POE::XUL::Logging - POE::XUL logging


use POE::Component::XUL;
use POE::Logging;

POE::Component::XUL->spawn( { logging => $destination } );

xlog "I'm doing X";
xwarn "Look at me!"
xcarp "You did that!";
xdebug "Something=$something";


POE::XUL::Logging is a singleton object used by POE::XUL to flexibly dispatch log messages, warnings and debug messages in an application-defined manner. The message destination may be a coderef, a logging object (think Log4Perl), a POE session or POE session/event tuple.

An application does not instanciate the POE::XUL::Logging singleton directly. Rather, this is handled by POE::Component::XUL and controled by the logging parameter to "spawn" in POE::Component::XUL.

Each message has a severity level. POE::XUL::Logging defines the following levels, in order of severity: DEBUG, LOG, REQ, WARN. REQ and LOG are synonyms, the difference being that REQ is for logging a static request, equivalent to apache's access_log.

There is also the SETUP psuedo-level which is used when it is time to open or reopen any log files.


POE::XUL::Logging is configured by a logger parameter that is passed to POE::Component::XUL's spawn method.


Regardless of the logger being used, each message is encapsulated in a message structure. This structure is a hashref with the following keys:


One of DEBUG, LOG, REQ, WARN or SETUP. A logger is expected to handle the message bassed on this field. DEBUG and WARN messages might ignored in a production server. REQ messages might go to a different file then LOG. SETUP messages are used by POE::Component::XUL to tell the logger to open (or reopen) any log files.


Text of the message.


Arrayref of the output of "caller" in perlfunc at the relevant caller-frame-level.

A logger may be one of the following:


POE::Component::XUL->spawn( { logging => \&my_log } );
sub my_log {
    my( $message ) = @_;

$message is described above.


my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( "My::Logger" );
POE::Component::XUL->spawn( { logging => $logger } );

All log messages will be dispatched via the object's log method:

sub log {
    my( $level, $message ) = @_;

$level is the numeric level, compatible with Log::Log4perl. $message is described above.

Note that the object will never be passed a SETUP message.

POE session

POE::Component::XUL->spawn( { logging => $_[SESSION]->id } );

All log messages will be dispatched via the sessions's log event:

sub log {
    my( $self, $message ) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];

$message is described above.

POE session/method tuple

POE::Component::XUL->spawn( { logging => [ $session, $event ] );

All log messages will be dispatched to $session's $event state.

sub log_state {
    my( $heap, $message ) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];

$message is described above.



xlog "Foo", $biff, " bar";


xwarn "This is going badly";


xcarp "Don't do that";

Same as "xwarn", but caller is one frame higher.


xdebug "Do you care";


Philip Gwyn <>


Based on XUL::Node by Ran Eilam.


Copyright 2007-2008 by Philip Gwyn. All rights reserved;

Copyright 2003-2004 Ran Eilam. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


perl(1), POE::XUL, POE::XUL::Node.