Net::LDAP::Schema - Load and manipulate an LDAP v3 Schema


use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Schema;

# Read schema from server
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $server );
$schema = $ldap->schema();

# Load from LDIF
$schema = Net::LDAP::Schema->new;
$schema->parse( "schema.ldif" ) or die $schema->error;


Net::LDAP::Schema provides a means to load an LDAP schema and query it for information regarding supported objectclasses, attributes and syntaxes.


Where a method is stated as taking the 'name or oid' of a schema item (which may be an object class, attribute or syntax) then a case-insensitive name or raw oid (object identifier, in dotted numeric string form, e.g. may be supplied.


With no arguments, returns a list of the names all attributes in the schema.

@atts = $schema->attributes();

If called with an argument which is the name or oid of a known object class, returns a list of the attributes which may (or must) be present in the OC.

@person_atts = $schema->attributes( "person" );

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context, or empty list on error.


Returns a list of the names of all ditstructurerules in the schema.

@dts = $schema->ditstructurerules();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Returns a list of the names of all ditcontentrules in the schema.

@dtc = $schema->ditcontentrules();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Given an argument which is the name of a file, and the file or directory has write permission, will dump the raw schema information to a file. If no argument is given the raw schema information is dumped to standard out.

$result = $schema->dump( "./schema.dump" );


$result = $schema->dump();

If no schema data is returned from directory server, the method will return undefined. Otherwise a value of 1 is always returned.


Returns the last error encountered.

is_objectclass, is_attribute, is_syntax, is_matchingrule

Given the name or oid of a schema item (object class, attribute, syntax or matchingrule respectively) returns the assoicated OID or undef if the name or oid is not of the appropriate type.

# Is foo a known OC?
$oid = $schema->is_objectclass( "foo" );
# No? Bale out.
die( "Not an objectclass" ) unless $oid;
# we can do this
@must = $schema->must( $oid );
is_matchingruleuse, is_ditstructurerule, is_ditcontentrule, is_nameform

Given the name or oid of a schema item (matchingruleuse, ditstructurerule, ditcontentrule or nameform respectively) returns the assoicated OID or undef if the name or oid is not of the appropriate type.

# Is foo a known OC?
$oid = $schema->is_nameform( "foo" );
# No? Bale out.
die( "Not a nameform" ) unless $oid;

Given two arguments, first of which is the name or oid of a known object class or attribute and second of which is the name of the item, returns the item's data value. The item's value may be undefined.

@item = $schema->item( $oid, "desc" );

Return value is an array or a value depending on calling context.

If the first argument is a name and there is more than one item in the schema with that name then undef, or the empty list, will be returned.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of a known object class or attribute, returns the items available for this attribute or object class. The returned item name may have an undefined value.

@items = $schema->items( $oid );

Return value is a list or array reference depending on calling context.

If the argument given is a name and there is more than one item in the schema with that name then undef, or the empty list, will be returned.


Returns a list of the names of all matchingrules in the schema.

@mrs = $schema->matchingrules();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Returns a list of the names of all matchingruleuse in the schema.

@mru = $schema->matchingruleuse();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of a known object class, returns the name of the attributes which are optional in the class.

@may = $schema->may( $oc );

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of a known object class, returns the name of the attributes which are mandatory in the class

@must = $schema->must( $oc );

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of an item, returns the items canonical name or undef if the name or oid is not known.

If the argument given is a name and there is more than one item in the schema with that name then undef will be returned.


Given the name of a schema item (object class, attribute or syntax) returns the assoicated OID or undef if it is not recognised.

It is possible that two objects, of different types, have the same name. In this case name2oid will return a list of OIDs in an array context. In a scalar context it will return undef if there is more than one object with the given name.


Returns a list of the names of all nameforms in the schema.

@nfm = $schema->nameforms();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Returns a list of the names of all objectclasses in the schema.

@ocs = $schema->objectclasses();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.


Takes a single argument which can be any of, A message objected returned from an LDAP search, a Net::LDAP::Entry object or the name of a file containing an LDIF form of the schema.

If the argument is a message result from a search, Net::LDAP::Schema will parse the schema from the first entry returned.

Returns true on success and undef on error.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of a known objectclass, returns the list of names of the immediate superclasses.


Given an argument which is the name or oid of a known attribute, returns the name of the attribute's syntax (or the syntax of the attributes superior if the syntax is inherited).

$name_syntax = $schema->syntax( "commonName" );

Returns a list of the names of all ldapSyntaxes in the schema. (The name of a syntax is not well defined. It may be an OID or abbreviated description).

@syns = $schema->syntaxes();

Return value is an array or array reference depending on calling context.




Graham Barr <> John Berthels <>

Please report any bugs, or post any suggestions, to the perl-ldap mailing list <>.


Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

$Id: Schema.pod,v 1.10 2001/08/24 19:31:14 gbarr Exp $