Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Styles - The styles interface
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Data::Dumper;
use MooseX::ShortCut::BuildInstance qw( build_instance );
use Types::Standard qw( ConsumerOf HasMethods Int );
use Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Error;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Styles;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::XMLReader::PositionStyles;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::XMLReader;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::Format::FmtDefault;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::Format::ParseExcelFormatStrings;
use Spreadsheet::Reader::Format;
my $workbook_instance = build_instance(
package => 'Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Workbook',
add_attributes =>{
formatter_inst =>{
isa => ConsumerOf[ 'Spreadsheet::Reader::Format' ],# Interface
writer => 'set_formatter_inst',
reader => 'get_formatter_inst',
predicate => '_has_formatter_inst',
handles => { qw(
get_formatter_region get_excel_region
has_target_encoding has_target_encoding
get_target_encoding get_target_encoding
set_target_encoding set_target_encoding
change_output_encoding change_output_encoding
set_defined_excel_formats set_defined_excel_formats
get_defined_conversion get_defined_conversion
parse_excel_format_string parse_excel_format_string
set_date_behavior set_date_behavior
set_european_first set_european_first
set_formatter_cache_behavior set_cache_behavior
get_excel_region get_excel_region
epoch_year =>{
isa => Int,
reader => 'get_epoch_year',
default => 1904,
error_inst =>{
isa => HasMethods[qw(
error set_error clear_error set_warnings if_warn
) ],
clearer => '_clear_error_inst',
reader => 'get_error_inst',
required => 1,
handles =>[ qw(
error set_error clear_error set_warnings if_warn
) ],
default => sub{ Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Error->new() },
add_methods =>{
get_empty_return_type => sub{ 1 },
my $format_instance = build_instance(
package => 'FormatInstance',
superclasses => [ 'Spreadsheet::Reader::Format::FmtDefault' ],
add_roles_in_sequence =>[qw(
target_encoding => 'latin1',# Adjust the string output encoding here
workbook_inst => $workbook_instance,
$workbook_instance->set_formatter_inst( $format_instance );
my $test_instance = build_instance(
package => 'StylesInterface',
superclasses => ['Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::XMLReader'],
add_roles_in_sequence => [
file => '../../../../t/test_files/xl/styles.xml',,
workbook_inst => $workbook_instance,
print Dumper( $test_instance->get_format( 2 ) );
# SYNOPSIS Screen Output
# 01: $VAR1 = {
# 02: 'cell_style' => {
# 03: 'builtinId' => '0',
# 04: 'xfId' => '0',
# 05: 'name' => 'Normal'
# 06: },
# 07: 'cell_font' => {
# 08: 'name' => 'Calibri',
# 09: 'family' => '2',
# 10: 'scheme' => 'minor',
# 11: 'sz' => '11',
# 12: 'color' => {
# 13: 'theme' => '1'
# 14: }
# 15: },
# 16: 'cell_fill' => {
# 17: 'patternFill' => {
# 18: 'patternType' => 'none'
# 19: }
# 20: },
# 21: 'cell_border' => {
# 22: 'diagonal' => undef,
# 23: 'bottom' => undef,
# 24: 'right' => undef,
# 25: 'top' => undef,
# 26: 'left' => undef
# 27: },
# 28: 'cell_coercion' => bless( {
~~ Skipped 142 lines ~~
#170: 'display_name' => 'Excel_date_164',
#171: 'name' => 'DATESTRING',
#172: }, 'Type::Tiny' ),
#173: 'applyNumberFormat' => '1',
#174: };
This documentation is written to explain ways to use this module. To use the general package for excel parsing out of the box please review the documentation for Workbooks , Worksheets , and Cells.
This role is written as the interface for getting useful data from the sub file 'styles.xml' that is a member of a zipped (.xlsx) archive or a stand alone XML text file containing an equivalent subset of information in the 'Styles' node. The styles.xml file contains the format and display options used by Excel for showing the stored data. The SYNOPSIS shows the (very convoluted) way to get this interface wired up and working. Unless you are trying to rewrite this package don't pay attention to that. The package will build it for you. This interface doesn't hold any of the functionality it just mandates certain behaviors below it. The documentation is the explanation of how the final class should perform when the layers below are correctly implemented.
These are the methods mandated by this interface.
get_format( ($position|$name), [$header], [$exclude_header] )
Definition: This will return the styles information from the identified $position (counting from zero) or $name. The target position is usually drawn from the cell data stored in the worksheet. The information is returned as a perl hash ref. Since the styles data is in two tiers it finds all the subtier information for each indicated piece and appends them to the hash ref as values for each type key.
Accepts position 0: dependant on the role implementation; $position = an integer for the styles $position. (from Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::XMLReader::PositionStyles), $name = a (sub) node name indicating which styles node should be returned (from Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::XMLReader::NamedStyles)
Accepts position 1: $header = the target header key (use the "Attributes" in Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Cell that are cell formats as the definition of range for this.) It will cause only this header subset to be returned
Accepts position 2: $exclude_header = the target header key (use the "Attributes" in Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Cell that are cell formats as the definition of range for this.) It will exclude the header from the returned data set.
Returns: a hash ref of data
get_default_format( [$header], [$exclude_header] )
Definition: For any cell that does not have a unquely identified format excel generally stores a default format for the remainder of the sheet. This will return the two tiered default styles information. The information is returned in the same format as the get_format method.
Accepts position 0: $header = the target header key (use the "Attributes" in Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Cell that are cell formats as the definition of range for this.) It will cause only this header subset to be returned
Accepts position 1: $exclude_header = the target header key (optional at position 2) (use the "Attributes" in Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML::Cell that are cell formats as the definition of range for this.) It will exclude the header from the returned data set.
Returns: a hash ref of data
Definition: When building a styles reader it may be that the file is deformed. This is the way to know if the reader thought the file was good.
Accepts: Nothing
Returns: (1|0)
Data passed to new when creating an instance with this interface. For modification of this(ese) attribute(s) see the listed 'attribute methods'. For more information on attributes see Moose::Manual::Attributes. The easiest way to modify this(ese) attribute(s) is during instance creation before it is passed to the workbook or parser.
Definition: This attribute holds the file handle for the file being read. If the full file name and path is passed to the attribute the class will coerce that into an IO::File file handle.
Default: no default - this must be provided to read a file
Required: yes
Range: any unencrypted styles.xml file name and path or IO::File file handle with that content.
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: change the file value in the attribute (this will reboot the file instance and lock the file)
Definition: Returns the file handle of the file even if a file name was passed
Definition: this is used to see if the file loaded correctly.
Definition: this clears (and unlocks) the file handle
Definition: Especially for sheets with lots of stored formats the parser can slow way down when accessing each postion. This is because the are not stored sequentially and the reader is a JIT linear parser. To go back it must restart and index through each position till it gets to the right place. This is especially true for excel sheets that have experienced any significant level of manual intervention prior to being read. This attribute sets caching (default on) for styles so the parser builds and stores all the styles settings at the beginning. If the file is cached it will close and release the file handle in order to free up some space. (a small win in exchange for the space taken by the cache).
Default: 1 = caching is on
Range: 1|0
Attribute required: yes
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
none - (will be autoset by "cache_positions" in Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML)
1. Nothing yet
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
This software is copyrighted (c) 2016 by Jed Lund
Spreadsheet::Reader::ExcelXML - the package
Spreadsheet::Read - generic Spreadsheet reader
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel - Excel binary version 2003 and earlier (.xls files)
Spreadsheet::XLSX - Excel version 2007 and later
Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX - Excel version 2007 and later
All lines in this package that use Log::Shiras are commented out