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Net::API::Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit - The ReceivedCredit object





ReceivedCredits represent funds sent to a FinancialAccount (for example, via ACH or wire). These money movements are not initiated from the FinancialAccount.


id string

Unique identifier for the object.

object string

String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

amount integer

Amount (in cents) transferred.

created timestamp

Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

currency currency

Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.

description string

An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.

failure_code string

Reason for the failure. A ReceivedCredit might fail because the receiving FinancialAccount is closed or frozen.

financial_account string

The FinancialAccount that received the funds.

hosted_regulatory_receipt_url string

A hosted transaction receipt URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses.

initiating_payment_method_details hash

Details about the PaymentMethod used to send a ReceivedCredit.

It has the following properties:

balance string

Set when type is balance.

billing_details hash

The contact details of the person or business referenced by the received payment method details.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Details object.

financial_account hash

Set when type is financial_account. This is a FinancialAccount ID.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.

issuing_card string

Set when type is issuing_card. This is an Issuing Card ID.

type string

Polymorphic type matching the originating money movement's source. This can be an external account, a Stripe balance, or a FinancialAccount.

us_bank_account hash

Set when type is us_bank_account.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank object.

linked_flows hash

Other flows linked to a ReceivedCredit.

It has the following properties:

credit_reversal string

The CreditReversal created as a result of this ReceivedCredit being reversed.

issuing_authorization string

Set if the ReceivedCredit was created due to an Issuing Authorization object.

issuing_transaction string

Set if the ReceivedCredit is also viewable as an Issuing transaction object.

source_flow string

ID of the source flow. Set if network is stripe and the source flow is visible to the user. Examples of source flows include OutboundPayments, payouts, or CreditReversals.

source_flow_details hash

The expandable object of the source flow.

credit_reversal hash

Details about a CreditReversal.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Treasury::CreditReversal object.

outbound_payment hash

Details about an OutboundPayment.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment object.

payout hash

Details about a Payout.

type string

The type of the source flow that originated the ReceivedCredit.

source_flow_type string

The type of flow that originated the ReceivedCredit (for example, outbound_payment).

livemode boolean

Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

network string

The rails used to send the funds.

reversal_details hash

Details describing when a ReceivedCredit may be reversed.

It has the following properties:

deadline timestamp

Time before which a ReceivedCredit can be reversed.

restricted_reason string

Set if a ReceivedCredit cannot be reversed.

status string

Status of the ReceivedCredit. ReceivedCredits are created either succeeded (approved) or failed (declined). If a ReceivedCredit is declined, the failure reason can be found in the failure_code field.

transaction expandable

The Transaction associated with this object.

When expanded this is an Net::API::Stripe::Treasury::Transaction object.


[ { "amount" : "1234", "created" : "1662261086", "currency" : "usd", "description" : "Stripe Test", "failure_code" : null, "financial_account" : "fa_1Le9F32eZvKYlo2CjbQcDQUE", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url" : "", "id" : "rc_1Le9F42eZvKYlo2CM2wIU5bz", "initiating_payment_method_details" : { "billing_details" : { "address" : { "city" : null, "country" : null, "line1" : null, "line2" : null, "postal_code" : null, "state" : null }, "email" : null, "name" : "Jane Austen" }, "type" : "us_bank_account", "us_bank_account" : { "bank_name" : "STRIPE TEST BANK", "last4" : "6789", "routing_number" : "110000000" } }, "linked_flows" : { "credit_reversal" : null, "issuing_authorization" : null, "issuing_transaction" : null, "source_flow" : null, "source_flow_type" : null }, "livemode" : 0, "network" : "ach", "object" : "treasury.received_credit", "reversal_details" : { "deadline" : "1662508800", "restricted_reason" : null }, "status" : "succeeded", "transaction" : "trxn_1Le9F32eZvKYlo2C2dtkse82" } ]



Initial version


Jacques Deguest <>


Stripe API documentation


Copyright (c) 2019-2022 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.