Class to handle the products and emit data structures suitable for XML generation.
They has to be passed to the constructor
- sku
- timestamp_string
An arbitrary string (usually a timestamp) which identifies the revision of the product.
- ean
- asin
- title
- description
- brand
- category_code
- product_data
This accessor should contain category-specific structures. This appears to be needed when creating a product which is not present on Amazon.
Example values:
{ CE => { ProductType => { PhoneAccessory => {} } } } { Sports => { ProductType => 'SportingGoods' } }
The exect structure to pass can be determined only looking at the specific xsd file.
Please keep in mind that the category_code has nothing to do with this structure, and doesn't even exist an exact mapping between these categories and the listing categories.
Documentation from Amazon:
Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Reference one or more of the following XSDs to complete the ProductData section (only one category can be used for a given item).
Keep in mind that some of these product categories might not be available for merchants on some Amazon websites. If a product category is available to merchants on a particular Amazon website, then the XSD files for that category are valid for that Amazon website as well.
- inventory
Indicates whether or not an item is available (any positive number = available; 0 = not available). Every time a quantity is sent for an item, the existing quantity is replaced by the new quantity in the feed.
This accessor is read-write because Amazon::MWS::Uploader may want to throttle the inventory. Other code is discouraged to use this as a modifier.
- ship_in_days
The number of days between the order date and the ship date (a whole number between 1 and 30). If not specified the info will not be set and Amazon will use a default of 2 business days, so we use the default of 2 here.
- price
The standard price of the item. If the price is zero, it is assumed to be a product which should be set as inactive without removing it, flipping the inventory to zero and refraining to do pass images/variants/price feeds.
The price is rounded via sprintf '%.2f' by the module.
- currency
Defaults to EUR.
- sale_price
A sale price (optional)
- sale_start
A DateTime object with the sale start date
- sale_end
A DateTime object with the sale end date
- images
An (optional) arrayref of image urls. The first will become the main image, the other one will become the PT1, etc.
- children
An (optional) arraryref of children sku.
- search_terms
An (optional) arrayref of search terms (max 5)
- features
An (optional) arrayref of strings with features (max 5)
- condition
Possible values which validates correctly: Club CollectibleAcceptable CollectibleGood CollectibleLikeNew CollectibleVeryGood New Refurbished UsedAcceptable UsedGood UsedLikeNew UsedVeryGood
Defaults to
- condition_note
An arbitrary string shorter than 2000 characters with comments about the condition.
- manufacturer
Maker of the product (max 50 chars)
- manufacturer_part_number
Part number manufacturer.
- package_weight
Weight of the package.
- package_weight_unit
Unit for the package weight. Possible values are
. Defaults toGR
. - shipping_weight
Weight of the product when packaged to ship.
- shipping_weight_unit
Unit for the package weight for shipping. Possible values are
. Defaults toGR
Return true if the price is 0.
Return true if price is 0 or inventory is 0. Inactive items will not get a price, variants, image feed output.
Return a data structure suitable to feed the Product slot in a Product feed.
Return a data structure suitable to feed the Inventory slot in a Inventory feed. Negative quantities will be normalized to 0. Inactive products will get a quantity of 0.
Return a data structure suitable to feed the Price slot in a Price feed. If it's a inactive product, return nothing so there is a chance that we don't need the price feed at all (if all products are inactive).
Return a data structure suitable to feed the ProductImage slot in a Image feed.
No output if the product is inactive.
- ImageType The type of image (Main, Alternate, or Swatch)
- ImageLocation
The exact location of the image using a full URL (such as Amazon cannot access images stored with a secured URL (https) so be sure to use http instead.
Return a structure suitable for the Relationship feed. No output if the product is inactive.
This is a method, not an accessor. Extract from the condition the string needed by some API calls, where possible values are: New Used Collectible Refurbished Club