MarpaX::Languages::ECMAScript::AST::Grammar::ECMAScript_262_5::Template - Template for ECMAScript_262_5 transpilation using an AST
version 0.017
Generated generic template.
new($class, $optionsp)
Instantiate a new object. Takes as optional argument a reference to a hash that may contain the following key/values:
- g1Callback
G1 callback (CODE ref).
- g1CallbackArgs
G1 callback arguments (ARRAY ref). The g1 callback is called like: &$g1Callback(@{$g1CallbackArgs}, \$rc, $ruleId, $value, $index, $lhs, @rhs), where $value is the AST parse tree value of RHS No $index of this G1 rule number $ruleId, whose full definition is $lhs ::= @rhs. If the callback is defined, this will always be executed first, and it must return a true value putting its eventual result in $rc. Only when it returns true, lexemes are processed.
- lexemeCallback
lexeme callback (CODE ref).
- lexemeCallbackArgs
Lexeme callback arguments (ARRAY ref). The lexeme callback is called like: &$lexemeCallback(@{$lexemeCallbackArgs}, \$rc, $name, $ruleId, $value, $index, $lhs, @rhs), where $value is the AST parse tree value of RHS No $index of this G1 rule number $ruleId, whose full definition is $lhs ::= @rhs. The RHS being a lexeme, $name contains the lexeme's name. If the callback is defined, this will always be executed first, and it must return a true value putting its result in $rc, otherwise default behaviour applies: return the lexeme value as-is.
lexeme($self, $value)
Returns the characters of lexeme inside $value, that is an array reference. C.f. grammar default lexeme action.
indent($self, $inc)
Returns indentation, i.e. two spaces times current number of indentations. Optional $inc is used to change the number of indentations.
transpile($self, $ast)
Tranpiles the $ast AST, that is the parse tree value from Marpa.
G1_0($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 0, i.e. Literal ::= NullLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_1($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 1, i.e. Literal ::= BooleanLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_2($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 2, i.e. Literal ::= NumericLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_3($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 3, i.e. Literal ::= StringLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_4($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 4, i.e. Literal ::= RegularExpressionLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_5($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 5, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= THIS
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_6($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 6, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= IDENTIFIER
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_7($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 7, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= Literal
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_8($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 8, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= ArrayLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_9($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 9, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= ObjectLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_10($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 10, i.e. PrimaryExpression ::= LPAREN Expression RPAREN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_11($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 11, i.e. ArrayLiteral ::= LBRACKET Elisionopt RBRACKET
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_12($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 12, i.e. ArrayLiteral ::= LBRACKET ElementList RBRACKET
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_13($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 13, i.e. ArrayLiteral ::= LBRACKET ElementList COMMA Elisionopt RBRACKET
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_14($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 14, i.e. ElementList ::= Elisionopt AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_15($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 15, i.e. ElementList ::= ElementList COMMA Elisionopt AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_16($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 16, i.e. Elision ::= COMMA
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_17($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 17, i.e. Elision ::= Elision COMMA
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_18($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 18, i.e. Elisionopt ::= Elision
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_19($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 19, i.e. Elisionopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_20($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 20, i.e. ObjectLiteral ::= LCURLY RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_21($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 21, i.e. ObjectLiteral ::= LCURLY PropertyNameAndValueList RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_22($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 22, i.e. ObjectLiteral ::= LCURLY PropertyNameAndValueList COMMA RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_23($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 23, i.e. PropertyNameAndValueList ::= PropertyAssignment
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_24($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 24, i.e. PropertyNameAndValueList ::= PropertyNameAndValueList COMMA PropertyAssignment
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_25($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 25, i.e. PropertyAssignment ::= PropertyName COLON AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_26($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 26, i.e. PropertyAssignment ::= GET PropertyName LPAREN RPAREN LCURLY FunctionBody RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_27($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 27, i.e. PropertyAssignment ::= SET PropertyName LPAREN PropertySetParameterList RPAREN LCURLY FunctionBody RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_28($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 28, i.e. PropertyName ::= IDENTIFIERNAME
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_29($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 29, i.e. PropertyName ::= StringLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_30($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 30, i.e. PropertyName ::= NumericLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_31($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 31, i.e. PropertySetParameterList ::= IDENTIFIER
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_32($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 32, i.e. MemberExpression ::= PrimaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_33($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 33, i.e. MemberExpression ::= FunctionExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_34($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 34, i.e. MemberExpression ::= MemberExpression LBRACKET Expression RBRACKET
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_35($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 35, i.e. MemberExpression ::= MemberExpression DOT IDENTIFIERNAME
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_36($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 36, i.e. MemberExpression ::= NEW MemberExpression Arguments
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_37($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 37, i.e. NewExpression ::= MemberExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_38($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 38, i.e. NewExpression ::= NEW NewExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_39($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 39, i.e. CallExpression ::= MemberExpression Arguments
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_40($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 40, i.e. CallExpression ::= CallExpression Arguments
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_41($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 41, i.e. CallExpression ::= CallExpression LBRACKET Expression RBRACKET
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_42($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 42, i.e. CallExpression ::= CallExpression DOT IDENTIFIERNAME
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_43($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 43, i.e. Arguments ::= LPAREN RPAREN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_44($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 44, i.e. Arguments ::= LPAREN ArgumentList RPAREN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_45($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 45, i.e. ArgumentList ::= AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_46($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 46, i.e. ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList COMMA AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_47($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 47, i.e. LeftHandSideExpression ::= NewExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_48($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 48, i.e. LeftHandSideExpression ::= CallExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_49($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 49, i.e. PostfixExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_50($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 50, i.e. PostfixExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression PLUSPLUS_POSTFIX
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_51($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 51, i.e. PostfixExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression MINUSMINUS_POSTFIX
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_52($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 52, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= PostfixExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_53($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 53, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= DELETE UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_54($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 54, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= VOID UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_55($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 55, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= TYPEOF UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_56($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 56, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= PLUSPLUS UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_57($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 57, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= MINUSMINUS UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_58($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 58, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= PLUS UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_59($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 59, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= MINUS UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_60($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 60, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= INVERT UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_61($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 61, i.e. UnaryExpression ::= NOT UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_62($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 62, i.e. MultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_63($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 63, i.e. MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression MUL UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_64($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 64, i.e. MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression DIV UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_65($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 65, i.e. MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression MODULUS UnaryExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_66($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 66, i.e. AdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_67($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 67, i.e. AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression PLUS MultiplicativeExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_68($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 68, i.e. AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression MINUS MultiplicativeExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_69($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 69, i.e. ShiftExpression ::= AdditiveExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_70($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 70, i.e. ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression LEFTMOVE AdditiveExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_71($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 71, i.e. ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression RIGHTMOVE AdditiveExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_72($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 72, i.e. ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression RIGHTMOVEFILL AdditiveExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_73($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 73, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_74($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 74, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression LT ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_75($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 75, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression GT ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_76($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 76, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression LE ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_77($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 77, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression GE ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_78($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 78, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression INSTANCEOF ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_79($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 79, i.e. RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression IN ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_80($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 80, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_81($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 81, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn LT ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_82($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 82, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn GT ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_83($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 83, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn LE ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_84($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 84, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn GE ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_85($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 85, i.e. RelationalExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn INSTANCEOF ShiftExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_86($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 86, i.e. EqualityExpression ::= RelationalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_87($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 87, i.e. EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression EQ RelationalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_88($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 88, i.e. EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression NE RelationalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_89($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 89, i.e. EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression STRICTEQ RelationalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_90($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 90, i.e. EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression STRICTNE RelationalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_91($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 91, i.e. EqualityExpressionNoIn ::= RelationalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_92($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 92, i.e. EqualityExpressionNoIn ::= EqualityExpressionNoIn EQ RelationalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_93($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 93, i.e. EqualityExpressionNoIn ::= EqualityExpressionNoIn NE RelationalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_94($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 94, i.e. EqualityExpressionNoIn ::= EqualityExpressionNoIn STRICTEQ RelationalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_95($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 95, i.e. EqualityExpressionNoIn ::= EqualityExpressionNoIn STRICTNE RelationalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_96($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 96, i.e. BitwiseANDExpression ::= EqualityExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_97($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 97, i.e. BitwiseANDExpression ::= BitwiseANDExpression BITAND EqualityExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_98($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 98, i.e. BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn ::= EqualityExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_99($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 99, i.e. BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn BITAND EqualityExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_100($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 100, i.e. BitwiseXORExpression ::= BitwiseANDExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_101($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 101, i.e. BitwiseXORExpression ::= BitwiseXORExpression BITXOR BitwiseANDExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_102($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 102, i.e. BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_103($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 103, i.e. BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn BITXOR BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_104($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 104, i.e. BitwiseORExpression ::= BitwiseXORExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_105($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 105, i.e. BitwiseORExpression ::= BitwiseORExpression BITOR BitwiseXORExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_106($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 106, i.e. BitwiseORExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_107($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 107, i.e. BitwiseORExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseORExpressionNoIn BITOR BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_108($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 108, i.e. LogicalANDExpression ::= BitwiseORExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_109($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 109, i.e. LogicalANDExpression ::= LogicalANDExpression AND BitwiseORExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_110($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 110, i.e. LogicalANDExpressionNoIn ::= BitwiseORExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_111($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 111, i.e. LogicalANDExpressionNoIn ::= LogicalANDExpressionNoIn AND BitwiseORExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_112($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 112, i.e. LogicalORExpression ::= LogicalANDExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_113($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 113, i.e. LogicalORExpression ::= LogicalORExpression OR LogicalANDExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_114($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 114, i.e. LogicalORExpressionNoIn ::= LogicalANDExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_115($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 115, i.e. LogicalORExpressionNoIn ::= LogicalORExpressionNoIn OR LogicalANDExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_116($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 116, i.e. ConditionalExpression ::= LogicalORExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_117($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 117, i.e. ConditionalExpression ::= LogicalORExpression QUESTION_MARK AssignmentExpression COLON AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_118($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 118, i.e. ConditionalExpressionNoIn ::= LogicalORExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_119($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 119, i.e. ConditionalExpressionNoIn ::= LogicalORExpressionNoIn QUESTION_MARK AssignmentExpression COLON AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_120($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 120, i.e. AssignmentExpression ::= ConditionalExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_121($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 121, i.e. AssignmentExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression ASSIGN AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_122($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 122, i.e. AssignmentExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_123($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 123, i.e. AssignmentExpressionNoIn ::= ConditionalExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_124($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 124, i.e. AssignmentExpressionNoIn ::= LeftHandSideExpression ASSIGN AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_125($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 125, i.e. AssignmentExpressionNoIn ::= LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_126($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 126, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= MULASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_127($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 127, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= DIVASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_128($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 128, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= MODULUSASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_129($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 129, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= PLUSASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_130($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 130, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= MINUSASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_131($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 131, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= LEFTMOVEASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_132($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 132, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= RIGHTMOVEASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_133($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 133, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= RIGHTMOVEFILLASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_134($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 134, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= BITANDASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_135($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 135, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= BITXORASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_136($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 136, i.e. AssignmentOperator ::= BITORASSIGN
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_137($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 137, i.e. Expression ::= AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_138($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 138, i.e. Expression ::= Expression COMMA AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_139($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 139, i.e. ExpressionNoIn ::= AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_140($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 140, i.e. ExpressionNoIn ::= ExpressionNoIn COMMA AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_141($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 141, i.e. Statement ::= Block
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_142($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 142, i.e. Statement ::= VariableStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_143($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 143, i.e. Statement ::= EmptyStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_144($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 144, i.e. Statement ::= ExpressionStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_145($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 145, i.e. Statement ::= IfStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_146($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 146, i.e. Statement ::= IterationStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_147($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 147, i.e. Statement ::= ContinueStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_148($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 148, i.e. Statement ::= BreakStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_149($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 149, i.e. Statement ::= ReturnStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_150($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 150, i.e. Statement ::= WithStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_151($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 151, i.e. Statement ::= LabelledStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_152($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 152, i.e. Statement ::= SwitchStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_153($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 153, i.e. Statement ::= ThrowStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_154($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 154, i.e. Statement ::= TryStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_155($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 155, i.e. Statement ::= DebuggerStatement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_156($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 156, i.e. Block ::= LCURLY StatementListopt RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_157($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 157, i.e. StatementList ::= Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_158($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 158, i.e. StatementList ::= StatementList Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_159($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 159, i.e. VariableStatement ::= VAR VariableDeclarationList SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_160($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 160, i.e. VariableDeclarationList ::= VariableDeclaration
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_161($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 161, i.e. VariableDeclarationList ::= VariableDeclarationList COMMA VariableDeclaration
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_162($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 162, i.e. VariableDeclarationListNoIn ::= VariableDeclarationNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_163($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 163, i.e. VariableDeclarationListNoIn ::= VariableDeclarationListNoIn COMMA VariableDeclarationNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_164($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 164, i.e. VariableDeclaration ::= IDENTIFIER Initialiseropt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_165($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 165, i.e. VariableDeclarationNoIn ::= IDENTIFIER InitialiserNoInopt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_166($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 166, i.e. Initialiseropt ::= Initialiser
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_167($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 167, i.e. Initialiseropt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_168($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 168, i.e. Initialiser ::= ASSIGN AssignmentExpression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_169($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 169, i.e. InitialiserNoInopt ::= InitialiserNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_170($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 170, i.e. InitialiserNoInopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_171($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 171, i.e. InitialiserNoIn ::= ASSIGN AssignmentExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_172($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 172, i.e. EmptyStatement ::= VISIBLE_SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_173($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 173, i.e. ExpressionStatement ::= Expression SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_174($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 174, i.e. IfStatement ::= IF LPAREN Expression RPAREN Statement ELSE Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_175($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 175, i.e. IfStatement ::= IF LPAREN Expression RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_176($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 176, i.e. ExpressionNoInopt ::= ExpressionNoIn
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_177($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 177, i.e. ExpressionNoInopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_178($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 178, i.e. Expressionopt ::= Expression
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_179($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 179, i.e. Expressionopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_180($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 180, i.e. IterationStatement ::= DO Statement WHILE LPAREN Expression RPAREN SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_181($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 181, i.e. IterationStatement ::= WHILE LPAREN Expression RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_182($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 182, i.e. IterationStatement ::= FOR LPAREN ExpressionNoInopt VISIBLE_SEMICOLON Expressionopt VISIBLE_SEMICOLON Expressionopt RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_183($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 183, i.e. IterationStatement ::= FOR LPAREN VAR VariableDeclarationListNoIn VISIBLE_SEMICOLON Expressionopt VISIBLE_SEMICOLON Expressionopt RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_184($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 184, i.e. IterationStatement ::= FOR LPAREN LeftHandSideExpression IN Expression RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_185($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 185, i.e. IterationStatement ::= FOR LPAREN VAR VariableDeclarationNoIn IN Expression RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_186($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 186, i.e. ContinueStatement ::= CONTINUE SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_187($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 187, i.e. ContinueStatement ::= CONTINUE INVISIBLE_SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_188($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 188, i.e. ContinueStatement ::= CONTINUE IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_189($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 189, i.e. BreakStatement ::= BREAK SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_190($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 190, i.e. BreakStatement ::= BREAK INVISIBLE_SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_191($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 191, i.e. BreakStatement ::= BREAK IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_192($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 192, i.e. ReturnStatement ::= RETURN SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_193($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 193, i.e. ReturnStatement ::= RETURN INVISIBLE_SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_194($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 194, i.e. ReturnStatement ::= RETURN Expression SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_195($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 195, i.e. WithStatement ::= WITH LPAREN Expression RPAREN Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_196($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 196, i.e. SwitchStatement ::= SWITCH LPAREN Expression RPAREN CaseBlock
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_197($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 197, i.e. CaseBlock ::= LCURLY CaseClausesopt RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_198($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 198, i.e. CaseBlock ::= LCURLY CaseClausesopt DefaultClause CaseClausesopt RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_199($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 199, i.e. CaseClausesopt ::= CaseClauses
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_200($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 200, i.e. CaseClausesopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_201($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 201, i.e. CaseClauses ::= CaseClause
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_202($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 202, i.e. CaseClauses ::= CaseClauses CaseClause
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_203($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 203, i.e. CaseClause ::= CASE Expression COLON StatementListopt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_204($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 204, i.e. StatementListopt ::= StatementList
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_205($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 205, i.e. StatementListopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_206($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 206, i.e. DefaultClause ::= DEFAULT COLON StatementListopt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_207($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 207, i.e. LabelledStatement ::= IDENTIFIER COLON Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_208($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 208, i.e. ThrowStatement ::= THROW Expression SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_209($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 209, i.e. TryStatement ::= TRY Block Catch
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_210($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 210, i.e. TryStatement ::= TRY Block Finally
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_211($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 211, i.e. TryStatement ::= TRY Block Catch Finally
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_212($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 212, i.e. Catch ::= CATCH LPAREN IDENTIFIER RPAREN Block
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_213($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 213, i.e. Finally ::= FINALLY Block
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_214($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 214, i.e. DebuggerStatement ::= DEBUGGER SEMICOLON
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_215($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 215, i.e. FunctionDeclaration ::= FUNCTION IDENTIFIER LPAREN FormalParameterListopt RPAREN LCURLY FunctionBody RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_216($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 216, i.e. Identifieropt ::= IDENTIFIER
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_217($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 217, i.e. Identifieropt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_218($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 218, i.e. FunctionExpression ::= FUNCTION Identifieropt LPAREN FormalParameterListopt RPAREN LCURLY FunctionBody RCURLY
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_219($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 219, i.e. FormalParameterListopt ::= FormalParameterList
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_220($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 220, i.e. FormalParameterListopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_221($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 221, i.e. FormalParameterList ::= IDENTIFIER
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_222($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 222, i.e. FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList COMMA IDENTIFIER
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_223($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 223, i.e. SourceElementsopt ::= SourceElements
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_224($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 224, i.e. SourceElementsopt ::=
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_225($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 225, i.e. FunctionBody ::= SourceElementsopt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_226($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 226, i.e. Program ::= SourceElementsopt
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_227($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 227, i.e. SourceElements ::= SourceElement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_228($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 228, i.e. SourceElements ::= SourceElements SourceElement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_229($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 229, i.e. SourceElement ::= Statement
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_230($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 230, i.e. SourceElement ::= FunctionDeclaration
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_231($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 231, i.e. NullLiteral ::= NULL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_232($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 232, i.e. BooleanLiteral ::= TRUE
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_233($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 233, i.e. BooleanLiteral ::= FALSE
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_234($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 234, i.e. StringLiteral ::= STRINGLITERAL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_235($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 235, i.e. RegularExpressionLiteral ::= REGULAREXPRESSIONLITERAL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_236($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 236, i.e. NumericLiteral ::= DecimalLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_237($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 237, i.e. NumericLiteral ::= HexIntegerLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_238($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 238, i.e. NumericLiteral ::= OctalIntegerLiteral
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_239($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 239, i.e. DecimalLiteral ::= DECIMALLITERAL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_240($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 240, i.e. HexIntegerLiteral ::= HEXINTEGERLITERAL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_241($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 241, i.e. OctalIntegerLiteral ::= OCTALINTEGERLITERAL
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
G1_242($self, $value, $index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No 242, i.e. [:start] ::= Program
$value is the value of RHS No $index (starting at 0).
Jean-Damien Durand <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.