Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD - Module providing routines to submit songs to from MPD.
use Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD
my $mpds = Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD->new(\%options);
Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD is a scrobbler for MPD. As of version .1, Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit is used to submit information to
All internal code is subject to change. See musicmpdscrobble for usage info.
Please see the documentation for musicmpdscrobble which is available from
musicmpdscrobble --longhelp
- new()
my $mpds = Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD->new($options);
- monitor_mpd()
Starts the main loop.
- options()
Get or set options via hash. Here is a list of available options:
- optionfile
Perl file used to get options from
- lastfm_username
lastfm username
- lastfm_password
lastfm password. Not needed if lastfm_md5password is set.
- lastfm_md5password
MD5 hash of lastfm password.
- lastfm_client_id
Client ID provided by Defaults to "tst", which is valid for testing only.
- lastfm_client_version
Set to the version of your program when setting a valid client_id. Defaults to "1.0"
- mpd_server
hostname of mpd_server
- mpd_port
port for mpd_server
- mpd_password
mpd password
- verbose
Set verbosity level (1 through 4)
- logfile
File to output loginfo to
- scrobblequeue
Path to file to queue info to
- music_directory
Root to MP3 files
- get_mbid_from_mb
Use the Music::Tag::MusicBrainz plugin to get missing "mbid" value.
- runonsubmit
Array of commands to run after submit
- runonstart
Array of commands to run on start of play
- monitor
True if monitor should be turned on
- musictag
True if you want to use Music::Tag to get info from file
- musictag_overwrite
True if you want to Music::Tag info to override file info
- music_tag_opts
Options for Music::Tag
INTERNAL METHODS (for reference)
- mpdsock()
returns open socket to mpd program.
- connect()
Connect to MPD if necessary
- is_connected()
Return true if connected to mpd.
- process_feedback
Process response from mpd.
- send_command($command)
send a command to mpd.
- send_password($command)
send password to mpd.
- get_info($command)
Send mpd a command and parse the output if output is a column seperated list.
- get_status($command)
get_status command. Returns hashref with:
* volume: (0-100) * repeat: (0 or 1) * random: (0 or 1) * playlist: (31-bit unsigned integer, the playlist version number) * playlistlength: (integer, the length of the playlist) * playlistqueue: (integer, the temporary fifo playlist version number) * xfade: <int seconds> (crossfade in seconds) * state: ("play", "stop", or "pause") * song: (current song stopped on or playing, playlist song number) * songid: (current song stopped on or playing, playlist songid) * time: <int elapsed>:<time total> (of current playing/paused song) * bitrate: <int bitrate> (instantaneous bitrate in kbps) * audio: <int sampleRate>:<int bits>:<int channels> * updating_db: <int job id> * error: if there is an error, returns message here
- get_current_song_info($command)
get_status command. Returns hashref with:
file: albums/bob_marley/songs_of_freedom/disc_four/12.bob_marley_-_could_you_be_loved_(12"_mix).flac Time: 327 Album: Songs Of Freedom - Disc Four Artist: Bob Marley Title: Could You Be Loved (12" Mix) Track: 12 Pos: 11 Id: 6601
- status($level, @message)
Print to log.
- logfileout
returns filehandle to log.
- mas()
Reference to underlying Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit object. If passed a Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit object, will use that one instead.
- new_info($cinfo)
reset current song info.
- song_change($cinfo)
Run on song change
- update_info()
Run on poll
- monitor()
print current status to STDERR
- scrobble()
Scrobble current song
- run_commands()
Fork and run list of commands.
musicmpdscrobble, Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit, Music::Tag
- Release Name: 0.12
Fixed bug that sometimes prevented Music::Tag from working at all. Added some level 4 debug messages.
- Release Name: 0.11
Added musictag_overwrite option. This is false by default. It is a workaround for problems with Music::Tag and unicode. Setting this to true allows Music::Tag info to overwrite info from MPD. Do not set this to true until Music::Tag returns proper unicode consistantly.
- Release Name: 0.1
Split off all scrobbling code to Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit
Added an error message if file is not found.
Added use warnings for better debugging.
Started using Pod::Readme for README and CHANGES
Edward Allen, ealleniii _at_ cpan _dot_ org
Copyright (c) 2007 Edward J. Allen III
Some code and inspiration from Audio::MPD Copyright (c) 2005 Tue Abrahamsen, Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas J. Humfrey, Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either:
a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or
b) the "Artistic License" which comes with Perl.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or visit their web page on the Internet at