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Forward::Guides::Routes::RestfulResources - Rails like resources for Plack web framework developers (Perl)


Forward::Routes enables web framework developers to build Rails like resources with a single command. The add_resources command generates a bunch of routes that can be used to dispatch to a controller's read, create, update and delete actions and to display CRUD related forms:

    # Routes root object
    my $routes = Forward::Routes->new;

    # Add a resource

    # The following routes are generated:

    HTTP     Path                 Controller  Action        Route name
    request                       parameter   parameter

    GET      /cities/new          cities      create_form   cities_create_form
    GET      /cities/:id          cities      show          cities_show
    GET      /cities/:id/edit     cities      update_form   cities_update_form
    GET      /cities/:id/delete   cities      delete_form   cities_delete_form
    GET      /cities              cities      index         cities_index
    POST     /cities              cities      create        cities_create
    PUT      /cities/:id          cities      update        cities_update
    DELETE   /cities/:id          cities      delete        cities_delete

Each generated route dispatches to a specific action (see action parameter above) which will usually perform some sort of CRUD action. Framework builders are responsible for the dispatching process, Forward::Routes just provides a match object with the needed parameters.

    Route name            Used to

    cities_create_form    display a form to create a new item
    cities_show           display an individual item
    cities_update_form    display a form to update an existing item
    cities_delete_form    display a form to confirm the deletion of an existing item
    cities_index          list all items
    cities_create         create a new item
    cities_update         update an existing item
    cities_delete         delete an existing item

The internal code to generate a resource makes use of nested routes:

    my $resource = $routes->add_route('cities');

    # get => /cities

    # post => /cities

    # get => /cities/new

    # nested route with id placeholder, placeholder can contain everything
    # but dots and slashed (constraint)
    my $nested = $resource->add_route(':id')
      ->constraints('id' => qr/[^.\/]+/);

    # get => /cities/paris

    # put => /cities/paris

    # delete => /cities/paris

    # get => /cities/paris/edit

    # get => /cities/paris/delete

Multiple resources can be created with a single add_resources call:

    # Add multiple resources
    $routes->add_resources('cities', 'users', 'articles');

    # equals

Resources inherit the file extension of their parent:

    # in order to match get => /cities/paris/edit.html

    # Routes root object
    my $root = Forward::Routes->new;

    # Create a parent route with format "html"
    $route_with_html_extension = $root->add_route->format('html');

    # add a resource on top of parent
    $m = $root->match(get => '/cities/paris/edit.html');
    # $m->[0]->params is
    #   {controller => 'cities', action => 'cities_update_form',
    #    format => 'html'};