Data::Transpose::Validator::Subrefs Validator using custom subroutines

sub custom_sub {
    my $field = shift;
    return $field
      if $field =~ m/\w/;
    return (undef, "Not a \\w");

my $vcr = Data::Transpose::Validator::Subrefs->new( \&custom_sub );

ok($vcr->is_valid("H!"), "Hi! is valid");
ok(!$vcr->is_valid("!"), "! is not");
is($vcr->error, "Not a \\w", "error displayed correctly");


The constructor accepts only one argument, a reference to a subroutine. The class will provide the variable to validate as the first and only argument. The subroutine is expected to return the variable itself on success, or a false value.

To set a custom error, the subroutine in case of error should return 2 elements, where the first should be undefined (see the example above).


Accessor to the subroutine


The call to the validator.