Apache2::REST::Handler - Base class for a resource handler.


A Handler object is build for each fragment of the URI, and objects are chained via the attibute parent.

You _must_ implement at list one Handler class to handle the root URI of your application and set it in your apache conf by : PerlSetVar Apache2RESTHandlerRootClass "MyApp::REST::API" (for instance).

You _must_ implement at least one HTTP method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE ...).

They will be called by the framework like this (for instance):

$this->GET($request,$response) ;

$request is an Apache2::REST::Request (which is a subclass of Apache2::Request). $response is an Apache2::REST::Response

Each method must return a valid Apache2::Const::HTTP_* code. Typically Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK when everything went smoothly.

See for a list.

You _must_ implement at least one isAuth method along the URI. Typically if you want to allow GET by default:

sub isAuth{ my ( $self , $method , $req  ) = @ _; return $method eq 'GET' ;}

See Apache2::REST for a full working handler example.


Helper to get the class of this (or this class).


Handles a request and does the framework magic. Override at your own risks.


This method is responsible for building the handler handling the next fragment. It is given the fragment to build an handler for as well as the Request.

The default implementation builds a handler of class $this->class().'::'.$frag

It _must_ return undef when the resource is not found.

Called like this by the framework:

$this->buildNext($frag , $req ) ;

Overriding use cases:

- Build a dynamic handler. For instance if the fragment is an item ID, you might want to build an item handler with this particular item. See Apache2::REST::Handler::test for an example.

- Rerouting outside of the handler classes space. If you want to escape the default class resolution mecanism.


Given a method and a request, returns true if this method is allowed.

The default implementation delegates to the parent.

Nothing is allowed by default. So you need to override this method at least once.

It is called by the framework like this (for instance):

$this->isAuth('GET' , $req) ;


You can override this in subclasses. Do not forget to call $class->SUPER::new() ;


Returns true if this handler handles the application top level.


if ( $this->isTopLevel() ){ .. }


Returns the root handler processing this request.


Seek for a handler of the given class along the parent path. Returns the first handler found or undef if nothing found.


my $handler = $self->seekByClass('My::REST::API::myclass') ;