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Data::MuForm::Manual::Reference - concise reference


version 0.01


Manual Index

This is a concise reference of Data::MuForm.

Data::MuForm has a lot of options and many ways to customize your forms. More complete documentation can be found in the rest of the manual as Data::MuForm::Manual and in Data::MuForm.


Form Attributes

   params           Parameters/data; if present validation will be attempted
   data             Alias for 'params'
   name             Form name. Used in 'id' of form element

   field_namespace  Where to search for fields

   language         Used by 'localizer' to get the right translation file.
   ctx              Application context for your use. Weak_ref, cleared on each process call.

   init_values      For default values instead of 'model', or in addition to.

   fields           Field arrayref
   sorted_fields    The sorted array of fields
   field( $name )   Returns a field object
   has_field        Sugar for declaring fields
   field_list       Non-moose-y way to define fields

   clear            Resets state. Used in persistent forms.
   values           Returns a hashref of values (with accessor keys)
   fif              Returns a hashref for filling in form

Form database attributes

   model            DB row object
   model_class      Class of db model
   model_id         Primary key of db model
   schema           Schema of model

   Also 'update_model' sub

Form processing

   process           Sets up form, validates, updates model
   check             Validates, does not update model
   submitted         Flag to say whether or not to validate, instead of
                        depending on presence of params


   validate        Sub for validation after individual fields are validated
   validate_model  Sub for additional database type validation
   validated       Flag that form has validated
   is_valid        Synonym of 'validated'
   ran_validation  Flag that validation has already been run
   validate_$fieldname  Validation routine for field (also 'validate_method')


   has_errors      True if any field has errors
   num_errors      The number of errors (field errors + form errors)
   error_fields    An array of fields with errors
   errors          Returns an array of all errors
   error_field_names Returns an array of field names with errors

Form Methods and process hooks

   update_model      To perform additional database actions on update
   init_values       can be a method instead of an attribute

Form Rendering

   TBD: a work in process, not yet completely designed

   field_prefix       String to prefix to field names when rendered
                           Useful for multiple instances of the same form
   http_method         For storing 'post' or 'get'
   action              Store the form 'action' on submission. No default value.
   enctype             Request enctype
   id                  the form tag 'id' attribute is set to the form name

Field specific form methods

   options_$fieldname   Sub returning options array (also 'options_method')
   validate_$fieldname  Validation routine for field (also 'validate_method')
   default_$fieldname   Set default for field (also 'default_method')


Field attributes

   name          Field name. Usually the same as database column name or rel
   type          Field type. From a Field class: 'Text', 'Select', etc
   order         Set the order for fields. Default order is set by MuForm, by 5.

   active        Arrayref of fields to set active
   inactive      Arrayref of fields to set inactive
   input_without_param  The value of the field if there is no input from the submitted form

   default       Default value for the field
   not_nullable  Don't convert an empty field ('', etc) to undef

   trim          Transform to trim the field
   transform_value_to_fif    Coderef to deflate the field (for filling in the form)
   transform_input_to_value  Coderef to inflate the field (before validation)
   transform_default_to_value  Coderef to inflate value from model/init_values
   transform_value_after_validate    Coderef to deflate value after validation
   transform_input_to_value  Coderef to transform input to value

   password      Remove from params and do not display in forms.

Select fields

   options       Sorted arrayref of hashes; keys: "value", "label"
   methods => { options => <coderef> } = provide options
   label_column  Column to use for labels (default: name)
   active_column Which values to list in options
   sort_column   Column to use for sorting (default: label_column)

Field errors

   errors        Errors associated with this field
                 (also num_errors, clear_errors, has_errors, add_error)
   messages      Hashref of message identifiers and text

Field validation

   apply         Array of constraint/coercion/transformation actions
                 ( type, check, transform, message, when )
   methods => { validate => <coderef> }  Validation coderef, or 'validate_$fieldname' in form (default)
   required      Field is required
   required_when Takes a hashref of field name keys and values
   maxlength     Text fields. Validated.
   minlength     Text fields. Used in validation
   range_start   Range start for number fields
   range_end     Range end for number fields

Field attributes for DB

   accessor      Database accessor name if different than field name
   unique        Field should be unique in the database
   no_update     Don't include this field in ->values hash. It won't be updated in the database.
   writeonly     Do not retrieve initial values

   Also see the select field _columns attributes

Field rendering

   label           Text label for this field. Defaults to ucfirst field name.
   methods => { build_label => <coderef> }   provide a builder for 'label' attribute
   id              Useful for javascript (default is prefixed_name. to prefix with
                       form name, use 'field_prefix' in your form)
   methods => { build_id => <coderef> } Provide a builder for 'id' attribute
   size            Text & select fields.

   render          Method to render the field ($field->render)
   render_element  Method to render unwrapped field ($field->render_element)

Field attributes

   init_value    Initial value from the database
   value         The value of your field.
   input         Input value from parameter or initial value from database
   fif           Values for filling in a form, from input or value


Gerda Shank


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.