DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase - Sybase support for DBIx::Class
This subclass supports DBD::Sybase for real Sybase databases. If you are using an MSSQL database via DBD::Sybase, your storage will be reblessed to DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server.
If your version of Sybase does not support placeholders, then your storage will be reblessed to DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::NoBindVars. You can also enable that driver explicitly, see the documentation for more details.
With this driver there is unfortunately no way to get the last_insert_id
without doing a SELECT MAX(col)
. This is done safely in a transaction (locking the table.) See "INSERTS WITH PLACEHOLDERS".
A recommended "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI setting:
on_connect_call => [['datetime_setup'], ['blob_setup', log_on_update => 0]]
Used as:
on_connect_call => [ [ 'blob_setup', log_on_update => 0 ] ]
Does $dbh->{syb_binary_images} = 1;
to return IMAGE
data as raw binary instead of as a hex string.
Also sets the log_on_update
value for blob write operations. The default is 1
, but 0
is better if your database is configured for it.
See "Handling_IMAGE/TEXT_data_with_syb_ct_get_data()/syb_ct_send_data()" in DBD::Sybase.
Used as:
on_connect_call => 'datetime_setup'
In "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI to set:
$dbh->syb_date_fmt('ISO_strict'); # output fmt: 2004-08-21T14:36:48.080Z
$dbh->do('set dateformat mdy'); # input fmt: 08/13/1979 18:08:55.080
On connection for use with DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime, using DateTime::Format::Sybase, which you will need to install.
This works for both DATETIME
columns, although SMALLDATETIME
columns only have minute precision.
Schema::Loader Support
There is an experimental branch of DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader that will allow you to dump a schema from most (if not all) versions of Sybase.
It is available via subversion from:
This driver supports DBD::Sybase compiled against FreeTDS ( to the best of our ability, however it is recommended that you recompile DBD::Sybase against the Sybase Open Client libraries. They are a part of the Sybase ASE distribution:
The Open Client FAQ is here:
Sybase ASE for Linux (which comes with the Open Client libraries) may be downloaded here:
To see if you're using FreeTDS check $schema->storage->using_freetds
, or run:
perl -MDBI -le 'my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass); print $dbh->{syb_oc_version}'
Some versions of the libraries involved will not support placeholders, in which case the storage will be reblessed to DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::NoBindVars.
In some configurations, placeholders will work but will throw implicit type conversion errors for anything that's not expecting a string. In such a case, the auto_cast
option from DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::AutoCast is automatically set, which you may enable on connection with "connect_call_set_auto_cast" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::AutoCast. The type info for the CAST
s is taken from the "data_type" in DBIx::Class::ResultSource definitions in your Result classes, and are mapped to a Sybase type (if it isn't already) using a mapping based on SQL::Translator.
In other configurations, placeholers will work just as they do with the Sybase Open Client libraries.
Inserts or updates of TEXT/IMAGE columns will NOT work with FreeTDS.
With placeholders enabled, inserts are done in a transaction so that there are no concurrency issues with getting the inserted identity value using SELECT MAX(col)
, which is the only way to get the IDENTITY
value in this mode.
In addition, they are done on a separate connection so that it's possible to have active cursors when doing an insert.
When using DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::NoBindVars
transactions are disabled, as there are no concurrency issues with SELECT @@IDENTITY
as it's a session variable.
Due to limitations of the TDS protocol, DBD::Sybase, or both; you cannot begin a transaction while there are active cursors; nor can you use multiple active cursors within a transaction. An active cursor is, for example, a ResultSet that has been executed using next
or first
but has not been exhausted or reset.
For example, this will not work:
$schema->txn_do(sub {
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Book');
while (my $row = $rs->next) {
book_id => $row->id,
This won't either:
my $first_row = $large_rs->first;
$schema->txn_do(sub { ... });
Transactions done for inserts in AutoCommit
mode when placeholders are in use are not affected, as they are done on an extra database handle.
Some workarounds:
load the data from your cursor with "all" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet
The TDS protocol makes separate connections to the server for active statements in the background. By default the number of such connections is limited to 25, on both the client side and the server side.
This is a bit too low for a complex DBIx::Class application, so on connection the client side setting is set to 256
(see "maxConnect" in DBD::Sybase.) You can override it to whatever setting you like in the DSN.
See for information on changing the setting on the server side.
See "connect_call_datetime_setup" to setup date formats for DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime.
DBD::Sybase compiled with FreeTDS will NOT allow you to insert or update TEXT/IMAGE
Setting $dbh->{LongReadLen}
will also not work with FreeTDS use either:
$schema->storage->dbh->do("SET TEXTSIZE $bytes");
However, the LongReadLen
you pass in "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI is used to execute the equivalent SET TEXTSIZE
command on connection.
See "connect_call_blob_setup" for a "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI setting you need to work with IMAGE
The experimental DBD::Sybase Bulk API support is used for populate in void context, in a transaction on a separate connection.
To use this feature effectively, use a large number of rows for each populate call, eg.:
while (my $rows = $data_source->get_100_rows()) {
NOTE: the add_columns calls in your Result
classes must list columns in database order for this to work. Also, you may have to unset the LANG
environment variable before loading your app, if it doesn't match the character set of your database.
When inserting IMAGE columns using this method, you'll need to use "connect_call_blob_setup" as well.
Transitions to AutoCommit=0 (starting a transaction) mode by exhausting any active cursors, using eager cursors.
Real limits and limited counts using stored procedures deployed on startup.
Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) support, with possible SQLA::Limit support.
Blob update with a LIKE query on a blob, without invalidating the WHERE condition.
bulk_insert using prepare_cached (see comments.)
See "CONTRIBUTORS" in DBIx::Class.
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.