
Object::Relation::Setup - Set up a Object::Relation Data Store


use Object::Relation::Setup;
my $setup = Object::Relation::Setup->new(\%params);


This module is the base class for classes that set up a Object::Relation::Handle data store.

Class Interface



my $setup = Object::Relation::Setup->new(\%params);

This factory constructor creates and returns a new setup object. By default, it accepts the following parameters:


Determines which subclass of Object::Relation::Setup to use. The class can be specified as a full class name, such as Object::Relation::Setup::DB::Pg, or if it's in the Object::Relation::Setup namespace, you can just use the remainder of the class name, e.g., DB::Pg. Once Object::Relation::Setup has loaded the subclass, it will redispatch to its new() constructor. The class parameter defaults to DB::SQLite unless the constructor is called directly on the subclass, in which case that class will be used.


An array refererence of the classes to search for classes that inherit from Object::Relation::Base. These will be passed to the load_classes method of Object::Relation::Schema; as such, the final value in the list may optionally be a File::Find::Rule object. Defaults to ['lib'] if not specified.


A boolean value indicating whether or not the setup should be verbose.

Class Methods


my $schema_class = Object::Relation::Setup->schema_class

Returns the name of the Object::Relation::Schema subclass that can be used to generate the schema code to build the data store. By default, this method returns the same name as the name of the Object::Relation::Setup subclass, but with "Store" replaced with "Schema".


my $store_class = Object::Relation::Setup->store_class

Returns the name of the Object::Relation::Handle subclass that manages the interface to the data store for Object::Relation applications. By default, this method returns the same name as the name of the Object::Relation::Setup subclass, but with "Build" removed.

Instance Interface

Instance Accessors


my $verbose = $setup->verbose;

A boolean value idicating whether or not the setup should be verbose.


my @dirs = $setup->class_dirs;

Gets or sets the list of directories that will be searched for classes that inherit from Object::Relation::Base. These will be passed to the load_classes method of Object::Relation::Schema; as such, the final value in the list may optionally be a File::Find::Rule object.

Instance Methods



Sets up the data store. This is an abstract method that must be overridden in the subclasses.



Loads a Object::Relation::Schema object with all of the libraries found in the path specified by the class_dirs attribute.

Why? This loads an all of the libraries in an already installed Object::Relation platform, including, of course, the Object::Relation system classes. Then a complete database can be built including the system classes and the application classes. That's really only useful for tests, though.


$setup->nofify('Looking good...', $/);

Outputs setup notification messages. It simply prints all messages to if the verbose attribute is true.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kineticode, Inc. <>

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.