slackget10::PkgTools - A wrapper for the pkgtools action(installpkg, upgradepkg and removepkg)
Version 0.4.6
This class is anoter wrapper for slack-get. It will encapsulate the pkgtools system call.
use slackget10::PkgTools;
my $pkgtool = slackget10::PkgTools->new($config);
foreach (@{$packagelist->get_all})
print "Status for ",$_->name," : ",$_->status()->to_string,"\n";
Take a slackget10::Config object as argument :
my $pkgtool = new slackget10::PkgTool ($config);
slackget10::PkgTools methods used the followings status :
0 : Package have been installed successfully.
1 : Package have been upgraded successfully.
2 : Package have been removed successfully.
3 : Can't install package : new package not found in the cache.
4 : Can't remove package : no such package installed.
5 : Can't upgrade package : new package not found in the cache.
6 : Can't install package : an error occured during <installpkg-binary /> system call
7 : Can't remove package : an error occured during <removepkg-binary /> system call
8 : Can't upgrade package : an error occured during <upgradepkg-binary /> system call
9 : Package scheduled for install on next reboot.
10 : An error occured in the slackget10::PkgTool class (during installpkg, upgradepkg or removepkg) but the class is unable to understand the error.
Take a single slackget10::Package object or a single slackget10::PackageList as argument and call installpkg on all this packages. Return 1 or undef if an error occured. But methods from the slackget10::PkgTools class don't return on the first error, it will try to install all packages. Additionnally, for each package, set a status.
Take a single slackget10::Package object or a single slackget10::PackageList as argument and call upgradepkg on all this packages. Return 1 or undef if an error occured. But methods from the slackget10::PkgTools class don't return on the first error, it will try to install all packages. Additionnally, for each package, set a status.
$pkgtool->install($package_list) ;
Take a single slackget10::Package object or a single slackget10::PackageList as argument and call installpkg on all this packages. Return 1 or undef if an error occured. But methods from the slackget10::PkgTools class don't return on the first error, it will try to install all packages. Additionnally, for each package, set a status.
Accessor to set/get the output medium to send informations about current operation. You must set a valid handle (STD*, filehandle, socket, etc.) or undef.
You can get an undefined value if the handle is not set.
Setting the output media activate the output system.
Accessor to set/get the connection id of a connection to or from a slack-get daemon. This is here if the output handle is that kind of connection. Anyway this value must be true so set it to 1 if you want an output.
DUPUIS Arnaud, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
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Copyright 2005 DUPUIS Arnaud, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.