing value to
call_view_arg - N.view_arg - if parent expr set valf_call_view, name view arg that curr expr passes value to
call_sroutine_cxt - E.standard_routine_context - if parent expr set valf_call_sroutine, this cxt curr expr passes val to
call_sroutine_arg - E.standard_routine_arg - if parent expr set valf_call_sroutine, this arg curr expr passes val to
call_uroutine_cxt - N.routine_context - if parent expr set valf_call_uroutine, name routine cxt that curr expr passes value to
call_uroutine_arg - N.routine_arg - if parent expr set valf_call_uroutine, name routine arg that curr expr passes value to
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the expression value is
valf_literal - L.misc - use a literal value, such as number or string
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - cast or declare curr literal expr into this data type / domain
valf_src_field - N.view_src_field - use the value of a local view source column
valf_result_field - N.row_data_type_field - match a result column; used mainly in 'having' or 'order' sql
valf_p_view_arg - N.view_arg - when view is a correlated subquery, use value of an argument to the view
valf_p_routine_item - N.routine_context,routine_arg,routine_var - use val of a cxt-arg|arg to curr rtn or a var decl in curr rtn
valf_seq_next - N.sequence - use "next" value from a named user defined sequence generator (schema object)
valf_call_view - N.view - use result of a call to a view, such as a subquery or a cursor
valf_call_sroutine - E.standard_routine - use result of a call to a standard built-in function (or directive); one of standard_routine
valf_call_uroutine - N.routine - use result of a call to a user-defined stored function (routine)
catalog_link - N.catalog_link - if uroutine in another catalog, say via which catalog link

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    set_result_field - RESULT - MA
    set_src_field - SET - MA
    call_src_arg - FROM - MA
    scalar_data_type - MA

Note: Not expressable yet; view_part can be set only when pp is a view.

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

set_result_field - S.R.P - match child of S.R(view_expr).P(view).row_data_type(row_data_type)
set_src_field - S.R.P.C - match child of S.R(view_expr).P(view).C(view_src)
call_src_arg - S.R.P.C - match child of S.R(view_expr).P(view).C(view_src)
call_view_arg - S.P.view_expr=valf_call_view - match child of S.P(view_expr).valf_call_view(view)
call_uroutine_cxt - S.P.view_expr=valf_call_uroutine - match child of S.P(view_expr).valf_call_uroutine(routine)
call_uroutine_arg - S.P.view_expr=valf_call_uroutine - match child of S.P(view_expr).valf_call_uroutine(routine)
valf_src_field - S.R.P.C - match child of S.R(view_expr).P(view).C(view_src)
valf_result_field - S.R.P - match child of S.R(view_expr).P(view).row_data_type(row_data_type)

Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List:

    view_expr - valf_call_sroutine
    view_expr - valf_call_sroutine

Distinct Child Groups List:

    view_expr - call_view_arg
    view_expr - call_sroutine_cxt
    view_expr - call_sroutine_arg
    view_expr - call_uroutine_cxt
    view_expr - call_uroutine_arg

Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List:

    view_expr - call_sroutine_cxt,call_sroutine_arg


This type of Node describes the core (single cardinality) description of a database routine, such as a user defined function, stored procedure, trigger, or un-named block; SQL::Routine uses the same set of Node Types to describe them as they are almost identical in structure. Un-named blocks normally just appear in application-space; the others normally appear in database schemas or as sub-routines inside other routines.

For the present we are also representing Oracle's "package" as a routine, though that may change soon.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine,schema,application - parent routine of this one, or the schema|app-space that this view is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - name routine ident by in a [routine, schema, app], or name of trigger
routine_type - E.routine_type - MA - what kind of routine this is
return_cont_type - E.container_type - container type of function's return value
return_scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - data type of a function's SCALAR/SC_ARY return value
return_row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - data type of a function's ROW/RW_ARY return value
return_conn_link - N.catalog_link - for CONN cont_type, ref to cat link def the conn handle
return_curs_ext - N.external_cursor - for CURSOR cont_type, ref to view def the cursor
trigger_on - N.table,view - the table|view that the trigger watches
trigger_event - E.basic_trigger_event - when a trigger executes
trigger_per_stmt - L.bool - true, exec each stmt, false, each row

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    return_cont_type - FUNCTION - MA
    trigger_on - TRIGGER - MA
    trigger_event - TRIGGER - MA
    trigger_per_stmt - TRIGGER - MA
    return_scalar_data_type - SCALAR,SC_ARY - MA
    return_row_data_type - ROW,RW_ARY - MA
    return_conn_link - CONN - MA
    return_curs_ext - CURSOR - MA

Remotely Addressable Types List:


Child Quantity List:

routine_context - 0 - 1
routine_stmt - 1


This type of Node describes a special context argument variable to a routine.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine - what routine this context argument is for
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique identifier for variable within view
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the context is
conn_link - N.catalog_link - for CONN cont_type, ref to cat link def the conn handle
curs_ext - N.external_cursor - for CURSOR cont_type, ref to view def the cursor

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

context - conn_link,curs_ext - MA

Notes: This helps force cont_type to be one of [CONN, CURSOR].

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    conn_link - CONN - MA
    curs_ext - CURSOR - MA


This type of Node describes an input and/or output argument variable to a routine.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine - what routine this argument is for
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique identifier for variable within view
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the argument is
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - user customized data type of SCALAR/SC_ARY argument
row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - WR - user customized data type of ROW/RW_ARY argument
conn_link - N.catalog_link - for CONN cont_type, ref to cat link def the conn handle
curs_ext - N.external_cursor - for CURSOR cont_type, ref to view def the cursor

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    scalar_data_type - SCALAR,SC_ARY - MA
    row_data_type - ROW,RW_ARY - MA
    conn_link - CONN - MA
    curs_ext - CURSOR - MA


This type of Node describes a variable within the scope of a routine; it can be used by that routine and by any child routines, where applicable. If the current routine is a package, these are package-level variables.

If this routine variable declares a cursor, then the cursor-defining view is a child Node of the routine_var.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine - what routine this variable is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - unique identifier for variable within view
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the variable is
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - user customized data type of SCALAR/SC_ARY variable
row_data_type - N.row_data_type,row_domain - WR - user customized data type of ROW/RW_ARY variable
init_lit_val - L.misc - an initial value for a SCALAR var can go here
is_constant - L.bool - this says a SCALAR value may not be changed
conn_link - N.catalog_link - for CONN cont_type, ref to cat link def the conn handle
curs_ext - N.external_cursor - for CURSOR cont_type, indirect ref to view def shared cursor
curs_for_update - L.bool - true if CURSOR is select for update, false (def) if r/o

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    scalar_data_type - SCALAR,SC_ARY - MA
    row_data_type - ROW,RW_ARY - MA
    init_lit_val - SCALAR
    is_constant - SCALAR
    conn_link - CONN - MA
    curs_ext - CURSOR - MA
    curs_for_update - CURSOR

Note: for simplicity we treat all cursors like they might be shared, even if they aren't.

Child Quantity List:

view - 0 - 1


This type of Node describes a statement or logic control or line within a routine, which includes such operations as variable assignment or reading a cursor or executing a DML operation. Often, most details for a statement are in child expression Nodes.

If this routine statement is a SELECT or DML operation, the view defining that operation is a child Node of the routine_var.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine - what routine this statement is in
block_routine - N.routine - this child routine defs contents of BEGIN ... END
assign_dest - N.routine_arg,routine_var - this 'out' arg or var may be where expr result goes
call_sroutine - E.standard_routine - this is the standard built-in procedure to call
call_uroutine - N.routine - this is the user-defined stored procedure (routine) to call
catalog_link - N.catalog_link - if uroutine in another catalog, say via which catalog link

If 'block_routine' is set, the routine statement declares a compound
statement that can contain other statements; eg BEGIN ... END.  If
'assign_dest' is set, the action is an assignment of an
expression value to a variable (SQL:2003 calls it 'SET').  If either of
'call_[s|u]routine' is set, the action is to call that built-in or routine.

TODO: Relevant structures to specify certain exceptions to catch or throw.
Meanwhile, all exceptions are thrown out to the application that is using SRT.

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

stmt_type - block_routine,assign_dest,call_sroutine,call_uroutine - MA

Local Attribute Dependencies List:


Child Quantity List:

view - 0 - 1

Distinct Child Groups List:

    routine_expr - call_sroutine_cxt
    routine_expr - call_sroutine_arg
    routine_expr - call_uroutine_cxt
    routine_expr - call_uroutine_arg

Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List:

    routine_expr - call_sroutine_cxt,call_sroutine_arg


This type of Node describes a sub-expression that is part of a main/root expression which is the right hand side of a variable assignment statement in a routine. All of these sub-expressions form a hierarchy where children are "arguments" to their parent expressions. The root expression is expected to return a value that can be stored in the routine variable on the left side of the statement.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.routine_expr,routine_stmt - parent expression of this one, or what routine_stmt this expression is part of
call_sroutine_cxt - E.standard_routine_context - if parent expr set valf_call_sroutine, this cxt curr expr passes val to
call_sroutine_arg - E.standard_routine_arg - if parent expr set valf_call_sroutine, this arg curr expr passes val to
call_uroutine_cxt - N.routine_context - if parent expr set valf_call_uroutine, name routine cxt that curr expr passes value to
call_uroutine_arg - N.routine_arg - if parent expr set valf_call_uroutine, name routine arg that curr expr passes value to
query_dest - N.routine_arg,routine_var - the ROW/RW_ARY routine arg|var we are setting value of via "select/fetch into"
cont_type - E.container_type - MA - what basic container type the expression value is
valf_literal - L.misc - use a literal value, such as number or string
scalar_data_type - N.scalar_data_type,scalar_domain - cast or declare curr literal expr into this data type / domain
valf_p_routine_item - N.routine_context,routine_arg,routine_var - use val of a cxt-arg|arg to curr rtn or a var decl in curr rtn
valf_seq_next - N.sequence - use "next" value from a named user defined sequence generator (schema object)
valf_call_sroutine - E.standard_routine - use result of a call to a standard built-in function (or directive); one of standard_routine
valf_call_uroutine - N.routine - use result of a call to a user-defined stored function (routine)
catalog_link - N.catalog_link - if uroutine in another catalog, say via which catalog link
act_on - N.catalog_link,schema,scalar_domain,row_domain,sequence,table,view,routine,user - the act-on sroutine arg that is acted on

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    query_dest - INTO - MA  # assume used only when sroutine is CURSOR_FETCH() or SELECT()
    act_on - SRT_NODE - MA
    scalar_data_type - MA

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

call_uroutine_cxt - S.P.routine_stmt=call_uroutine,routine_expr=valf_call_uroutine - match child of S.P(routine_[expr|stmt]).[valf_]call_uroutine(routine)
call_uroutine_arg - S.P.routine_stmt=call_uroutine,routine_expr=valf_call_uroutine - match child of S.P(routine_[expr|stmt]).[valf_]call_uroutine(routine)

Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List:

    routine_stmt - call_sroutine
    routine_expr - valf_call_sroutine
    routine_stmt - call_sroutine
    routine_expr - valf_call_sroutine

Distinct Child Groups List:

    routine_expr - call_sroutine_cxt
    routine_expr - call_sroutine_arg
    routine_expr - call_uroutine_cxt
    routine_expr - call_uroutine_arg

Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List:

    routine_expr - call_sroutine_cxt,call_sroutine_arg



This type of Node describes a distinct data storage product (database) that someone can use to implement a database in, such as Oracle 9i or PostgreSQL 7.4 or SQLite 2.8.12. Details of how you connect to said product are generally not considered here as, for example, the SQL you generate usually doesn't depend on the connection method, but just the SQL processor at the end of the line.

The attributes in this Node mainly just have meaning to external code that mediates between a SQL::Routine and the native drivers for database products; typically they are used to map a specific native driver to use, and/or a specific SQL generator to use for the mediation. If you are using multiple versions of the same database product line for different database instances, you should have a separate one of these Nodes for each, as the different versions may not support the same features or interface.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the product in the model if you want
product_code - L.cstr - MA - a string recognized by the mediation layer as what product we have
is_memory_based - L.bool - if true, db data is held entirely in RAM memory of our own process
is_file_based - L.bool - if true, db data held in named file(s) that we ref to open in our own process
is_local_proc - L.bool - if true, database is a local service we access via IPC or something
is_network_svc - L.bool - if true, database is on a network server, access by network protocol

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

type - is_memory_based,is_file_based,is_local_proc,is_network_svc - MA

This type of Node describes a distinct data link product that someone can use to connect to a data storage product, such as ODBC 2 or OCI8 or a proxy. Your choice here doesn't necessarily reflect on what data storage product you are using as the link product may abstract its details away. That said, while a catalog blueprint typically just needs to know its storage product, an application linking to one should know a link product and possibly a storage.

The attributes in this Node mainly just have meaning to external code that mediates between a SQL::Routine and the native drivers for database products; typically they are used to map a specific native driver to use, and/or a specific SQL generator to use for the mediation. If you are using multiple versions of the same database product line for different database instances, you should have a separate one of these Nodes for each, as the different versions may not support the same features or interface.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the product in the model if you want
product_code - L.cstr - MA - a string recognized by the mediation layer as what product we have
is_proxy - L.bool - if true, link product is a transparent proxy which calls another link prod (we may spec)



This type of Node describes a distinct "database instance" or "server" or "host" which is described by an "catalog". This is what an application "connects to" when it will use a database. What often happens in real life is that you make a database/catalog design and then instantiate multiple copies; for example, one may contain data for testers of your application, while another has clean data for marketers to show off, while various others are installed at customer sites. Since there can be in real life multiple copies of a database design within communications range of each other, such that a client can 'pick one', or when you want to clone data between them, SQL::Routine lets you model this by having separate "catalog" and "catalog_instance" Nodes. The 'instance' Node stores the instance specific details like server IP address or domain name. Most of your "user" Nodes should be children of this, since they are usually different between installations; only those that own a shared schema can't be, but normal users shouldn't log in as those.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the instance if you want; this isn't used when making SQL
blueprint - N.catalog - MA - what catalog blueprint describes this instance
product - N.data_storage_product - MA - what product implements this; determines SQL dialect to use
file_path - L.cstr - Path on a file system for a file-based database, if applicable
server_ip - L.cstr - Internet IP address of the database server, if applicable
server_domain - L.cstr - Internet domain name of the database server, if applicable
server_port - L.uint - TCP/IP port the database listens to, if applicable

Distinct Child Groups List:

    catalog_link_instance - blueprint

MAYBE TODO: Likewise limit child to being distinct.


The attributes in catalog_instance_opt Nodes mainly just have meaning to external code that is associated with the storage product you are using to implement this current catalog_instance. (Each one is like an associative array element, having a distinct key name and a value.) These Nodes are intended for use in such situations where information in the model can be lost or be made more ambiguous when it is realized by an implementing product.

For example, an opt Node could say what to do with a storage product that doesn't support multiple schemas in the same catalog; eg: does it implement using a separate catalog for each schema (where catalog names have a common prefix), or does it combine the multiple schemas into a single schema where each schema object has a common name prefix. Such information is said to be lost because, for example, if one were to scan an existing such database, second case, to build a new model, all it could do is create a single schema containing all of the longer-name objects, unless it was explicitly told through external data like these Nodes to treat the first parts of each implemented object name as a schema name and hence put multiple schemas in the model. Or in the first case, whether multiple catalogs should get combined.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog_instance - the catalog_instance that this option customizes
si_key - L.cstr - SI - this is the option key that the the external code looks for
value - L.misc - MA - this is the associated option value


This type of Node describes a distinct instance of an "application". Mainly it just resolves the application's potential catalog links to actual ones; it says which specific database instances we talk to, while the blueprint only knows about the blueprint for said instances.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
si_name - L.cstr - SI - lets you label the instance if you want
blueprint - N.application - MA - what application blueprint describes this instance

Distinct Child Groups List:

    catalog_link_instance - blueprint

MAYBE TODO: Likewise limit child to being distinct.

This type of Node describes a distinct instance of an 'catalog_link'. This mainly holds client install specific details, like what catalog instance to talk to, what its local DSN is, such as would be registered with ODBC or in tsnames.ora, or would be a filename, or stuff like that. Also connect string details perhaps, such as username and password, lest they be run-time arguments instead.

Note: There can only be a single catalog_link_instance per distinct catalog_link + [catalog|application]_instance, so it is safe for the CATALOG_*() built-in standard functions to use catalog_link as arguments or return values; a program can always determine what catalog_link_instance actually gets used given the 1:1 relationship.

In situations where proxys are involved, and the proxy is transparent such that the proxy lets a client tell it what it is to be a proxy for at runtime, you would normally have an extra catalog_link_instance Node in the client space to specify details of that for each proxy added; eg: no proxies means one link, one proxy means two. In SQL::Routine, if one catalog_link_instance Node is the child of another, then the parent is what the application invokes to talk to the proxy, and the child says what to tell the proxy to connect to. On the other hand, if a proxy is opaque such as for example an application can't control what it is a proxy for at runtime, then only one catalog_link_instance Node gets used, which points to the address of the proxy.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog_link_instance,catalog_instance,application_instance - parent link of this one (that which calls this), or the routines in this catalog|app inst may use the actual catalog link
blueprint - N.catalog_link - MA - the unrealized catalog link that we are 'implementing'
product - N.data_link_product - MA - what product implements this; determines driver to use
target - N.catalog_instance - MA - this is what the link connects to
local_dsn - L.cstr - locally known driver-specific name for the catalog link (to cat or ch prox)
login_name - L.cstr - if we want to spec a username to always connect with, put here; else get it at runtime
login_pass - L.cstr - if we always use same password, put it here; else get it at runtime

TODO: blueprint and target actually aren't mandatory when pp is a catalog_link_instance;
they inherit their root-of-type copy of said attributes.

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

blueprint - S.P.blueprint - match child of S.P(cat|app_instance).blueprint(catalog|application)

Child Quantity List:

catalog_link_instance - 0 - 1

The attributes in catalog_link_instance_opt Nodes mainly just have meaning to external code that is associated with the link product you are using to implement this current catalog_link_instance. (Each one is like an associative array element, having a distinct key name and a value.) These Nodes are intended for use in customizing how the link product is used for this link, in ways other than what the dsn and login name/pass are.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog_link_instance - the catalog_link_instance that this option customizes
si_key - L.cstr - SI - this is the option key that the the external code looks for
value - L.misc - MA - this is the associated option value


This type of Node describes a "user" who would connect to and/or has privileges in a database/catalog. Most database products support multiple users per catalog, though some only support one. Each database schema may/must be owned by exactly one user (according to the SQL:1999 spec) but it may be used by several. With some products like Oracle, a "user" and a "schema" are one and the same entity (the schema may not have any objects, though); however, SQL::Routine is designed such that they are separate, and one user may own multiple schemas.

Most database products have a granular security system where each user must be explicitly granted the rights to do certain kinds of tasks there, such as read data or write data or edit a schema or even connect to the database. In SQL::Routine, you create "role" Nodes and assign them privileges (roles are named groups of privileges); you then allocate roles to the users that may have the privileges they group.

Note that, in the best interests of security, it is recommended that the database user which your application connects as for normal use should not be the same as one that owns any schemas; if your application creates its own schema, then it should have an additional database user for that purpose.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.catalog_instance - the catalog_instance that this user is in
si_name - L.cstr - SI - the name this user is identified by, and what he authenticates himself with
user_type - E.user_type - MA - what type of user this is; eg: schema owner vs data editor
match_owner - N.owner - the catalog that this user is in
password - L.cstr - the password this user provides when authenticating themself
default_schema - N.schema - this user's default schema; unqualified object references look here

Local Attribute Dependencies List:

    match_owner - SCHEMA_OWNER - MA

Note: In other words to the above, all user types *except* ANONYMOUS have a user name and password.

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

match_owner - S.P.blueprint - match child of S.P(catalog_instance).blueprint(catalog)
default_schema - S.P.blueprint - match child of S.P(catalog_instance).blueprint(catalog)


Each Node of this type indicates that a specific user has been granted a specific role, and the privileges that come with it.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
pp - N.user - the user that a role is granted to
si_role - N.role - SI - the role that is being granted

Ancestor Attribute Correlation List:

si_role - S.P.P.blueprint - match child of S.P(user).P(catalog_instance).blueprint(catalog)



This type of Node holds literal SQL fragments that you can inject into SQL that is generated from SQL::Routine Nodes. Details may be changed later.

Attribute List:

id - NODE_ID - unique identifier for each Node within this Node Type
attach_to - N.* - MA - the normal Node we attach this SQL fragment to
product - N.data_storage_product - if set, only use with this product; if not, use with all prods
is_inside - L.bool - the fragment goes "inside" the SQL generated from attached-to Node
is_before - L.bool - the fragment goes "before" the SQL
is_after - L.bool - the fragment goes "after" the SQL
fragment - L.cstr - this is the actual SQL string fragment to be injected

Exclusive Attribute Groups List:

is_where - is_inside,is_before,is_after


SQL::Routine and the various other modules mentioned in its SEE ALSO.


Darren R. Duncan (


This file is part of the SQL::Routine database portability library.

SQL::Routine is Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to, or visit for more information.

SQL::Routine is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation (; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GPL as part of the SQL::Routine distribution, in the file named "GPL"; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Linking SQL::Routine statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on SQL::Routine. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GPL cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of SQL::Routine give you permission to link SQL::Routine with independent modules, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your choice, provided that every copy of the combined work is accompanied by a complete copy of the source code of SQL::Routine (the version of SQL::Routine used to produce the combined work), being distributed under the terms of the GPL plus this exception. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on SQL::Routine, and which is fully useable when not linked to SQL::Routine in any form.

Any versions of SQL::Routine that you modify and distribute must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any changes, in addition to preserving this original copyright notice and other credits. SQL::Routine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

While it is by no means required, the copyright holders of SQL::Routine would appreciate being informed any time you create a modified version of SQL::Routine that you are willing to distribute, because that is a practical way of suggesting improvements to the standard version.