Bible::OBML::HTML - Render OBML as HTML



$self->from_obml( $obml,     $skip_smartify );
$self->from_file( $filename, $skip_smartify );
$self->from_data( $data,     $skip_smartify );


This module renders a reasonably reusable HTML block from OBML in either text, file, or data sources. "Reasonably reusable" means that it is a block of HTML without header or "HTML" tag and contains HTML5-valid HTML, mostly in the form of DIV tags and other symantically expected nested HTML.

The intent here is that if you have OBML and need to view it in some nicer form, like on a web site, you can use this module's methods to generate a core block of HTML, which you'd then wrap with whatever HTML wrapper and CSS you'd like.



This method accepts a string (assumed to contain valid OBML) and returns HTML.


A second optional boolean can be provided, and if true, will cause the method to skip running the "smartify" method on the content.

$self->from_obml( $obml, 1 );


This method accepts a string containing a filename (the file is assumed to contain valid OBML) and returns HTML.


A second optional boolean can be provided, and if true, will cause the method to skip running the "smartify" method on the content.

$self->from_file( $filename, 1 );


This method accepts a data structure that's a result of parsing OBML and returns HTML.


A second optional boolean can be provided, and if true, will cause the method to skip running the "smartify" method on the content.

$self->from_data( $data, 1 );



This module has an attribute of "obml" which contains a reference to an instance of Bible::OBML.


Bible::OBML, Bible::OBML::Reference.


Gryphon Shafer <>.

code('Perl') || die;


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 211:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content