
Object::Relation::Parser - The Object::Relation parser for search requests


use Object::Relation::Parser      qw/parse/;
use Object::Relation::Lexer::Code qw/lexer_stream/;

sub _create_ir {
    my ($self, $search_request) = @_;
    my $stream                      = lexer_stream($search_request);
    my $intermediate_representation = parse($stream, $store);
    return $intermediate_representation;


This class takes the tokens produced by a Object::Relation lexer and creates an intermediate representation that can be easily converted to a search request for a given store.

Exportable functions


my $ir = parse($stream, $store);

This function takes a lexer stream produced by a Object::Relation lexer and the store object to be searched. It returns an intermediate representation suitable for converting into a data store search (such as a SQL WHERE clause).

This function returns an array reference of Object::Relation::Search objects and groups of these Search objects. Groups may be simple groups, "AND" groups or "OR" groups.

Simple groups

Simple groups are merely a reference to an array of search objects:


All searches in a simple group must succeed for the search to succeed.

AND groups

"AND" groups are array references with the string "AND" as the first element.

OR groups

An "OR" group is the string "OR" followed by an array reference.

Nested groups

And of the above groups may be nested.

    name   => 'foo',
    l_name => 'something',
OR( age => GT 3 ),
    one__type  => LIKE 'email',
    fav_number => GE 42

The above search, whether it is a code search or a string search, should produce the same IR:




Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kineticode, Inc. <>

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.