HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Intro - basic usage of FormHandler


HTML::FormHandler is a form handling class that validates HTML form data and, for database forms, saves it to the database on validation. It has field classes that can be used for creating a set of widgets and highly automatic templates. There is a simple rendering role, HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple, and FormHandler is designed to make it easy to produce alternative rendering modules.

The DBIC & CDBI models will save form fields automatically to the database, will retrieve selection lists from the database (with type => 'Select' and a fieldname containing a single relationship, or type => 'Multiple' and a many_to_many relationship), and will save the selected values (one value for 'Select', multiple values in a mapping table for a 'Multiple' field).

The 'form' is a Perl subclass of HTML::FormHandler for non-database forms, or a subclass of a model class for database forms, and in it you define your fields and validation routines. Because it's a Perl class, you have a lot of flexibility.

You can use transformations, Moose type constraints, and coercions, listed in the field's 'apply' attribute, to validate or inflate the fields (see "apply" in HTML::FormHandler::Field). You can define your own HTML::FormHandler::Field classes to create your own field types, and perform specialized validation. You can create MooseX::Types libraries and use them to perform field validation.

The HTML::FormHandler package includes a working example using a SQLite database and a number of forms in the test directory. You can execute the sample from a downloaded distribution package with:

perl -Ilib t/script/


To use HTML::FormHandler, you need to create a form class, call the form class from a controller, and choose a method of displaying the form in an HTML page.

Create a Form, subclassed from HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC

package MyApp:Form::User;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';

# Associate this form with a DBIx::Class result class
# Or 'item_class' can be passed in on 'new', or you
# you can always pass in a row object
has '+item_class' => ( default => 'User' );

# Define the fields that this form will operate on
# Field names are usually column, accessor, or relationship names in your
# DBIx::Class result class. You can also have fields that don't exist
# in your result class.

has_field 'name'    => ( type => 'Text', label => 'Username, required => 1,
   required_message => 'You must enter a username', unique => 1,
   unique_message => 'That username is already taken' );
# the css_class, title, and widget attributes are for use in templates
has_field 'age'     => ( type => 'PosInteger', required => 1, css_class => 'box',
   title => 'User age in years', widget => 'age_text', range_start => 18 ); 
has_field 'sex'     => ( type => 'Select', label => 'Gender', required => 1 );
# a customized field class
has_field 'birthdate => ( type => '+MyApp::Field::Date' );
has_field 'hobbies' => ( type => 'Multiple', size => 5 );
has_field 'address' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'city'    => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'state'   => ( type => 'Select' );

has '+dependency' => ( default => sub {
            ['address', 'city', 'state'],

In a template, for an input field:

[% f = form.field('address') %]
<label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label %]:</label>
<input type="text" name="[% %]" id="[% %]" value="[% f.fif %]">

The value can come from the hash returned by $form->fif, from the 'fif' attribute of the field, or can be supplied by FillInForm. Plain HTML works fine for a simple input field if you use FillInForm to supply the value.

For a select list, provide a relationship name as the field name, or provide an options_<field_name> subroutine in the form. FillInForm alone is not enough for select fields, since you need to access the field 'options'. (field attributes: sort_order, label_column, active_column). TT example:

[% f = form.field('sex') %]
<label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label %]</label>
<select name="[% %]">
  [% FOR option IN f.options %]
    <option value="[% option.value %]" 
    [% IF option.value == f.fif %]selected="selected"[% END %]>
    [% option.label | html %]</option>
  [% END %] 

A multiple select list where 'hobbies' is a 'many_to_many' pseudo-relationship. (field attributes: sort_column, label_column, active_column).

  [% f = form.field('hobbies') %]
  <label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label || %]</label>
  <select name="[% %]" multiple="multiple" size="[% f.size %]">
    [% FOR option IN f.options %]
      <option value="[% option.value %]" [% FOREACH selval IN f.fif %][% IF selval == option.value %]selected="selected"[% END %][% END %]>[% option.label | html %]</option>
    [% END %] 

In a Catalyst controller:

package MyApp::Controller::User;
   use Moose;
   extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
has 'form' => ( isa => 'MyApp::Form::User', is => 'rw',
    lazy => 1, default => sub { MyApp::Form::User->new } );

# Create or edit
sub edit : Local {
    my ( $self, $c, $user_id ) = @_;

    $c->stash( template => 'user/' ); 
    return unless $self->form->process( item_id => $user_id,
       schema => $c->model('DB')->schema );

    # Form validated.
    $c->stash( user => $form->item );

With the DBIC model the schema is set from the 'item' (row object) passed in, or from the primary key ('item_id') and schema.

The example above uses persistent forms in a Moose attribute. The 'process' method will clear out non-persistent form values and update the information from the database row (if given). You can also create a new form on each request with new:

my $form = BookDB::Form::Book->new( item => $book );
return unless $form->process( params => $c->req->parameters );

There is also a 'validated' flag that:

$form->process( params => $c->req->parameters );
return unless $form->validated;

Form processing is a two-pass operation. The first time through the parameters will be an empty hashref, since the form has not been submitted yet. FormHandler will load values from the database object (item_id/schema or item) or from an 'init_object', and return false because the form has not validated yet. At this point the 'return' (in Catalyst) will cause the renderview processing to take place and the form will be displayed with initialized values (from a template using the 'fif' values or from HTML::FillInForm) to allow user input.

When the form is submitted, the action in the HTML form's 'action' value will be called (the same one that just displayed the form usually), and the second pass of calling the FormHandler process method will occur.

This time there WILL be values in the parameters, and FormHandler will call the validation routines. If the validation succeeds, FormHandler will return a 'true' value, and execution will fall through to after the "return unless ...." line. At this point you will either redirect to some other page, or in some cases redisplay the form with a message that saving succeeded. If the validation fails, the 'return' will cause the form to be displayed again.

The values to be used to fill in your form are automatically created by FormHandler, and are available in the field's 'fif' attribute:


or in the form's fif hash, which will contain the fill-in-form values for all the form's fields:


If you want to use HTML::FillInForm to fill in values instead of the doing it in directly in a template using either the field or the form 'fif' methods, you will need to set that up yourself in an 'end' routine or a finalize method. One option would be to set the 'fif' hash in a stash variable:

   $self->form->process( ... );
   $c->stash( fillinform => $self->form->fif );
   return unless $form->validated;

and then check for the stash variable in your end routine and call FillInForm:

sub end : Private
   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
   $c->forward('render') unless $c->res->output;
   if ($c->stash->{fillinform})
            scalarref => \$c->response->{body},
            fdat      => $c->stash->{fillinform},
sub render : ActionClass('RenderView') { }

Non-database forms

The base class for a non-database form is HTML::FormHandler instead of a model class. You do not initialize a non-database form with an item or item_id, although you can use an init_object for the initial values.

After validation, you can get a hashref of values back from the 'values' method.

my $form = MyApp::Form::Book->new( init_object => { ... } );
$form->process( $params );
return unless $form->validated;
my $result = $form->values;

Form Models

For a database form, use a model base class that interfaces with the database, such as HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC or HTML::FormHandler::Model::CDBI.

When using a database model, form field values for the row are retrieved from the database using the field 'accessor' attributes (defaults to fieldname) as database class accessors. FormHandler will use relationships to populate single and multiple selection lists, and validate input. It doesn't yet do anything with other relationships (though there are plans), but it will return a hash of the relationship created with HashRefInflator.

You can pass in either the primary key and or a row object to the form. If a primary key (item_id) is passed in, you must also provide the schema. The model will use the item_class (DBIC source name) to fetch the row from the database. If you pass in a row object (item), the schema, source_class, and item_id will be set from the row.

The $form->process will validate the parameters and then update or create the database row object.

Field names

The standard way to use FormHandler is with field names that match your database accessors. If you want to prepend the HTML field names with a name plus dot, you can set the form 'name' and use the 'html_prefix' flag. "$name." will be stripped from the beginning of the HTML fields before the parameters are set, and will be added in 'fif'. The field's 'html_name' convenience attribute will return this name for use in templates.

If you want the FormHandler field name to be different than the database accessor, set 'accessor' on your fields. (It defaults to the field name). You could then use any name that you want for your field.

There are a number of name related field attributes. The 'name' is the name used to identify this particular field in this fields array. The 'full_name' is includes the names of all parents of this field, like 'address.street.streetname'. The 'html_name' is the same as the 'full_name' unless you have set the 'html_prefix' flag, in which case it includes the form name: 'myform.address.street.streetname'.

To retrieve a field by name, you can use either the full_name or a chain: $form->field('address')->field('street')->field('streetname') or: $form->field('address.street.streetname').

You can process multiple FormHandler forms at the same time (using the same HTML form) with multiple form objects and multiple process/update calls. You would have to ensure that there are no duplicate field names by using one of the methods mentioned above.


This is not actually a Moose attribute. It is sugar to allow the declarative specification of fields. It will not create accessors for the fields. The 'type' is not a Moose type, but an HTML::FormHandler::Field class name. To use this sugar, you must do

use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;

instead of use Moose; . (Moose best practice advises putting no HTML::FormHandler::Moose; or use namespace:clean -except => 'meta' at the end of the package to keep the namespace clean of imported methods.)

To declare fields use the syntax:

has_field 'title' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );
has_field 'authors' => ( type => 'Select' );

instead of:

has 'field_list' => ( default => sub { 
         title => {
            type => 'Text',
            required => 1,
         authors => 'Select',

Fields specified in a field_list will overwrite fields specified with 'has_field'. After processing, fields live in the 'fields' array, and can be accessed with the field method: $form->field('title').

Forms with 'has_field' field declarations may be subclassed. Or use HTML::FormHandler::Moose::Role to create roles with the 'has_field' syntax:

package Form::Role::Address;

use HTML::FormHandler::Moose::Role; 

has_field 'street' => ( type => 'Text', size => '50' );
has_field 'city' => ( type = 'Text', size => 24 );
has_field 'state' => ( type => 'Select );
has_field 'zip' => ( type => '+Zip', required => 1 );

no HTML::FormHandler::Moose::Role;

You can use roles to define fields and validations and include them in form classes using 'with':

package Form::Member;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
with ''Form::Role::Person';
with 'Form::Role::Address';
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';

has_field 'user_name' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );

no HTML::FormHandler::Moose;

If you prefix the field name with a '+' the attributes in this definition will modify existing attributes or be added to an existing field definition:

has_field 'user' => ( type => 'Text', ...., required => 1 );
has_field '+user' => ( required => 0 );

The form field_list

An array of name, specification pairs to define fields.

The field_list is one way to define the fields in your form (though you can also add fields individually).

has '+field_list' => ( default => sub { 
         field_one => {
            type => 'Text',
            required => 1
         field_two => 'Text,

An example of a select field:

sub field_list {
   return [
        favorite_color => {
            type            => 'Select',
            label_column    => 'color_name',
            active_column   => 'is_active',


A form's fields are created from the 'has_field' and 'field_list' definitions. FormHandler processes the field lists and creates an array of HTML::FormHandler::Field objects. The "type" of a field determines which field class to use. The field class determines which attributes are valid for a particular field. A number of field classes are provided by FormHandler. You can customize the validation in your form on a per field basis, but validation that will be used for more than one field might be more easily handled in a custom field class.

Fields can also be added dynamically with the 'add_field' method.

In the template the fields are accessed with form.field('name') . Field errors are in $field->errors.

The fields are assumed to be in the HTML::FormHandler::Field name space. If you want to explicitly list the field's package, prefix it with a plus sign. The field name space for "+" prefixed fields can be set with the form's "field_name_space" attribute:

has '+field_name_space' => ( default => 'MyApp::Form::Field' );

has_field 'name' => ( type => 'Text' ); # HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text
has_field 'foo'  => ( type => +Foo' );  # MyApp::Form::Field::Foo

The most basic type is "Text", which takes a single scalar value. (If the type of a field is not specified, it will be set to 'Text'.) A "Select" class is similar, but its value must be a valid choice from a list of options. A "Multiple" type is like "Select" but it allows selecting more than one value at a time.

Each field has a "value" method, which is the field's internal value. This is the value your database object would have (e.g. scalar, boolean 0 or 1, DateTime object).

When data is passed in to validate the form, the input in copied into the 'value' attribute of the field, and the actions specified by 'apply' will be performed on the value. This includes the 'trim' transform which will strip leading and trailing spaces. After the actions are applied, the field 'validate' method is called.

Compound fields

A compound field is a field that has sub-fields. Compound fields can be created in two ways: 1) using a field class, 2) by declaration.

To create a compound field class, you must extend HTML::FormHandler::Field::Compound and use HTML::FormHandler::Moose to allow declaring fields:

package MyApp::Field::Duration;

use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Compound';

has_field 'month' => (type => 'Integer');
has_field 'day' => ( type => 'Integer' );
has_field 'minutes' => ( type => 'Integer' );

Then in the form:

has_field 'my_duration' => ( type => '+Duration' );

To create a compound field by declaration, declare the containing compound field and subfields, prefixing the subfield names with the name of the containing compound field plus a dot:

package MyApp::Form;

use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

has_field 'duration' => ( type => 'Compound' );
has_field 'duration.month' => ( type => 'Integer' );
has_field '' => ( type => 'Integer' );
has_field 'duration.year' => ( type => 'Integer' );

In an HTML form the name of the field must be the complete name with dots. The 'html_name' field attribute can be used to get this name:

[% field.html_name %]

A compound field can be used for a database relation that will have only one row (belongs_to or has_one).

Repeatable fields

Repeatable fields are used for arrays of compound fields.

has_field 'addresses' => ( type => 'Repeatable' );
has_field 'addresses.address_id' => ( type => 'PrimaryKey' );
has_field 'addresses.street';
has_field '';
has_field '' => ( type => 'Select' );

The arrays will be built from arrays passed in the params, or from related ('has_many') rows in the database.

It is also used for arrays of single fields using the 'contains' keyword:

has_field 'tags' => ( type => 'Repeatable' );
has_field 'tags.contains' => ( type => '+Tag' );

See HTML::FormHandler::Field::Repeatable for more information.

Filters, transformations, and constraints

HTML::FormHandler has a flexible system of of filters and constraints. You can use Moose types to constrain the allowable values in a field and use coercions to inflate the HTML field input, such as for a DateTime. You can also create non-Moose transformations and constraints. See the 'apply' attribute in HTML::FormHandler::Field.

has_field 'some_field' => ( apply => [ 'MooseType', 
    { transform => sub {...}, message => 'xxxx' },
    { check => sub { ... }, message => 'xxxx' } ] );

The actions in the 'apply' array will be performed in the order they are specified, allowing fine-grained control over inflation and validation.

You can also create a simple subroutine in your form class to perform validation. The default name of this subroutine is 'validate_<fieldname>', but the name can also be set in the field with the 'set_validate' attribute.

If you need to access form attributes such as the schema, the 'set_validate' subroutine may be preferable, but most validations can be performed using either method.

Creating custom fields

Subclass a custom field from HTML::FormHandler::Field, or one of the existing subclasses. Almost everything that is done in a custom field class can also be done declaratively. The advantage of a field class is that it can simplify declaration of often-repeated sets of attributes.

The simplest subclasses contain only a 'validate' routine or an 'apply' attribute, which is called by the base Field class from 'process'. Look at HTML::FormHandler::Field::Email, for example.

If the field's value will be an object instead of a simple scalar, such as a DateTime, then you will also need a transformation method to reformat the object into a form suitable for an HTML form field.

Some custom field might only require setting certain attributes to defaults, such as the HTML::FormHandler::Field::Hour field, which set 'range_start' to 0 and 'range_end' to 23. A 'select' field might override the 'build_options' builder for the 'options' array, like HTML::FormHandler::Field::IntRange. A field may add additional attributes, such as 'label_format' in HTML::FormHandler::Field::IntRange, or set the 'required_message'.

An alternative to new field classes for many field validations might be roles with collections of validations.

Common form attributes

The 'dependency' field_list key is an array of arrays of field names. During validation, if any field in a given group contains the pattern /\S/ (non-blank), the 'required' flag is set for all of the fields in the group.

has '+dependency' => ( default => sub {
            ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip'],
            ['cc_no', 'cc_expires'],

The 'item_class':

has '+item_class' => ( default => 'Book' );

The form name:

has '+name' => ( default => 'book_form' );

The field name space for use with '+' prefixed fields:

has '+field_name_space' => ( default => 'MyApp::Form::Field' );
has_field 'subname' => ( type => '+SubName' );

An 'init_object' for filling in the form with default values instead of the database object. (To set individual field values use "init_value_$fieldname".)

has '+init_object' => ( default => sub { 
      {  name => 'Choose name',
         project => 'Standard'

Other methods for your form


If you have a 'Select' or 'Multiple' field, there are three ways to provide the 'options', or the list of values and labels for the select list. 1) Get them automatically from a database table (from the relationship that is the field name/accessor), 2) provide them in the field's 'options' attribute, or 2) provide them from an options_$fieldname method in the form.

An 'options_$fieldname' method should return a list of ordered key (option value) and value (label to be displayed in the select list) pairs.

sub options_fruit {
    return (
        1   => 'apples',
        2   => 'oranges',
        3   => 'kiwi',

You can also write custom methods to retrieve the option info from the database:

sub options_country
   my $self = shift; 
   return unless $self->schema;
   my @rows =
      $self->schema->resultset( 'Country' )->
         search( {}, { order_by => ['rank', 'country_name'] } )->all;
   return [ map { $_->digraph, $_->country_name } @rows ];

Allows you to provide (in the form) a different initial value for a particular field than that in the database.

sub init_value_license {
   my ( $self, $field, $item ) = @_;
   return 0 unless $item && $item->license_id; 
   return $item->license_id;

Instead of using field constraints, you can choose to do per-field validation customization in a form method:

sub validate_age {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
    $field->add_error('Sorry, you must be 18')
        if $field->value < 18;

A different form method name for this can be specified with the field's 'set_validate' attribute:

has_field 'age' => ( type => 'Text', set_validate => 'check_age' );

sub check_age {

Handle cross-field validation, or any validation that needs to be done after the entire form is validated. This method is executed whether or not the form has validated so far.

sub cross_validate {
   my $self = shift;
   if ( $self->field('count')->value && $self->field('duration')->value )
                 'Do not enter both a count and a duration' );

Override the model's 'update_model' method to do additional updates.

sub update_model {
   my $self = shift;
   my $event = $self->item;
   $event->update( ... );

Filling the HTML form with values

There are three ways to get the database or parameter values into the actual HTML form.

You can use the field method 'fif' (where "f" is "form.field('book')" ):

[% f.fif %]

You can use the hash returned by the form method "fif":

[% %]

Or you can use HTML::FillInForm and the $form->fif hash.

If you are already using FormHandler field attributes in your form elements, then using the field 'fif' method is probably easiest. If you are not using FormHandler field attributes, then your choice is between using form.fif and FillInForm.

If you are not using FormHandler select lists and you use FillInForm, then it is possible to have FormHandler process HTML forms that have no template references to the form object at all, as long as the field names are correct. If you think that FillInForm is evil, then you could manage with only using FormHandler to fill in the form.


It's much easier to write unit tests for FormHandler forms than for Catalyst controllers. The 't' directory of the downloaded distribution has lots of examples. Here is an example of a test script for a DBIC form:

use Test::More tests => 14;
use lib 't/lib';

use_ok( 'BookDB::Form::Book');
use_ok( 'BookDB::Schema::DB');

my $schema = BookDB::Schema::DB->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/db/book.db');
ok($schema, 'get db schema');

my $form = BookDB::Form::Book->new(schema => $schema);

# This is munging up the equivalent of param data from a form
my $good = {
    'title' => 'How to Test Perl Form Processors',
    'author' => 'I.M. Author',
    'genres' => [2, 4],
    'format'       => 2,
    'isbn'   => '123-02345-0502-2' ,
    'publisher' => 'EreWhon Publishing',
ok( $form->process( params => $good ), 'Good data' );

my $book = $form->item;
END { $book->delete };
ok ($book, 'get book object from form');
my $num_genres = $book->genres->count;
is( $num_genres, 2, 'multiple select list updated ok');
is( $form->value('format'), 2, 'get value for format' );

my $bad_1 = {
    notitle => 'not req',
    silly_field   => 4,
ok( !$form->process( $bad_1 ), 'bad 1' );

my $bad_2 = {
    'title' => "Another Silly Test Book",
    'author' => "C. Foolish",
    'year' => '1590',
    'pages' => 'too few',
    'format' => '22',
ok( !$form->process( $bad_2 ), 'bad 2');
ok( $form->field('year')->has_errors, 'year has error' );
ok( $form->field('pages')->has_errors, 'pages has error' );
ok( !$form->field('author')->has_errors, 'author has no error' );
ok( $form->field('format')->has_errors, 'format has error' );

$form->set_param( year => 1999 );
$form->set_param( pages => 101 );
$form->set_param( format => 2 );
ok( $form->process, 'now form validates' );


Gerda Shank,


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.