Module::Generic::DateTime - A DateTime wrapper for enhanced features


use Module::Generic::DateTime;
my $dt = DateTime->new;
my $gdt = Module::Generic::DateTime->new( $dt );
# Now you can do operations that are not normally possible with DateTime
# Compare a dt object with a unix timestamp
if( $gdt > time() )
    # do something
elsif( $gdt < '2020-03-01 07:12:10+0900' )
    # do something
# and of course, comparison with other dt works as before
elsif( $gdt >= $dt )
    # do something

# Remove 10 seconds from time object
$gdt -= 10;
# Add 5 seconds and get a new object
my $dt2 = $gdt + 5;

# Get the difference as an interval between two objects
my $interval = $dt1 - $dt2;
# DateTime::Duration are represented by Module::Generic::DateTime::Interval
# and extra manipulations are possible
# Add 7 seconds
$int += 7;
# Change the days
$int->days( 5 );
# or using lvalue
$int->days = 5;
# or multiply everything (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and nanoseconds) in the interval by 2
$int *= 2
# Multiply one interval by another:
my $new_interval = $int1 * $int2;
# or multiply with assignment
$int1 *= $int2;
# Then add the interval to the datetime object
$dt += $int;




NAME - Module::Generic::DateTime